Decoding The Secrets Of Sex Appeal: What Really Makes A Man Attractive
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
We were all told by our mothers that “meeting” a man was the “easy” part, the keeping him is what was difficult. Well the same rule applies to women and we all know how difficult meeting one AND keeping one can be.
Contrary to popular beliefs the most popular men and the most respected husbands are ironically not the ones with Hollywood looks, but the ones who have refined the art of intrinsic attractiveness that goes well behind what you initially SEE superficially.
The Responsible Rogue: We all want our men to be fun-loving and can make us laugh. But, most of us also want men who are sensible, serious and responsible. After all if you can’t take care of yourself and your own life, how can you compliment ours?
The Gentle Gentleman: Strong and “opinionated” is one thing, arrogant is yet another. In fact, have a bit of reservation; subtle shyness, being a bit demure and maintaining humbleness and humility are among the greatest human virtues. And don’t think that humbleness and confidence can’t go hand in had, after all it takes a very strong and confident man to show his more subtle side.
Let Your Guard Down: Dressing to impress is one thing, but stressing to impress by always being up uptight and rigid is another. Speak softly, relax your shoulders and maintain a sincere smile. Being uptight just makes you look uneasy and unreliable.
Remember, Little Things Mean A Lot: You don’t necessarily have to wine and dine your women to keep her interested or impressed. Impress her instead by being kind but adding a bit of ruggedness to your kindness. Sure you’ll mop the floor for her, but when she can’t make up her mind, don’t hesitate to jump in and take the lead, instead of incessantly waiting for her to make up her mind and decide. Remember, there’s a big difference between being pushy and taking charge. Find a happy balance and you’ll have a very well balanced relationship.
Be Charming And Amusing: Even when and if you’ve got lots on your mind, try to make the most of your time together and of every scenario and situation. Remember, keeping let her be herself and show support and you won’t have to worry about keeping the fires burning, they automatically will.
Diversify Your Personality: Stay fresh and exciting by staying well rounded by polishing your knowledge, manners, and inner strength. And, it wouldn’t hurt to keep up with some of the stuff you know is important and interesting to her.
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Decoding The Secrets Of Sex Appeal: What Really Makes A Man Attractive