Antidisestablishmentarianism: When You’re Child Doesn’t Want To Follow The Norm
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 By mia bolaris-forget
So, you lecture about just about everything, including how your child heads out the door and leaves the house. But, lately you may be fining that your otherwise willing to conform kid is breaking social and logical norms. He or she may “insist” on wearing some questionable clothes or leave without coat, hat or gloves when its “freezing cold”.
You’re wondering if your child has lost his or her sensibilities, when instead the truth is he or she has likely just adopted a new set of “ground” rules set by peers and his or her attempt to look and be cool.
Remember the days of heading out to the clubs and leaving your coat in the car just to wait on line in the freezing cold….or was that just me? Well, what goes around comes around and now it’s your child’s turn to defy logic and your rules.
As long as his or her actions aren’t too extreme you’ll just have to try to be “understanding” while also doing your best to “parent” and help your child achieve balance between doing what’s “right” and doing what he or she and his or her peers think is cool. Remember, however to keep eyes and ears open for bigger issues. And, remember that your child is likely trying to keep up with the crowd because of lack or confidence and perhaps some insecurities, and that’s the bigger issue that you should and need to address. Make sure your child understands that being a leader shows much more character than being a follower and that if he or she has true friends, they won’t encourage silly decisions and will accept and love him or her “as is”.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Antidisestablishmentarianism: When You’re Child Doesn’t Want To Follow The Norm