The Luck O The Irish: The Resurgence Of Irish Baby Names
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
If you’re expecting but can’t decide on what to name your precious bundle of joy, you may want to follow what seems to be one of the latest Hollywood trends, and go with a “lucky” Irish baby name.
From Maggie, Molly, and Tracie to Aidan, Ciaren (pronounced “keer-in”), and Conor, celebrities and “commoners” alike are being charmed by these traditional monikers that leave mommies and daddies contemplating baby names, green with envy.
For 2005 it seems that for boys, Sean, Shane, Kevin, Cole, and Brian topped the charts; while for girls it was Siobhan (pronounced “Shiv-awn”), Aisling, Tara, Deirdre, Baily, Maureen, Mackenzie, Kaitlyn, and Eileen.
Ironically enough however, previous popular Irish names such as Colleen and Megan waned in popularity. Colleen probably because when directly translated into Gaelic simply means “girl”, and Megan is Greek and NOT Irish at all.
And whether you’re Irish or Not, you can always take advantage of the popular names and the traditions used in choosing them.
Boy's Names:
· Eldest son is named after the father’s father
· Second son named after the mother’s father
· Third son named after the father
· Fourth son named after the father’s oldest brother
Girl's Names:
· Eldest girl named after the mother’s mother
· Second girl named after the father’s mother
· Third daughter named after the mother
· Fourth daughter named after the mother’s oldest sister
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
The Luck O The Irish: The Resurgence Of Irish Baby Names