With Absolute Resolve: Things Your Should Resolve To Do In The Next Year
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
I recently tuned into a show on the radio in which the commentator was noting that the problem with society is that we tell people that they need to love themselves more, when in reality most of us need to be a little less selfish and a little more selfless.
Yet, according to some experts, there are certain indulgences we should feel good about taking advantage of. And, they say the following are some pleasures we shouldn’t pass up in the upcoming year.
1. Get “Confrontational”: Rather than walking away from conflict in an effort to be “politically” and “politely” correct, you may just want to ease you mind and your stress by calling out your offender. Without being rude or offensive, pull the plug on bad behavior.
2. Invest In A Professional: Sure you may be able to “do it all”, but at what cost. Are you compromising your health, your sanity, or some precious time with friends and/or family? Consider instead, without compromising your savings or finances, hiring a professional to do chores that take up too much time or that you hate.
3. Take An Extended Leave Of Absence: Forget a long weekend getaway or a week long vacation; you can enjoy one of those almost any time. Instead consider saving up company time (off) and enjoying a ten to 12 day vacation with that special someone or your family. Remember, hard work is commendable, but all work and no play makes Jack or Jane a dull boy or girl. So, if you’re going to work hard, you may want to consider playing hard as well. And, it you can’t take it all at once, break it up into a series of long weekends with and added day here and there. It even makes going back to work easier to bear, after all you’ll only have four days to get to the weekend instead of five.
4. Start With A Clean Slate: Regardless of how many emails you’ve reserved to respond to or refer to later, if you haven’t looked at them in over a week or two, chances are you won’t. So, set aside some time, either all at once, or a little at a time to delete your entire in-box. In fact, according to experts, anything over three-days old is outdated anyway, or making it’s rounds again.
5. Allow Yourself To Live In “Luxury”: Even if you can’t afford everything you want all at once, give yourself permission to splurge on one thing you really want, especially for yourself. Consider that designer bag or pair of shoes. Or, if you each can’t afford to splurge, pick a gender-neutral item for your home. Ironically, studies suggest that buying based on gut feeling leave us feeling happier for longer than those made based on what’s logical and practical.
6. Do One Thing At A Time: In this fast-paced world of multi-tasking, consider slowing down the pace and doing one thing at a time but really devoting yourself to it and enjoying it.
7. Decline An Invitation: While you’d walk half way around the world for your BFF or family the guy or gal at work that’s invited you to their destination wedding is just not how YOU foresee using up your vacation days. Allow yourself the right to say “no”, just remember to be polite and give a card and a gift.
8. Ask Someone Out: No, not in the romantic sense, but in the platonic sense, especially if you and you and your mate are in need of more and/or new friends. Don’t be shy, if there is someone you “click” with or think would make great friend material, try to find out what that person or couple is into and suggest you all get together for some fun.
9. Stay True To You: No one is suggesting that you remain closed-minded or refuse to learn from others or consider what they are saying, but not at the risk of compromising yourself. Unless you’ve done something drastically wrong, you should never feel “obliged” to apologize just because someone else disagreed with you. Chronic apologizing is a bad habit and trains you to belittle yourself and believe you are wrong when you aren’t. But, if you must say something, try please excuse me, or nothing at all.
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With Absolute Resolve: Things Your Should Resolve To Do In The Next Year