Part 6 - A Lose-Win Situation: Winning The "War" On Losing Weight
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 By Mia Bolaris-Forget
The best way to become a “big winner” is by becoming a “big looser” and that entails developing a winning strategy for dropping not only those extra pounds, but also the “emotional” baggage that usually accompanies it.
A few professional pointers to make your task more “appetizing”:
1. Set specific and reachable goals: Take into account emotional behaviors and think about reaching your final goal in small but outlined increments.
2. Develop a specific blueprint and strategy: Now that you know where you want to go, determine how you are (slowly but surely) going to get there.
3. Monitor Your Progress: Note every accomplishment that moves your lifestyle in a positive direction and causes you to live in a healthier manner.
4. Be Patient: Realize that you addressing more than just a “weight” issue. Lifestyle changes take time. Don’t be discouraged by plateaus or minor setbacks, instead focus on making consistent, steady progress that is comfortable and easy to stick to.
5. Establish A System Of Checks And Balances: Develop a system of rewards and “retribution” and consider a “buddy” system where you’ll be held accountable to and by someone else.
Long Island Development Articles
Part 6 - A Lose-Win Situation: Winning The "War" On Losing Weight