Mature Moms: What You Need To Know About Having A Baby In Your Thirties.
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
Every woman wants a quick conception, an easy pregnancy and delivery and above all, a healthy baby.
But, with ladies getting educations, entering the workforce, and ultimately waiting (what seems to be longer and longer) to settle down and start a family, they are often faced with decisions, challenges, and concerns their “sisters” from the 50s, 60s, 70s, and even 80s perhaps barely (if ever) even thought of.
Consider that the general age for marriage, even up until the 1970s was about 18 years old, with statistics showing that, on average, most women from the era had their first child before the age of 22. And, even up until the year 2000, statistics show that most women were “in the family way” by age 25.
However, times (and traditions) have changed and more and more women/couples are embarking on family life in their 30s and 40s.
And, while many of these women can say they’ve enjoyed many more life experiences, have settled into their careers, homes, and into married life, and have possible acquired more patience and financial security, one of the few “drawbacks” however, is that they are (despite 40 being the new 30), considered to be a bit “older” and may need to exercise a bit more caution when trying to conceive and to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
According to authorities, women in this category should make sure they have (or get) proper health care, especially gynecological and prenatal care. And, some even champion a preconception visit to discuss any potential risk factors that may cause “difficulties” or “complications” during pregnancy. And, they list smoking, drinking, and drug abuse, as the most common and worst offenders. In fact, experts note, that despite public awareness of the harmful nature of these bad habits/practices, many women/couples tend to ignore them.
Another common concern is often fertility, as many women begin to experience a decline around their mid-thirties. And, they add, it’s highly recommended that women schedule frequent visits with their doctor (once conception has taken place) to monitor progress and ensure that all is well.
Among the most common tests: the regularly scheduled ultrasound, and tests for certain genetic defects. And after the age of 35, some women may even be advised to have an amniocentesis to look for possible “deformities”.
The next area of concern is delivery. In more mature moms, the most common concern and potential complication is preeclampsia, causing moms blood pressure to significantly rise. And, experts note that while certain pre-pregnancy conditions such as diabetes can put you at somewhat of a higher risk, sometimes, average weight women with generally normal blood pressure can experience preeclampsia. And they further stress the importance of prenatal visits to help check for such possibilities.
According to experts a healthy delivery refers to a newborn that has the available nutrients needed to grow. And, they add that breastfeeding is the preferred “formula” for newborns, adding that breast milk can help boost development and the infant’s immune system. Furthermore they note, that breastfeeding moms need to keep themselves well hydrated and well feed with plenty of water and a healthy, nutritious diet, and sometimes that may mean vitamin supplements post-pregnancy too.
New moms and those around them also need to be aware of the potential for postpartum depression. While short-term blues are typically common and generally little need for alarm, continuing or severe depression lasting for weeks should be noted and looked into (as soon as possible).
And, as far as dads are concerned, his new position (and title) means that he has to be the pillar of strength, and the supporting backbone of the new family structure. And, that often means reversing “traditional” roles and taking on the responsibility for helping pamper mom and baby.
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Mature Moms: What You Need To Know About Having A Baby In Your Thirties.