Feel The Burn:,/u> Effectively Alleviating Burnout
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We all know that stress and stressing out (especially over the small stuff) can be detrimental to our health. On the other hand we are constantly surrounded by stressors. From our jobs and our family and friends to all those people we encounter, it’s all enough to overwhelm us and land us into emotional burnout due to overload.
And, it is often characterized by:
· Anger at those making demands
· Having a negative outlook and a complaining and irritable spirit
· Having a low tolerance threshold
· Chronic fatigue, exhaustion, tiredness
· Frequent headaches
· Weight gain or loss
· Sleeplessness and depression
And, while an 80s tune told us that it was better to “burn out” than fade away, most of us now know better.
Still, steering completely clear of stress is unrealistic, but learning how to cope with it, is not. Here are some helpful hints.
1. Mind Over Matter: Consider if your stress is being caused by doing something you don’t like to do, but have to.
Create a picture in your mind of a happier place and allow your focus to shift to this. This lucid daydreaming often helps alleviate the stress while at the same time allowing you to complete what you have to with less anxiety and frustration.
2. Diet Dynamics: No one is suggesting you literally go on a diet, but you may want to change your eating habits so that you can thrive mentally and physically.
Consider adding Ginseng (available at most health food stores) to your food or drinking it as a tea for added energy. Ginseng comes in a variety levels of potency, and, according to experts, the stronger, the better for your physical and mental performance.
3. Allow It To Run its Course: Often times taking a timeout it your best bet. Give yourself some time to regain your composure. Set aside a few moments to calm down or to shift your focus or come up with a better ‘game plan”. After all it’s not YOU against your mind. Acknowledging your emotions and de4aling with them on that level is preferable.
4. Clear Your Mind: Stop yourself from thinking so much. Turn on the tube, read a book; do anything to get your mind off what’s causing your stress. You can always go back to it later.
5. Pick Up a Hobby: Find something that exonerates you from emotional drain. Know when to call it quits, at least for the moment and shift to something that is guaranteed to bring you more peace and pleasure.
6. Develop a Relaxing Ritual: Run yourself a hot bath or pay a visit to your local spa. Turn on some relaxing music and maybe even light some soothing scented candles that can cure your “blues”.
7. Give Yourself Some C-curity: Stay cool, calm and collected, maintaining an upbeat and positive attitude to help you beat burn
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Feel The Burn:,/u> Effectively Alleviating Burnout