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Strollers and Airport Security?

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LIF Infant

Member since 2/06

141 total posts


Strollers and Airport Security?

Anyone have trouble with stroller at airport security? I traveling with DD by myself and my travel system stoller (without car seat) folds easier with one hand than my umbrella.

Its bigger though, sooooo do most strollers fit through the X-ray machine or did you have to have it screened by a TSA person? We have a Chicco Cortina. Thanks!!!

Posted 7/25/07 11:11 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 6/06

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Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

Hopefully they won't give you a problem b/c we are traveling with the Graco metrolite AND the car seat.

I think it will be ok. I think they do make you fold it up and put it on the belt though. DH is going with us, but for that portion of traveling I am going to use my baby bjorn for DS and I am going to make DH deal with it.

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Posted 7/25/07 11:20 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/06

141 total posts


Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

I'm just wondering....I know I need to fold it up and put in on the belt (if its fits throught the machine). But I'm curious if any one had issues where it didn't fit through and they had to go through the whole physical scanning process because of it.

I think you have to take the Baby Bjorn off to walk through the scanner, don't you?

Posted 7/25/07 11:24 AM

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

Only travelled with a snap & go so I don't have experience with the bigger strollers but they should fit once they are folded up. As far as the baby though, you will have to take him out of the baby bjorn and carry him through. Just like you have to take off jackets, etc. You could also asked to get hand scanned with the wand if you don't want to walk though.

Posted 7/25/07 11:35 AM


Member since 12/06

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Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

If the stroller doesn't fit, they told me in the past I had to check it, which is dumb and defeats the purpose of bringing it. It should fit though. When DS was little we had a bulky stroller and while I didn't think it would fit through, it did.

Posted 7/25/07 12:22 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06

636 total posts


Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

I just cam back from Greece a couple of weeks ago and traveled with a chicco umbrella stroller. They made me put it through the xray machine. And keep in mind I just heard today, they have heightened security again and are on high alert. So I would be prepared to have to do all of that ... GL!!!!!

Posted 7/25/07 12:32 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

Posted by clydrak

I think you have to take the Baby Bjorn off to walk through the scanner, don't you?

I was told I just have to take it off on the plane once we are going to take off.

Although, with the new heighted security who the crap knows anymore.Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/07 12:35 PM


Member since 12/06

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Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

Posted by KateDevine

Posted by clydrak

I think you have to take the Baby Bjorn off to walk through the scanner, don't you?

I was told I just have to take it off on the plane once we are going to take off.

Although, with the new heighted security who the crap knows anymore.Chat Icon

The Bjorn has to go through the machine. I saw other mothers at the airport that had to take their child out of it. I guess they think you could be hiding explosives in it with your baby Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/07 12:37 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

I have the graco metrolite...probably similar in size to your travel system stroller. Yes, it fit on the belt to go through the xray machine. However...folding it with one hand and putting it on the table with one hand (while holding baby in other hand) was quite the challenge. When leaving from Newark...nobody helped me. When leaving from Ohio, the security guard put it up on the table, and took it off on the other side for me.

Posted 7/25/07 12:38 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

Posted by Summerrluvv

Posted by KateDevine

Posted by clydrak

I think you have to take the Baby Bjorn off to walk through the scanner, don't you?

I was told I just have to take it off on the plane once we are going to take off.

Although, with the new heighted security who the crap knows anymore.Chat Icon

The Bjorn has to go through the machine. I saw other mothers at the airport that had to take their child out of it. I guess they think you could be hiding explosives in it with your baby Chat Icon

DUH! I am totally going to put C3 on C3Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

And my DH is the funniest one, he is FDNY, so he thinks if he "shows the guy his badge" we will get right through. Dumbarse.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/25/07 12:39 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/06

141 total posts


Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

Posted by luvsun27

However...folding it with one hand and putting it on the table with one hand (while holding baby in other hand) was quite the challenge. When leaving from Newark...nobody helped me. When leaving from Ohio, the security guard put it up on the table, and took it off on the other side for me.

Yeah, this was sort of my concern also...We'll see how it all goes....

Posted 7/25/07 12:47 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

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Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

Our Quattro Tour fit just barely throught the xray and I think it's one of the largest strollers so you should be fine.

Posted 7/25/07 1:53 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2246 total posts


Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

They all fit through the scanner.

Posted 7/25/07 2:07 PM

Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05

9612 total posts


Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

Posted by lullabella

They all fit through the scanner.

even double strollers?

Posted 7/25/07 6:12 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Strollers and Airport Security?

Honestly...we have travelled 5xs since Gillian was born and EVERY single time has been a nightmare through security. why cant they just wand them already. Ive had to wake her numerous times, fold up the snap and go put it through the xray, fold up the stroller put it through as well, carry her through then 1st put everything back the way it was while holding her in 1 arm and struggling as my pocketbook and everything gets mashed up by the never ending conveyor belt. I hate the whole experience of going through security.

Posted 7/25/07 6:16 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/06

141 total posts


Re: Strollers and Airport Security? Updated after trip

Thanks for the suggestions ladies.....we're back from our trip and it all went so smoothly...I felt like I was worried for nothing.

Stroller fit through with no problem and the TSA folks in both airports even offered to lift it on and off the belt for me (even offered to fold and unfold although I did this myself) I was a bit shocked but pleasantly surprised. I did use my hotsling at security so I could have two hands to unpack all the other stuff that has to go through the X-ray machine separately but it went really well.
It does help to be organized - to have everything that has to get taken out of a bag in one place and ready to throw in the bin and of course slip on shoes are a necessity.
Just wanted to post and possibly ease the minds of anyone planning on traveling for the first time with the little wasn't a breeze but not nearly as much of a struggle as I thought either. Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/07 10:51 AM

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