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Budget reality

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Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

4030 total posts


Budget reality

I've been reading through these posts trying to get ideas from people on how to save money. First thing will be brining my own lunch...I already stopped getting my hair/nails done unless it's for a special occasion then I'll splurge.

Everything else is fixed expenses CC bills; Cell phone; daycare; shared mortgage expense; car insurance; cable/internet. I need some ways to reduce these fixed expenses? Will credit card companies offer me interest free if I already have the card for a few months; or lower my rate a little? I will call the cable and see how I can lower my bill...will do the same for the cell phone too.

Posted 2/4/14 2:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/09

1133 total posts


Re: Budget reality

Hi, this is my first time posting in the Budget & Savings board.
We started going through our bills 2 months ago and this is what we've come up with.
We can cut cable! Sounds crazy but it's the best time to do it since our kids are young. They get all the cartoons on Netflix or Amazon Videos. DH ordered a digital antenna for $80. It pays for itself in 2 months. It has a range of 60 miles with HD broadcast channels. We basically get everything from NYC, some Jersey channels and CT channels depending on where your aim the antenna. That cuts $50 off our cable bill. Still paying for internet and phone. We need the home for for our house alarm otherwise we'd cut that too.
We refinanced both our mortgages and applied for Star. That cut $700 per month. I am shopping around for a lower home owner's insurance. Looks like I can cut another $100.
I am gong to transfer my son to a preschool nearby so we can walk there.
DH is selling his vehicle and getting a beater so he can drive to the train station. We will still have 2 vehicles.
I plan on having vegetable garden this summer. That will save on groceries. I'm reusing all garden containers and just buying seeds. I don't have a green thumb but my mom does. Hopefully it works out.

Posted 2/5/14 11:36 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/09

1133 total posts


Budget reality

Also, our biggest spending is groceries, over $1000 per month. We only buy in bulk at Costco now. I haven't decided if this is actually saving me money. I feel like a lot of it goes to waste and we over buy. I think I spend less shopping a Trader Joe's. Their portions are smaller but nothing goes to waste.

Posted 2/5/14 11:40 AM


Member since 1/13

1329 total posts


Re: Budget reality

planning meals in advance (buying what we need and then using it, eating out less) and bringing my lunch is the biggest $$$ saver for us

Posted 2/6/14 9:35 AM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Budget reality

I actually just stopped shopping at BJ's for most groceries - things tended to end up getting thrown out. I like it for staple things like rice, oatmeal, onions (which never go bad apparently, at least not fast enough for me to notice) seasonings... and of course toilet paper, paper towels, garbage bags. But I used to buy their big packages of chicken and freeze it, and same with a lot of the veggies.... I prefer fresh veggies lately over frozen, and I find that I get better use out of the organic chicken from the super market - it lasts for a long time in the fridge, so I buy on sunday and it lasts me the week... versus Perdue which I find goes bad in 1 day.

Posted 2/6/14 9:53 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/09

1133 total posts


Re: Budget reality

Posted by jessnbrian

I actually just stopped shopping at BJ's for most groceries - things tended to end up getting thrown out. I like it for staple things like rice, oatmeal, onions (which never go bad apparently, at least not fast enough for me to notice) seasonings... and of course toilet paper, paper towels, garbage bags. But I used to buy their big packages of chicken and freeze it, and same with a lot of the veggies.... I prefer fresh veggies lately over frozen, and I find that I get better use out of the organic chicken from the super market - it lasts for a long time in the fridge, so I buy on sunday and it lasts me the week... versus Perdue which I find goes bad in 1 day.

I want to try the Costco thing for another 2 months and then switch to what you're doing. I definitely over buy at Costco. They don't have a lot of organic food but their organic milk and eggs are the cheapest I can find.

Posted 2/6/14 10:06 AM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Re: Budget reality

Posted by lucamon

Posted by jessnbrian

I actually just stopped shopping at BJ's for most groceries - things tended to end up getting thrown out. I like it for staple things like rice, oatmeal, onions (which never go bad apparently, at least not fast enough for me to notice) seasonings... and of course toilet paper, paper towels, garbage bags. But I used to buy their big packages of chicken and freeze it, and same with a lot of the veggies.... I prefer fresh veggies lately over frozen, and I find that I get better use out of the organic chicken from the super market - it lasts for a long time in the fridge, so I buy on sunday and it lasts me the week... versus Perdue which I find goes bad in 1 day.

