Lower Your Expectations: Why Less Is More When It Comes To Resolutions
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
I know it’s a few months away…but, the proverbial New Year’s resolution list is bound to rear its “ugly head” sooner or later.
And, while many resolutions are based on good intentions, experts caution against them.
They note that often times resolutions are accompanied by GREAT expectations and that they may in essence by counterproductive and setting us up for failure rather than success. Why? Well, because expectations can be dangerous. In fact, they may close us off to keeping an open mind and to being “pleasantly” surprised.
Shooting for the stars they suggest can leave us feeling let down if the scenario we created in our mind and heart isn’t met. On the other hand, if we expect less, there is room for being “impressed”, and for simply enjoying the moment and the process.
So, this year remember to keep it simple and you just may be have simply sensational results to report next year.
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Lower Your Expectations: Why Less Is More When It Comes To Resolutions