Looks Matter: What Your Features Say About You
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 You must first be logged in to post a new topic. If you are not registered, please click "Create Account". By Mia Bolaris-Forget
There are so many expressions about looks and personality, including the eyes are the mirror to the soul, never trust anyone with squinty or beady eyes, how about those much “coveted” bedroom eyes, and I don’t even want to get into the whole thing about large hands and feet.
Most of us have probably discounted these as interesting “old wives tales” but according to folklore and physiognomy (a psuedo-science that links facial features to personality traits) gives some (new) credence to the expression, “Here’s Looking At You”.
Eye Spy: Your eyes may allow you to see the world but they also allow the world to see you, but you just may be surprised at exactly “what” they’re seeing. Vivid green eyes express jealousy and sexual creativity. Baby blues show intelligence and sincerity, gray eyes suggest someone who is cleverly calculating, and big brown eyes reveal flirtatiousness in youth but loyalty with age. Other “experts” suggest that upward slanting peepers denote a sensual and erotic personality, and according to research, extremely dilated pupils imply sexual arousal.
Getting Nosy: According to some researchers, the nose can reveal lots of intimate details about you. For instance, a man with a bi nose and wide nostrils suggest he has a powerful penis but lacks endurance and the ability to please. Among other beliefs, the assumption that women with long, thin noses have large sexual extremities, and the virile, (sexually) adventurous types are those with cute turned up noses. Women who are intense lovers are said to have pointed noses, while lazy ones are said to have short snouts, and loyal, remember-everything types have stubby sniffers.
Mouth To Mouth: Some believe that the tiny hollow just above your lip, the piltrum, has a direct correlation to your sex drive. A gap wider than a half-inch implicates an insatiable appetite for getting up close and personal. Protruding bottom lips denote sensuality and protruding upper lips suggest horniness. Other things our lips say. Wrinkly mouths belong to those prone to lying. Those with droopy corners are prone to jealousy, large lips are generally generous and good conversationalists, but tend to easily jump to conclusions while those with small portals may veer toward selfishness and indecisiveness. Women with hairy lips are said to be bound for wealth.
Taking It On The Chin: Receding chins seem to suggest a weak character, while pointy mandibles hint at a strong, take, control character. Square, prominent chins imply self-control and will power and flat jaws denote viciousness and a fascination with food.
Hear Hear: Huge ears are said to be a sing of generosity, while small ears belong to those more frugal and close-minded. Square shaped ears note an aristocratic heart but flat earn caution to lack of refinement. Those with small lobes are defined as having strong sexual urges but are more concerned with pleasing their partners than themselves.
Hairs Looking At You: Since when did lots of hair on a man become a “good” thing? Well, since someone suggested that the more hair a man has, the more active, and fun loving he should be. Hairy knuckles suggest the potential for wealth and hairy palms; mean he’s a bit eccentric. Sparse hair suggests cunning, and curly hair implies cheerfulness and luck. Those who are bushy-haired however are said to be a bit oafish, as lots of locks are said to detract nourishment from the brain. Redheads are hot-tempered; those with golden locks tend toward frailty and weakness, while brunettes exhibit great strength.
Hand Gestures: When folding your hands, if your right thumb rests on top of your left, you probably have a predisposition toward dominatrix tendencies…and the opposite holds true for those clasping their left thumb over their right. Pointer pointers suggest a potent sexual appetite, women with triangular shaped nails can’t keep a secret, those with curvy thumbs are noted for being impulsive and generous, and small hands suggest unpredictability and intuitiveness.
Brow Browse: Thick eyebrows signify a generous character. However, it brows are bushy or long it can mean conceit, selfishness or foolish tendencies.
The Whole Is A Sum Of It’s Parts: If you’re looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect, putting aside your personal preferences, they should have upward-slanting eyes, a turned-up nose, a wide philtrum, a flat chin, small earlobes, hairy knuckles, pointy fingers and a lush brow.
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Looks Matter: What Your Features Say About You