I want to try the Costco thing for another 2 months and then switch to what you're doing. I definitely over buy at Costco. They don't have a lot of organic food but their organic milk and eggs are the cheapest I can find.

It's just me and DH so far ( though we're trying our hardest to grow) so a lot of things get "forgotten" about in our fridge... we have an old freezer top fridge (which I HATE SO MUCH), I forget about food on the bottom because I can't see it!!! I can't wait for Presidents day because we are buying ALL NEW APPLIANCES!!!

Posted 2/6/14 10:35 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


Budget reality

We cut out cable bill by just getting broadcast basic for the past two years. Now we're trying to get an antenna working so we can cut out the cable completely as well as getting rid of the land line. We don't have smartphones or data plans. We have the smallest plans verizon offers for minutes and texting. We called our car insurance company last year to make sure we have all possible discounts and the correct mileage listed.

I get my hair cut once or twice a year, same with my nails. We find lots of free things to do so we rarely spend money on entertainment for DD or ourselves. We eat at home nearly every meal and make coffee at home.

I've been trying to cut our grocery spending lately. My goal is to hit up target no more than once a month since I spend way to much there. I'm also trying to cut grocery shopping from once a week to twice a month. There are certainly some things that I spend a little more on in the supermarket but in the end I'm still saving by getting them there over going to target and spending $100+ no matter what I go in for. I use coupons, meal plan based on the circular, and stick to my list.

Posted 2/6/14 10:42 AM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Budget reality

I have my money for bills/savings deposited into one account and my money for spending (which involves groceries, gas, entertainment, clothes, etc.) into another.

This helps with keeping me in check.

I also have to get out of the mindset/habit that I NEED to go to the store every weekend.

I can ALWAYS find something that we have to get.

$100.00 later I'm walking out of Target......

Posted 2/10/14 5:33 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Budget reality

I've put us on a strict budget this year because we have a lot of projects we'd like to get to around the house plus we need to pay off debt. I'm actually enjoying budgeting, it feels like a game now. We keep challenging ourselves to see how little we can spend for the things we need and it feels so good to be spending less and saving more.

Here are my tips.

1) Get a vacuum sealer. I LOVE my Food Saver Vacuum Sealer, it's saved me so much money. I am able to buy a ton of food on sale which saves me money AND I always have a nice stash of things I need in the freezer in the garage.

I buy my meats in BJ's, I think their meats are so good, and then I break the package up into 1 lb packs, vacuum seal them, and toss them into the freezer. I just pull out a pack as needed. I've vacuumed sealed my own fresh fruits and veggies and frozen them as well as cheeses that we buy in bulk.

2) Call all your cable, phone, and credit card companies to see if they will lower your bills. More often than not they try to work with you but even if they won't budge, it can't hurt to ask.

3) I try to buy as much as I can on sale and with coupons. You can't always catch everything on sale but when I do, I stock up so I have a nice stash of what I need in the house.

4) Cook. I love to cook but we were still eating out a little too often so we really cut back. We were going out every weekend, sometimes twice a weekend and it was adding up. Now I plan meals for every night of the week, we use the leftovers for lunches, and we're eating better and cheaper. We haven't been out to eat since the second week in January!!!

5) Buy generic when you can. I love Target's Up and Up brand. 80% of my house is Target brand, they make GREAT stuff. Some things I am a little brand loyal to and I usually wait until those things go on sale to get them but for most stuff, Up and Up brand is perfectly fine. Beauty things, paper products, OTC meds, etc.

6) I shop once in the beginning of the week and then I don't step foot in the supermarket or Target again. I find if I have to run in either for "1 thing" I end up leaving having spent a ton of extra money for no reason. So I plan my meals, shop once, and just get through the week.

