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What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

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What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

So, I'm *just* starting my search and haven't actually gone into any stores yet, just browsing online & trying to get some ideas.

Seems that a lot of the "sets" come with a bed, nightstand and 1 dresser. As it is now, DD has a long dresser that serves as the changing table on top, and a tall dresser/armoire type thing. And the drawers are all maxed out with clothes Chat Icon Chat Icon This furniture is going into the baby's room, so we're getting DD new furniture.

Do most people only get 1 dresser for their young kids? Chat Icon I have the space for 2 dressers (since that's what she has now) along with the bed, etc. But it's just weird b/c no sets show rooms with 2 dressers...I'd expect that even if it didn't come with the set, it would be an optional additional purchase....but I haven't even seen that option yet.

Plus, I still think I may want a hutch-type thing on top of the bigger dresser, and that is impossible to find.

What pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms?

Again, I have only just begun looking and not even in person yet, just trying to browse around first.

ETA: she has a small-ish closet in her room...not tiny, but not double-doors or anything.

Message edited 1/19/2010 2:14:18 PM.

Posted 1/19/10 2:12 PM
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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

DS has:

Captains bed with bookcase headboard and drawers underneath

Long dresser with mirror

Desk, Chair and Hutch

We didn't get the nighstand because fo the bookcase around the bed. It's from Bob's and I believe they had 2 dressers on display.

Posted 1/19/10 2:15 PM

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Full Sized bed

3 drawer dresser with shelves (used as a changing table when he was younger)

5 drawer bureau

Toy Box


Glider w/ ottoman

Posted 1/19/10 2:30 PM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

What DD has now:

Armoire with 3 drawers underneath
Dresser (used as her changing table) that has a big shelving unit on top
Crib - turns into a full bed

All her furniture that we bought when she was born will be hers til she moves out Chat Icon

(I think there are pics in my album - Nursery a work in progress)

Message edited 1/19/2010 2:34:29 PM.

Posted 1/19/10 2:32 PM


Member since 3/06

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

We decided to wait and get the DD#2 new stuff instead, but if we did get big girl furniture, I would have gotten:

Full size bed
1 night stand
smaller dresser
7 drawer dresser with hutch


Full size bed
1 night stand
smaller dresser
7 drawer dresser
Desk with hutch

I have seen lots of collections with hutches, so you shouldn't find any problems. Behr's has a big selection as does Raymour & Flanigan and Bellini. I found that while I loved the stuff at PBK and RH Baby, they didn't have enough matching pieces, esp RH baby - all of their dressers are small.

Posted 1/19/10 2:37 PM

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Member since 12/06

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Posted by Tine73

We decided to wait and get the DD#2 new stuff instead, but if we did get big girl furniture, I would have gotten:

Full size bed
1 night stand
smaller dresser
7 drawer dresser with hutch


Full size bed
1 night stand
smaller dresser
7 drawer dresser
Desk with hutch

I have seen lots of collections with hutches, so you shouldn't find any problems. Behr's has a big selection as does Raymour & Flanigan and Bellini. I found that while I loved the stuff at PBK and RH Baby, they didn't have enough matching pieces, esp RH baby - all of their dressers are small.

Thanks! Glad that hutches are not that crazy of an idea Chat Icon I have seen some attached to desks, but I'm not going to get her a desk, so I wanted it on the dresser instead.

I'm hitting Behr's soon, thank you! Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/10 2:39 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Posted by chelle

What DD has now:

Armoire with 3 drawers underneath
Dresser (used as her changing table) that has a big shelving unit on top
Crib - turns into a full bed

All her furniture that we bought when she was born will be hers til she moves out Chat Icon

(I think there are pics in my album - Nursery a work in progress)

Ohhhh....that's exactly the type of stuff I'm looking for. Thanks mama Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/10 2:41 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Now I see all of you mentioning a full-size bed. I am SO TORN!! I don't know whether to get a full-size or twin-size!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Decisions, decisions. My nursery furniture didn't consume me nearly this much Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/10 2:42 PM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

15404 total posts

Isn't it obvious?

Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Posted by nbc188

Now I see all of you mentioning a full-size bed. I am SO TORN!! I don't know whether to get a full-size or twin-size!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Decisions, decisions. My nursery furniture didn't consume me nearly this much Chat Icon

Well, for us...this furniture was it for to go with something that converted to a full made more sense for when she got older. I know I HATED being a twin in my teens.

FYI - I got it at Behrs

Posted 1/19/10 2:44 PM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

15404 total posts

Isn't it obvious?

Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

ETA - The top of the armoire - the doors slide into the sides and the shelving inside slides out, so WHEN she gets a tv in there, that's where it's going Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/10 2:45 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Posted by chelle

Posted by nbc188

Now I see all of you mentioning a full-size bed. I am SO TORN!! I don't know whether to get a full-size or twin-size!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Decisions, decisions. My nursery furniture didn't consume me nearly this much Chat Icon

Well, for us...this furniture was it for to go with something that converted to a full made more sense for when she got older. I know I HATED being a twin in my teens.

