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Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

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Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

Oh boy...

A few months ago, I had posted that I was having severe chest pains. After meeting with my PCP I was sent to a cardiologist to have a few tests run. (2 EKG's, an echo cardiogram, and a chest x-ray)

In the end I was told it was anxiety and was offered Zanex which I felt I didn't need(or didnt want).

I thought these pains were caused by certain foods, and or my diet/fitness. So, since then I have lost close to 30lbs (which has placed me exactly where I should be as far as BMI) and I have made an effort to make exercise part of my daily routine.

I hadn't had an "attack" in quite a bit, maybe 1 since May, and the past few days it has started up againChat Icon

Basically, I get a real sharp pain on my left side- right where my heart is. As I breath in (breathing like normal) the pain worsens, its to the point where I take real short breaths because the deeper/longer I inhale the greater the pain gets.

These "attacks" last seconds-to minutes. And I have yet to find the cause to this effect. No certain foods do it, no specific activity... nothing.

For instance this morning, I woke up, and went to pee- while sitting on the toilet I had an "attack" lasting about 1-2 mins.
Then it stopped.

About an hour later it happened again- about 2-3 min.

I ate breakfast- a coffee and a muffin.
about 2 hrs after that it happened again, lasting about 30 seconds.

Im just not sure what to do...
Im def. making an apt. with my PCP- who Im hoping will send me back to the cardio, along with maybe a gastro Dr (maybe something gas related???)

For those anxiety suffers- does this sound like an anxiety attack?

I just feel like I never "know" when the attack is coming, so I cant take meds to prevent them... As well as, since the attacks don't last very long- for me to take a pill when it begins, would be silly- since the attack is over before the pill dissolves.

I don't see how this is gas related since I never burp or fart afterwardChat Icon Nor, is it caused by certain foods. But my mom thinks its an avenue to consider...

Chat Icon

Any advice, anyone experience this???


Posted 8/8/08 1:57 PM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

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Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

Is the only symptom the sharp pain?

If so, then IMO, it isn't anxiety- but I'm not a dr.

When I have an anxiety attack I get nauseous, my heart races, I get cold sweats and I shake.

I've heard that for some people it feels like a heart attack, but I would think that there would be other symptoms present than just pain, for example a racing heart or feeling like your heart is beating really hard.

I would definitely bring it up to your PCP again and maybe get a 2nd opinion.

Good luck!

Posted 8/8/08 2:11 PM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

Member since 5/06

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The Mystical Azzhorse! ™

Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

I get this exact thing. I think it's related to my hiatel hernia at the top of my stomach. I feel it more when I eat stuff that causes reflux.

I hope you can find what's going on with you soon.Chat Icon

Posted 8/8/08 2:11 PM

Our Family is Complete

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Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

its doesnt sound like anxiety to me..

when i have anxiety attacks i feel no pain just maybe heart palputations but i feel shaky and like i'm crawling out of my own skin, zanax totally helps me....

i've had zanax attacks for the last 6 years and i know when they are coming now and take 1/2 zanax pill when i fill a little shaky and it goes away.

Posted 8/8/08 2:14 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

Posted by kahlua716

Is the only symptom the sharp pain?

If so, then IMO, it isn't anxiety- but I'm not a dr.

When I have an anxiety attack I get nauseous, my heart races, I get cold sweats and I shake.

I've heard that for some people it feels like a heart attack, but I would think that there would be other symptoms present than just pain, for example a racing heart or feeling like your heart is beating really hard.

I would definitely bring it up to your PCP again and maybe get a 2nd opinion.

Good luck!

Its the only symptom...

The first time I told my Dr- I overheard him and another Dr saying how this sounds exactly like a heart attack- but I was told by Dr.'s and whatever techs did my test, that everything is fine...Chat Icon

Message edited 8/8/2008 2:18:51 PM.

Posted 8/8/08 2:18 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

it continues to sound like percaditis (sp?) to me. Percaditis does not just go away. It is the muscles in you chest that get imflammed and yes by not picking up certain things the imflammation will decrease. However, it can have a YO YO effect and continue through the years. your body probably needs R&R to let it heal.
This sounds far from anxiety to me. Let the drs do whatever it takes to figure this one out. Maybe also get a massage or go to a PT that can take out any spasms surrounding the area.

