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Anyone else having a hard time Christmas shopping for their DC's?

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My Boys!!!!

Member since 6/06

14437 total posts


Anyone else having a hard time Christmas shopping for their DC's?

I really have no idea what to get either of them. I think I am definetely going with a table and chair set. But when it comes to toys, I am clueless. We have enough toys and the ones they have they dont play with. They are both big into cars and trucks and I refuse to buy anymore.

I was thinking for TJ some arts and crafts stuff, some games, books. Any other ideas for a 3 yr. old? I like the Imaginext Fire Station set but I just dont know if he'll play with it.

Derek, I have no idea. He doesnt play with "baby" toys. He plays with TJ's toys Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/10 7:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Anyone else having a hard time Christmas shopping for their DC's?

I am done with both boys.

Lucas seems to be into pretend play at school - they dress up and have all of these little centers (like a kitchen and baby center) so I got him this:

Little Tikes Neighborhood Market
External Image

Also got him the Imaginext Firehouse and a few other things from that line since he loves the batcave.

Posted 10/19/10 8:24 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: Anyone else having a hard time Christmas shopping for their DC's?

LOL!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am having a hard time NOT SHOPPING (and not giving the same day I bring home)!!!! Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/10 8:25 PM


Member since 6/05

9878 total posts


Re: Anyone else having a hard time Christmas shopping for their DC's?

Posted by Ang-Rich
Lucas seems to be into pretend play at school - they dress up and have all of these little centers (like a kitchen and baby center) so I got him this:

Little Tikes Neighborhood Market

Awesome idea. He loves the pretend play stuff and DH still hates the idea of getting him a kitchen.

I have no idea what else to get DS.

Based on his birthday, I recommend the Imaginext Toy Story Landfill. I do not recommend Imaginext Bigfoot for a 3yr old (especially given the cost!). He's going back to the store since Nate won't let me even take him out of the box because he's "too

Posted 10/19/10 8:32 PM


Member since 5/10

6691 total posts


Re: Anyone else having a hard time Christmas shopping for their DC's?

not really..

we went nuts last year and won't this year.. he won't know the difference...
no point to it Chat Icon
maybe get a few toys and that will be it.. between grandparents, he is more than spoiled.

Posted 10/19/10 8:34 PM

Please St. Therese....

Member since 10/07

8494 total posts


Re: Anyone else having a hard time Christmas shopping for their DC's?

No Idea what to get an 18 month old girl!

We have a wagon, kitchen,laugh and learn home etc. We also don't have a ton of space.

She doesn't play with that much and seems happy with what she has.

Ugh, it's not even that I want to get her that much, but need ideas for our parents.

Posted 10/19/10 8:40 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Anyone else having a hard time Christmas shopping for their DC's?

The Imaginext firehouse is on our list too.

Woot had the Thomas Roundhouse on sale and I picked that up. Besides that he is getting:
Cars video game (DH picked it up on sale)
Pirate book where you can take pieces and change the story
Bug sorting game
Chuggington trains (5 of them) he already has the three main characters....I could split them into two nights. I got them on sale last week when it was buy one, get one 1/2 off.
Candy Land (I got this on sale last year but never gave it to him)

I have play food from Melissa and Doug. I am not sure if I am going to give this to DS or just give both of them to DD. I will have to see if I end up seeing anything else that he would like. Hanukkah is 8 nights and we give presents for all the nights....

Posted 10/19/10 8:41 PM

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