Take Two: What To Expect From Your Second Trimester
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
You’ve braved and survived your first three months of pregnancy. And maybe now you’ve even gained the confidence to tell a few people, or maybe the symptoms from Trimester One gave you away and helped them figure it out.
Congratulations you’ve entered what’s commonly known as your “honeymoon” period. This is the name given to week 13 to week 27 of your pregnancy because generally speaking morning sickness subsides, emotions plateau and for those ladies who “lost it”, your sex drive makes a comeback. In addition, it’s during this span of time that you begin to experience your child’s first movements. Wondering what else to expect, we’ve got the answers.
1. Feeling Sick Comes To A Stop: Experts note that generally speaking the morning sickness subsides and those who still fee a little queasy can typically talk to their physicians about quelling the queasiness with some vitamin B6. However, you may start to experience some discomfort in your tummy as your uterus expands and grows, stretching surrounding ligaments.
2. Making “Contact”: For the duration of your first trimester, it likely your baby was pretty much “un-noticable”, but during these next three months, he or she will begin to show significant signs of life. In fact, at or about the 12 week mark, you doctor will be able to detect a heartbeat and you’ll be able to see notable changes to.
· At about 16 to 20 weeks you’ll begin to feel your little one move around inside you, and occurrence known as “quickiening”.
· By the end of your second trimester, your may experience what referred to as repeated “blips” in your abdominal region…a perfectly normal experience of your baby experiencing hiccups.
3. Easily Out Of Breath: At this stage of pregnancy, even some basic activities such as walking or cleaning the house can leave your “breathless”. Experts note that this is considered normal, since your growing uterus continues to constrict your lungs, making it harder for air to make its way in and out. For those concerned about the severity of their windedness, experts suggest consulting with your doctor.
4. A New You: All along your have been experiencing changes in your physical appearance, even before you got pregnant. You body likely changed during puberty, as a result of intimacy, and as a factor of “maturity”. Now you’re likely to see some more changes in your physical appearance. By week 16 it’s highly likely you’ll not only start showing but need to invest in some maternity clothes, primarily because of your burgeoning waistline and widening hips. And, by this time many ladies have already gained between 16 and 22 pounds, even though you baby can only lay claim to two of those. And, you’ll also likely begin to see stretch mark, most of which will fade almost “completely” after you’ve given birth.
5. A Range Of Emotions: While you body’s hormones are still working overtime, experts note that your body has had three months to assimilate, so you may find you’ve reached some kind of (emotional) “balance”. However, your changing figure may have you a little “freaked out” and concerned about long term effects that baby is making on your body. Beat the body blues by:
· Treating yourself well, including pampering yourself with fitness, facials, spa treatments, and some cute new clothes that will make you feel like a “hot mamma”
· Celebrate your new look by basking in the glory of your baby.
6. Nighttime Nightmares: As your due date approaches and the idea of motherhood becomes more of a reality, so too may your concerns and fears increase leading to a more “restless” sleep wraught with startling dreams. According to experts, Rosemary’s Baby is among the most common “concerns” for moms-to-be during the second trimester. But, don’t get too anxious over your anxiety, its actually quite common.
7. Revived Sex Drive: Not every woman loses her desire for intimacy and sex in the first trimester, but for those that “do”, there is good news. By the time you reach trimester two, you may find yourself feeling a bit more “frisky”. Experts say that your body is busy producing estrogen with the ovaries making as much in one day as a non-pregnant woman’s make in three years. And, since the morning sickness and the fatigue have come to a halt, you may have more desire and energy for intimacy. In fact, many ladies can become so aroused that their sex drive goes into overdrive, perhaps for the first time in their life.
8. Help “Shape” Your Future: Stay healthy and in shape by keeping active, especially as nausea subsides and you are no longer feeling confined to fit in fitness. Experts suggest gently exercises including:
· Kegels: strengthen the muscles in your lower region to help facilitate pushing during labor while also limiting the chances of incontinence after. They suggest squeezing your muscles in a fashion that would block urine midstream. Hold and repeat.
· Prenatal yoga: Designed for moms to be and their changing physiques it helps you stay in shape and meet other moms as well.
· Jump in the pool: Well, not literally, but swimming and water aerobics are both highly recommend low-impact ways to stay in shape.
· Take it in stride: Take daily walks, even if it’s just around your neighborhood to get the blood flowing and pumping, boosting your mood and your energy.
Now here are a list of exercises you need to omit:
· Heavy lifting: Any physical activity that puts excess strain on your (and your baby) or that requires inhaling and exhaling with force is a no-no, especially since it can raise your blood pressure to dangerous levels.
· Laying low: Experts suggest refraining from any exercise that requires you to lay flat on your back, at least after your fourth or fifth month of pregnancy. They not that this position can compress the vena cava, a major blood vessel that transports blood to your baby.
· Curbing your appetite: This is a no-no, especially before you exercise. Experts suggest having a small, healthy snack an hour before your workout to help boost your energy.
· Skimp on sipping: Drinking water, especially as you work out is a MUST. It’s especially important, say experts, to stay hydrated while your expecting.
· Balancing acts: Experts suggest proceeding with extreme caution. Keep in mind that your body is experiencing some significant changes, which can alter your ability to balance, so simple exercises such as running or step-aerobics and throw you off center.
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