7) Get creative with what's already in the house. I avoided food shopping all together one week because I realized I had enough frozen meat, veggies, fruits, and pantry staples to make nice dinners all week. It was awesome. Skipping one week of shopping alone saved me around $130-150 that month. I was so excited. lol

8) Always do your research and get the best deal. Read reviews online, look for the best price, and always look for a promo code when shopping online. You'd be shocked how many are out there, I almost always get a percentage off my purchase or free shipping wherever I shop online.

9) Check out Pinterest. They are SO many great things on there relating to budgeting, saving, couponing, etc.

Posted 2/10/14 9:59 AM

Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

4030 total posts


Budget reality

So many great ideas everyone!! Thank you so much!!!

I got paid on Friday so i entered my take home pay into a budget spreadsheet and I put in all the bills I have to pay. I budgeted $150 for groceries (2 adults 1 infant) that will hopefully last us until next week. I went over by $7 from my budget so that's not too bad for a start. I have a fridge and freezer full of food so hopefully I can stick with bringing my own meals to work and cooking dinner at home at night.

I will call my credit cards to see if there is anything they can do to help me lower my bills. I called the cable company and am switching down to a basic plan. For now that's a $25 savings/month!

I am trying to be strict with my spending. Two friends have invited me out for dinner but I think I'm going to have to postpone going until I get my own finances in order.

When I put last months take home pay and bills in the budget I was at a negative amount! Which I don't like. I'm constantly grabbing my credit card to pay for things that I shouldn't be spending money on. If I can't buy it in cash...I'm not buying it anymore. Time to get to business! Thanks again!!

Posted 2/10/14 11:44 AM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Budget reality

One thing I would add is I've been doing a lot of peapod. Although you pay a delivery fee and tip driver, it prevents me from overspending and keeps me out of places like target which can be costly to me lol

Posted 2/12/14 10:13 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Budget reality

Posted by Mrs213

One thing I would add is I've been doing a lot of peapod. Although you pay a delivery fee and tip driver, it prevents me from overspending and keeps me out of places like target which can be costly to me lol

You what's good too..........I use the scanner gun in Stop and Shop and I scan and bag as I shop. I love it because I see the running total as I'm shopping so I can reign myself in when I shop and there are no surprises at the register. Chat Icon

Posted 2/13/14 8:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

4971 total posts


Re: Budget reality

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Mrs213

One thing I would add is I've been doing a lot of peapod. Although you pay a delivery fee and tip driver, it prevents me from overspending and keeps me out of places like target which can be costly to me lol

You what's good too..........I use the scanner gun in Stop and Shop and I scan and bag as I shop. I love it because I see the running total as I'm shopping so I can reign myself in when I shop and there are no surprises at the register. Chat Icon

This reminds me of my mom who used to shop with an envelope with cash budgeted for groceries. But no scanner she would add up everything in her head as she added stuff.

Posted 2/14/14 6:20 AM

Bring on the glitter and bows!

Member since 6/08

15158 total posts


Re: Budget reality

I believe in using a written budget. I have a notebook that goes back almost 2 years of monthly bills to be paid and broken down by weekly paycheck(s).

We started using the Dave Ramsey Plan last year. I read it and thought well we are doing some of the things here so why not give it a shot for the rest of it. If you can get it at your library I would say try it.

I am a couponer. It actually bothers me to purchase things at whole price when I know I could get them on sale maybe the next week. I tend to make our meals based on what is in the freezer or fridge and do not usually plan out a dinner on a whim unless I know I am getting the main ingredients on sale.

I would call around for some new insurance quotes. Sometimes you can save money by changing carriers.

Posted 2/15/14 8:46 PM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Budget reality

I need to get serious again!

I got paid on Thursday and most of it is gone already between bills and Target.

I know that DH is giving me $$$ this week which is probably why I've been so leisurely with money.

I HAVE to get into the mindset to just use what we have already in the house though.

Posted 2/18/14 5:48 AM

i need sleep ;-)

Member since 2/14

2008 total posts


Re: Budget reality

Posted by kimbalina

I believe in using a written budget. I have a notebook that goes back almost 2 years of monthly bills to be paid and broken down by weekly paycheck(s).