FYI - I got it at Behrs

I hear you. I knew the nursery furniture would be used for baby #2 and that DD would get new furniture to last her forever then!

I'm definitely going to go to Behrs, thanks!

ETA: I have the room for a full in there I think, but she'd have more room to move around, etc if I did a twin. Decisions, decisions Chat Icon I need to get out the measuring tape apparently Chat Icon

Message edited 1/19/2010 2:49:48 PM.

Posted 1/19/10 2:48 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Posted by chelle

ETA - The top of the armoire - the doors slide into the sides and the shelving inside slides out, so WHEN she gets a tv in there, that's where it's going Chat Icon

Nice!!! What brand is it?

Posted 1/19/10 2:50 PM

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Posted by nbc188

Posted by chelle

ETA - The top of the armoire - the doors slide into the sides and the shelving inside slides out, so WHEN she gets a tv in there, that's where it's going Chat Icon

Nice!!! What brand is it?

Same here. I have Munire for both kids. My Chat Icon has a dresser, armoire & twin bed and my Chat Icon has a tall chest of drawers and a twin bed(well crib right now but will be a twin)

Posted 1/19/10 2:54 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Twin Bed

She has a huge closet so most of her clothes are hung up or on shelves in bins in her closet.

Posted 1/19/10 3:06 PM

lovin' my 2 little ladies!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

I plan for DD to have a full size bed, small nightstand, long dresser, bookcase and a desk. She has a decent size closet in that room and toys can go on the floor in there.

Posted 1/19/10 3:15 PM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Haven't done the big girl room yet -- I am going to wait until she can help pick stuff out. But I do want to get her a new bed now and ditch the toddler bed.

When I was looking, I planned on a dresser, a bed, nightstand, desk with hutch. She has a tall bookcase already in the room which I wanted to keep.

A friend told me to hang all of her clothes up, otherwsie I'd never use half the stuff that stayed on the bottom of the drawers. And that's what I've done. I hang everything except PJs, socks and underwear!!

Posted 1/19/10 3:16 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Oh - I saw a set I loked a lot at Bobs, and you really can't beat their prices.

Posted 1/19/10 3:18 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Christopher has a toddler bed right now, but we are going to get a twin soonish.

He will have

Twin bed
Dresser with 5 drawers (which was the changing table)
Glider & ottoman

He has an armoire right now, but it was ours and I think we are going to reclaim it for our room being we don't use it much and he has an awesome closet with a ton of storage

Posted 1/19/10 3:20 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

I'm a weird one. Their room is for relaxing and sleeping and getting dressed and not much else.. so they don't really have much of anything. They share a room for now and it has:

1 twin bunk bed set (light oak)
1 Dresser (6 drawers) (light oak)
1 Armoire (built by my hubs) (neon green and bright red)

And that's it. They have a built in bookshelf and a closet.. but we didn't furnish those, they are part of the room. The room is painted Dark Space Blue and the trim is bright orange, neon yellow and electric blue.

Posted 1/19/10 3:22 PM

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Member since 5/05

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Twin bed
Tall five drawer dresser
Long three drawer and one door dresser (can't remember what Bellini called it)
Bookcase/cube unit

Posted 1/19/10 5:39 PM

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Because of limited space, we are planning on getting a twin bed with storage (drawers).

We are not getting a matching set per se.

We love the customized Ikea armoires. I find that making your own configuration used the most of the space available.

Message edited 1/19/2010 6:02:29 PM.

Posted 1/19/10 6:02 PM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

I'm getting a full size bed, long dresser, mirror, and night stand. DD has a pretty big closet, so no need for armoir or anything like that.

Posted 1/19/10 6:11 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

Queen Bed
3 drawer bureau
5 drawer bureau
rocking chair
small table - 4 chairs for play
nightstand (have to buy)
Play Kitchen Chat Icon

Posted 1/20/10 10:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

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Re: What furniture pieces do you have in your "big boy/girl" rooms

We have a twin bed (trundle) that we purchased a bookcase headboard for.

We got a tall 5 drawer dresser and a low wide 7 drawer dresser with mirror and a nightstand.

We had thought about getting a bigger bed since her bedroom definitly has the space for it, but there is NO way a full would fit in any of the other bedrooms and I didn't want to deal with those fights when the girls get bigger.

We currently use the trundle piece under a daybed in our office but when DD gets bigger we will put it in her room instead. Right now, I just like that it is elevated for extra storage.

We got our stuff from Casco Kids and they were fantastic to work with. Their prices were good and the furniture is made well.

Posted 1/20/10 11:42 AM

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