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Could something be wrong with my DD?? (spitting up issue)

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So in Love....

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Could something be wrong with my DD?? (spitting up issue)

Alls she does is spit up from the minute she wakes up to the time she goes to sleep, sometimes she will be naping and wake up just to spit up.Chat Icon Chat Icon
I have spoken to one of my ped about this several times and she keeps telling me this is normal....I am beginning to not agree...

I think I might call the ped office today and speak to one of the other drs to see if they can give me alittle more help about this situation. She is 5 1/2 months and its only getting worse, she is on Zantac, nutramigen and now cereal and fruit.

Is this normal?

Posted 7/11/08 8:32 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Could something be wrong with my DD?? (spitting up issue)

spitting up is 100% normal, BUt at her age if its ALL the time maybe she has reflux?

Does she seem to be in distress when eating?

Noah had reflux and besides the spitting up the sign was a long long time to finish each bottle and he would squirm and fuss at a feeding, indicating he was uncomfortable.

Posted 7/11/08 8:38 AM

My loves!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: Could something be wrong with my DD?? (spitting up issue)

Rylan is always spitting up...even more now that we're on Goodstart. It hardly seems to bother him...sometimes you can tell it might hurt a little but not often. I go through about 3-4 burpcloths a day.

Posted 7/11/08 10:01 AM


Member since 9/06

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Re: Could something be wrong with my DD?? (spitting up issue)

its prob her reflux - do you have a wedge under crib mattress? that may help while she's sleeping. do you keep her upright for at least 30 mins before laying down to sleep? that helps too... they do outgrow it but its awful.

my poor kid lived in bibs for the first 6 months and was on both prevacid and zantac. she's off both now Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/08 10:04 AM

Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Could something be wrong with my DD?? (spitting up issue)

if shes not in any pain theres probably nothing you can do. I had a supreme spitter...finally at 8 1/2 mo's or so it completely went away...for good!!

Posted 7/11/08 10:05 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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Re: Could something be wrong with my DD?? (spitting up issue)

My DS was a BIG spitter -upper - at that age it actually peaked and was really the worst. By 8 mos it was completely gone. We tried Zantac b/c at times it seemed to make him uncomfortable and he seemed to be in pain but, the zantac actually made him so much worse!

I would say unless you see DD having a lot of discomfort or any other signs of a problem I think the spitting up on its own is ok.

Posted 7/11/08 10:12 AM

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LC's Mommy

Re: Could something be wrong with my DD?? (spitting up issue)

Posted by DanaRenee

if shes not in any pain theres probably nothing you can do. I had a supreme spitter...finally at 8 1/2 mo's or so it completely went away...for good!!

Same here. Every week there would be like 40 bibs in the wash!

Posted 7/11/08 10:45 AM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with my DD?? (spitting up issue)

Emma was a big spitter upper until she started walking. I read somewhere that if it's reflux, the baby would be in pain, so if your DC is a happy spitter, it's probably rine. I also read that medication doesn't make the spit up stop, it just makes the pain go away.

Posted 7/11/08 11:36 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1893 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with my DD?? (spitting up issue)

Posted by Summerrluvv

Emma was a big spitter upper until she started walking. I read somewhere that if it's reflux, the baby would be in pain, so if your DC is a happy spitter, it's probably rine. I also read that medication doesn't make the spit up stop, it just makes the pain go away.

I had the opposite of this with DD - she had reflux and her only symptoms were spitting up more than an hour after eating and spitting up a LOT. We ended up at a gastro because she would spit up in her sleep and stop breathing so that the liquid wouldn't get into her lungs - very scary! We started with Zantac and it made her worse. We switched to Axid and it made a world of difference! I wasn't changing her (and myself) a million times a day.

She was a happy spitter though - she would spit up while smiling and just keep playing - she didn't show any signs of pain (arching her back, screaming, etc.)

Posted 7/11/08 12:30 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Could something be wrong with my DD?? (spitting up issue)

Posted by DmarieK

Rylan is always spitting up...even more now that we're on Goodstart. It hardly seems to bother him...sometimes you can tell it might hurt a little but not often. I go through about 3-4 burpcloths a day.

WE had the same issue with Good start! But it helped with gas...

Anyway DS is a happy spitter as the ped says. He has refulx but he is not bothered by it so she said hopefully as he is sitting up more and his digestive system matures it will get better.

At almost 7 months it does seem to be improving! Today he had the same bib on ALL DAY!

Posted 7/11/08 10:12 PM


Member since 5/05

4898 total posts


Re: Could something be wrong with my DD?? (spitting up issue)

We saw a ped gastro when DS was 7 weeks and he told me that refluxing (spitting up) up to 70 times a day is in the normal range (yup SEVENTY).

If you are not comfortable, maybe it's time to pay a specialist a visit just to ease your mind. I can't rave enough about the ped I saw - Dr. Daum in Mineola. He was the chair at NSUH until the merger with LIJ (they kept on all the Schneider people so he moved to head up Winthrop's unit). He sat down with DH and me for 45 minutes asking us questions and actually listened to our answers. When I left I told DH I wanted him to be my dad just so I could ask him advice on life, not just on my baby Chat Icon Anyway, I'm sure a visit to him (or another ped gastro) would help put your mind at ease.

Posted 7/11/08 10:56 PM

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