Me too!!! I recently got a new computer and am wondering what to do without my Quicken... so I am still using the old one. I use the notebook, the Quicken and my checkbook to balance against the bank websites. i am crazyyyy

Posted 2/18/14 2:03 PM

i need sleep ;-)

Member since 2/14

2008 total posts


Re: Budget reality

Posted by lucamon
We refinanced both our mortgages and applied for Star.

How do you re-fi a 2nd mortgage? mine wouldnt let me, so i am trying to start paying more per month to get it over w/ sooner. do you have to be in distress?

Posted 2/18/14 2:03 PM

i need sleep ;-)

Member since 2/14

2008 total posts


Re: Budget reality

Posted by Hofstra26
You what's good too..........I use the scanner gun in Stop and Shop and I scan and bag as I shop. I love it because I see the running total as I'm shopping so I can reign myself in when I shop and there are no surprises at the register. Chat Icon

me too-- and dont bring your SO or kids if they will spend extra $$ lol

Posted 2/18/14 2:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/09

1133 total posts


Re: Budget reality

Posted by Lauren1802

Posted by lucamon
We refinanced both our mortgages and applied for Star.

How do you re-fi a 2nd mortgage? mine wouldnt let me, so i am trying to start paying more per month to get it over w/ sooner. do you have to be in distress?

I'm so mad. They turned us down for the 2nd mortgage refi. This is after getting a closing date and all. Oh well, we didn't have to pay a fee or anything. We will try again next year. They said the appraisal came in too low.
Call your 2nd mortgage bank and see what they can do for you. The worst they can say is no. You don't have to pay for anything until you close. GL.

Posted 2/20/14 8:35 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Budget reality

Posted by stinger

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by Mrs213

One thing I would add is I've been doing a lot of peapod. Although you pay a delivery fee and tip driver, it prevents me from overspending and keeps me out of places like target which can be costly to me lol

You what's good too..........I use the scanner gun in Stop and Shop and I scan and bag as I shop. I love it because I see the running total as I'm shopping so I can reign myself in when I shop and there are no surprises at the register. Chat Icon

This reminds me of my mom who used to shop with an envelope with cash budgeted for groceries. But no scanner she would add up everything in her head as she added stuff.

My mom had one of those handheld plastic things that you would click the price in so you could keep a running total. I don't even think they make those anymore! lol

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Posted 2/20/14 10:45 AM

i need sleep ;-)

Member since 2/14

2008 total posts


Re: Budget reality

Posted by lucamon

Posted by Lauren1802

Posted by lucamon
We refinanced both our mortgages and applied for Star.

How do you re-fi a 2nd mortgage? mine wouldnt let me, so i am trying to start paying more per month to get it over w/ sooner. do you have to be in distress?

I'm so mad. They turned us down for the 2nd mortgage refi. This is after getting a closing date and all. Oh well, we didn't have to pay a fee or anything. We will try again next year. They said the appraisal came in too low.
Call your 2nd mortgage bank and see what they can do for you. The worst they can say is no. You don't have to pay for anything until you close. GL.

mine said i had to be in danger of default, that is the only program they offer. my interest is super high (was done in 2006) and i am soooo annoyed.

Posted 2/21/14 10:17 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/09

1133 total posts


Re: Budget reality

Posted by Lauren1802

Posted by lucamon

Posted by Lauren1802

Posted by lucamon
We refinanced both our mortgages and applied for Star.

How do you re-fi a 2nd mortgage? mine wouldnt let me, so i am trying to start paying more per month to get it over w/ sooner. do you have to be in distress?

I'm so mad. They turned us down for the 2nd mortgage refi. This is after getting a closing date and all. Oh well, we didn't have to pay a fee or anything. We will try again next year. They said the appraisal came in too low.
Call your 2nd mortgage bank and see what they can do for you. The worst they can say is no. You don't have to pay for anything until you close. GL.

mine said i had to be in danger of default, that is the only program they offer. my interest is super high (was done in 2006) and i am soooo annoyed.

Same here we bought our house in 2005 and our interest is very high. We were rejected because the the appraisal came in lower than what the house is worth now but we will try again next. year. We tried two years ago to refinance our primary mortgage and was denied for the same reason. We tried again last year and it went through. We try every year. LOL

Posted 2/21/14 11:49 AM

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