Fun And Games: Why Child’s Play Is Essential For Children
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![](/i/a/1595.jpg) By Mia Bolaris-Forget
There’s little or no doubt that most parents want better for their children than they achieved for themselves. And part of that means, better money, better jobs, and a better education. In fact, experts suggest that parents are so dedicated to ensuring their children excel and achieve excellence that they invest in all sorts of smart videos, extracurricular classes that enhance performance and enrichment exercises, all that often begin in a child’s infant stages.
Yet, experts suggest that most important activity for enhancing performance a child can engage in is traditional “play” and exercise.
According to studies, spontaneous free play offers a vast variety of benefits from helping children become more creative and finding about their likes, dislikes and passions to helping them cultivate their problem-solving skills, interacting and relating to others and adjusting to different situations and environments.
Furthermore, they add that interactive activity and play, is simply one of the most memorable parts of childhood. And, they suggest that a lack of spontaneous play can result in stress for both children and their parents alike. And, more time sitting in front of the TV, videos, or the computer, say experts, may eventually increase risks of obesity or even depression in some under-active or inactive youngster.
Professionals point out that the societal expectations for “super kids” can be negatively affecting the time families allocate to good old-fashioned playtime. And, they (the experts) add that another factor is low-income and violence-prone neighborhoods where safe environments and opportunities are scare.
They conclude by emphasizing that while enrichment strategies and organized activities are helpful, spontaneous play should be considered essential for raising happy, well-rounded and successful children. They key is achieving a happy medium based on balance.
Long Island Family Life & Parenting Articles
Fun And Games: Why Child’s Play Is Essential For Children