Posted 8/8/08 2:21 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

Posted by PrincessP

it continues to sound like percaditis (sp?) to me. Percaditis does not just go away. It is the muscles in you chest that get imflammed and yes by not picking up certain things the imflammation will decrease. However, it can have a YO YO effect and continue through the years. your body probably needs R&R to let it heal.
This sounds far from anxiety to me. Let the drs do whatever it takes to figure this one out. Maybe also get a massage or go to a PT that can take out any spasms surrounding the area.

I forgot to add that this was discussed last time I went to the cardiologist.

One common factor I have noticed is Rj gets sick- I get these pains... they go hand in hand it seemsChat Icon

Posted 8/8/08 2:42 PM

My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

I have suffered from anxiety for years and never get chest pains. While some people may, what you have does not sound like anxiety to me.

I was in the hospital a few weeks ago for pericarditis. I also have mitral vavle and a heart murmur so whether that makes me more suseptible I'm not sure but I got pericarditis right after DS was sick with roseola. Pericarditis can be either viral or bacterial. My pericarditis was viral but of course they have no way of knowing what exactly caused it but I have a feeling it was associated with DS's roseola.

I would go back to the cardiologist and if you dont get any answers, i would go for a 2nd opinion. I would be happy to give you my dr's name out of St. Francis.

Posted 8/8/08 3:18 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

Posted by Princessmaris

Posted by PrincessP

it continues to sound like percaditis (sp?) to me. Percaditis does not just go away. It is the muscles in you chest that get imflammed and yes by not picking up certain things the imflammation will decrease. However, it can have a YO YO effect and continue through the years. your body probably needs R&R to let it heal.
This sounds far from anxiety to me. Let the drs do whatever it takes to figure this one out. Maybe also get a massage or go to a PT that can take out any spasms surrounding the area.

I forgot to add that this was discussed last time I went to the cardiologist.

One common factor I have noticed is Rj gets sick- I get these pains... they go hand in hand it seemsChat Icon

Rj gets sick = you picking him up more/coddling him etc....
Regardless, I would let the Dr run tests. Have you done blood tests?

Posted 8/8/08 3:50 PM

Hope Faith Love

Member since 2/07

5694 total posts


Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

Does not sound like anxiety to me.. make an appt. with your Primary care Doc and request a full blood work up..

Posted 8/8/08 4:02 PM


Member since 1/08

8363 total posts


Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

Yes I have had same exact simptoms since being prego and having DD.
You need to see the cardiologist.
Did they do an ultrasound and stress echo test?
They also thought that my simptoms were caused by enxiety attacks, but after the tests above it turned out to be something more serious .

Message edited 8/8/2008 4:35:03 PM.

Posted 8/8/08 4:31 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

32475 total posts


Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

The best advice I have for you is keep searching and getting opinions about this.

Because you are young, in shape and shouldn't have heart issues, many doctors will miss bigger things that can be rectified easily now.

Don't wait and don't take the anxiety diagnosis until you have completely researched this. There is a difference in doctors. Make your current doctors take it more seriously and consider other things. If they won't go see another one.

Good luck and I hope you feel better.

It sounds like angina..but I'm not doctor. I just have too many.

Posted 8/9/08 8:50 AM

Livin' the Good Life....

Member since 9/06

5939 total posts


Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

It may be acid reflux.. but I would go to a gastroenterologist and let them diagnose you.. my BIL thought he was having a heart attack and went to the ER and ended up having to see a Gastro dr..

I can tell you this though, when I have an anxiety attack, I feel like I can't breathe and there isn't enough air getting into my chest and I shake and I get hot flashes..

Good Luck

Posted 8/9/08 9:07 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

Marissa I get the same thing. Hurts like hell, sharp pain makes it difficult to breath for a minute or two. I have it had for years and years. I always assumed it was due to my heart murmur.

Posted 8/9/08 10:47 PM

Brighter days ahead

Member since 4/07

7364 total posts


Re: Chest pains, anxiety attacks???

I get something like that every once in a while- sharp pain in the left chest, especially painful when you breath in and it only lasts a few seconds to minutes. I asked my mom, who is a gastro nurse, and she said it's probably just sharp stomach gas pains. Burping sometimes helps me when it happens. I have a mitral valve prolapse as well, so I see a cardiologist, but all my heart testing has come back normal.

I think you should try to see a gastroenterologist if the cardiologist still finds nothing wrong. Your stomach is on the left side and maybe it is just gas or an ulcer or something of that nature.

Posted 8/10/08 3:51 PM


Member since 1/06

9758 total posts



Message edited 3/6/2013 10:24:19 PM.

Posted 8/11/08 3:16 PM

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