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siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1687 total posts


siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

I am due with #2 in early October. DS will be 2 1/2 at that time. I don't think I will really need a stroller for then. I don't think I'll be doing too many errands with the both of them... I don't think...

But once it's spring and the baby is a little older, I'm wondering what would work best? DS will then be about 3.

Do I buy one of those things the older child can stand on? (we saw one in One Step Ahead that can attach to any stroller), or do I go for some kind of double stroller?

Just curious to see what you ladies would suggest. TIA!!!

ETA: if you have a double stroller or any helpful product to recommend I would love to hear about that, too! Chat Icon

Message edited 5/24/2010 11:47:32 PM.

Posted 5/24/10 11:35 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

my dd's are the same age apart...i bought the baby jogger and honestly, i only use it for longer walks...most of my mommy friends don't even know I own it....

Posted 5/25/10 12:00 AM


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

Mine are 2.5 years apart. My oldest has always hated the stroller but I am afraid of her "taking off" if DD#2 is in the stroller and I am holding her hand. I took my oldest to BBB to look at the Sit and Stand and she seemed to love it. I am buying a used one. We'll see what happens!

Posted 5/25/10 7:31 AM


Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

Sit and stand maybe. We don't use anything yet, but we have a sit and stand.

Posted 5/25/10 7:34 AM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

We're in the same boat - DD will be 30 months when DS arrives. Not sure what to do, but a Sit N Stand seems like a good option.

Posted 5/25/10 7:54 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

DS will be 26 months when the twins arrive. I got a triple sit & stand from craigslist. I also got a double stroller that I will use when someone is with me, and Landon can either walk or be in the umbrella stroller.

Posted 5/25/10 8:19 AM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

32436 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

mine are 2 1/2 years apart (my dd is 3.3 and my ds is almost 9 months)

I did not get a double stroller, I cannot even remember the last time my dd used a stroller

Posted 5/25/10 8:21 AM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

I think it depends on how much you use a stroller now.... We still use ours a lot for long walks etc and DS likes sitting in it sometimes so we got a double city mini. Baby is not even here yet and DS has been making me take him for walks in it Chat Icon

Posted 5/25/10 8:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1687 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

Thank you so much ladies for all your responses!

One of my concerns is that my DS (who will be 3 ish when I will start to need something for the two kids) won't do well with a sit n stand. Will he really stay in one spot and stand on that thing when I have to do errands?? I'm seeing a 3 year old running amuck while I'm in CVS, etc.

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Posted 5/26/10 3:10 PM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

4521 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

I wouldn't rush into buying a double stroller. She how your older one does without a stroller after the baby comes and then decide from there.

You could also try out the sit and stand with her in the store and see how she likes it.

Posted 5/26/10 3:16 PM

party of five

Member since 9/06

11343 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

I have a stand thing for my Bugaboo and a double stroller

we have been using the standing thing a lot more than the double stroller

DS's are 3 and 1

Posted 5/26/10 4:02 PM

Train Ride

Member since 5/05

3127 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

i have the delux sit n stand

Posted 5/26/10 9:44 PM

My Children

Member since 5/05

7905 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

DS was the same age when DD was born. I did not get a bigger stroller. He loves to walk so when and even now when we go out, he walks right next to me.

Posted 5/26/10 10:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

I think it depends entirely on your lifestyle. Mine are 28 months apart. When DD was born DS was perfectly capable of walking everywhere and actually preferred it. That said, I use my double stroller almost every day b/c I like to walk EVERYWHERE - we walk to the park, walk to stores and shopping and walk just to walk - if DS wasn't in the stroller this wouldn't be possible. I find the standing attachment to be useless - b/c anywhere that he could stand to go - he could walk - for our purposes the standing doesn't help the situaiton. HTH!

Posted 5/27/10 12:41 AM

My Boys!

Member since 5/05

5498 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

My boys are 3 1/2 years and 5 months. I have a Sit and Stand. I don't use it that much, but when I need it it's great!

Posted 5/27/10 12:47 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: siblings 2 1/2 years apart... ? about strollers

My boys are almost exactly 2.5 years apart - missed by about 5 days. I got the sit and stand to start. My older son was and still isn't a walker (he is 5 now in PreK)....if he can be in a stroller and pushed around all day- he'd loved it. Just his personality. I honestly didn't go many major places alone for the first few months.....didn't help that my youngest was majorly colic for 9 months - hated the car and esp the car/nfant seat and any kind of stroller!!! I mostly used the sit and stand for neighborhood walks and going to the park. The older one loved it at 2.5 - he thought he was on a train for some reason and I had no issues with him running away. As the younger one got better, if I'd id venture to the mall with both alone - I used it. Errands and stuff - I made the older one walk or put both in the shopping cart (older one in the basket). Even with that, I can say the sit and stand was worth it for me for at least a good 2 yrs (did get very heavy - I have 2 big boys). If DH and I went to a zoo,mall, etc together, we used 2 strollers (I had a GRaco, and 2 MacLarens singles).

I actually invested in the MacLaren Double last year before our trip to Disney (no way could we take the sit and stand to disney - too heavy now - my oldest is 50 lbs and the seat wouldn't be comfy for all day use). While I thought, I'd use it there and wind up selling it...I have used way more than I thought I would and it is actually getting worn from use (well - the side the older one is seems to be falling apart but he is 50lbs!). I still use it if I go alone to the mall or when DH and I do day trips/vacations, etc. The sit and stand has been retired.

Posted 5/27/10 6:47 AM

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