Wide Eyed and Bushy Tailed: When Children No Longer Need An Afternoon Nap
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
While an active child is generally the sign of a healthy child, parents often look forward to that special time of day where THEY can put the baby down (for a nap) and get some much-needed “downtime”.
But, just when most moms and dads get comfortable with the idea of some midday shut-eye, maybe for them and the baby, little one’s outgrow naptime, typically by the age of three. In fact, experts note that about 25 percent of toddlers give up napping by age three and the another 50 percent by the time the hit the age of four.
Still, many parents want to hold on to those precious child-free moments for as long as possible and hope for the latter rather than the sooner. But, moms and dad’s, remember, it’s not up to you. So, how will you know when your little one has outgrown his/her nap? The experts weigh in.
· Puts up a “fight”: While it IS common for most children to exhibit a bit of resistance, most will also fall asleep (eventually) and stay asleep for the normal amount of time. On the other hand, if your toddler resists all attempts for the duration of time they are typically asleep, you may be moving into the next phase of toddlerdom, and may want to consider saying bye-bye to naptime. This is especially true for children who exhibit this type of resistance consistently for several days in a row.
· Fails to fall asleep, even when put down in the crib: If your toddler chooses to play during the duration of naptime, he or she may be showing you that he or she no longer wants or needs a midday nap. It becomes especially obvious note professionals when they don’t just play quietly but rather throw toys around or start to yell and scream vying for your attention.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Wide Eyed and Bushy Tailed: When Children No Longer Need An Afternoon Nap