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gym yoga vs yoga studio?

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gym yoga vs yoga studio?

Does there tend to be a big difference?

I have a gym membership and am going to try out one of the yoga classes they offer... but I'm wondering if there's a big difference between something like that and a place that specializes in yoga.

Message edited 12/19/2010 7:06:10 PM.

Posted 12/19/10 7:05 PM
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Re: gym yoga vs yoga studio?

Not always..... But it depends on the instructor, I think. Some are yoga instructors who work in a gym. Some are fitness instructors who got a certification in yoga to add more classes onto their schedules....

Posted 12/19/10 7:15 PM


Member since 12/07

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Re: gym yoga vs yoga studio?

I would agree with what she said. Although I would say that if you are looking for a more intensive yoga work-out, it would probably make a big difference to go to a studio regularly.

I looked online at a couple of gyms in my area at their class schedules recently and some of them offer a class like only once or twice a week, usually at times I am not free.

Posted 12/19/10 7:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

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Re: gym yoga vs yoga studio?

In my experience gym yoga can not even come close to the practice at a studio.

I've gone to NYSC for years tho - so perhaps different gyms offer better yoga classes.

I've actually been considering cancelling my gym membership and doing more yoga to supplement my running.

Posted 12/19/10 9:54 PM


Member since 12/07

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Re: gym yoga vs yoga studio?

Since I've been going to hot yoga (go at least 3x a week) I feel and look so much better than I ever did when I was a member of a gym.

AND I actually look forward to going.......can't say I ever felt that way about the gym.

A yoga membership can sound pricey though compared to a gym.......which is IMO a big reason many people shy away from going.

What I spend though each month, probably is what I would pi$$ away on things like take out and nonsense at Target so it's worth the splurge to me.

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Posted 12/20/10 5:40 PM

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Re: gym yoga vs yoga studio?

I've never done studio yoga but have had instructors at the gym that teach at studios as well as regular instructors. I think yoga at the gym is highly dependent on the quality of the instructor, but I find this to be true with spinning and other classes as well. I would find the instructors I liked and go to their classes and not go to anyone else. With a good instructor, your form will be checked and corrected a lot, you will be sweating, you will be challenged, difficult moves will be broken down and you should see improvement if you go regularly. After a couple of months, I was able to do some really tricky moves and do them pretty well. If the instructor's not great, you will know quickly. If you are new to yoga and you already have a gym membership, I would first try out a few classes and see if you like them before signing up at a studio.

Also, if there is a hot yoga class at your gym, those are great - the temperature really helps you limber up.

I may try a studio in the future, but for now, I have found classes and instructors that I really like so I feel no need to spend the extra money. Also, I suspect studios may place more emphasis on the meditative aspect of yoga, and I prefer the athletic aspect myself.

Posted 12/21/10 3:14 PM

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Re: gym yoga vs yoga studio?

Yoga through the gym is more exercise/workout oriented in general vs true yoga in a yoga studio

Posted 12/22/10 5:34 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: gym yoga vs yoga studio?

i see a difference at the gym vs a studio. whilst i do agree that it can depend on the instructor, the environment is also something to keep in mind. i have been in gym yoga classes that were good, but you get out of the zone when you can hear the music pumping right outside the door.

i quit my gym membership for a bikram yoga studio. i haven't been to yoga in almost two weeks due to weather problems in london and i genuinely miss it. I can't wait to go tomorrow. i can't say the same for the gym

Posted 12/26/10 8:48 PM


Member since 11/07

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Re: gym yoga vs yoga studio?

i teach yoga at both gyms and studios. there's a few differences.

one, in a studio, yoga can be more spiritual and include chanting and hands on adjustments. gyms usually don't allow either of those.

also, you'll rarely find the option of hot yoga in a gym because the rooms need to work for cardio too and cannot be heated to that degree, so you'll probably have a hard time finding hot yoga in a gym as opposed to a studio.

and the biggest, most challenging difference, is that gyms just list 'yoga' on the schedule. when people come to my class, i teach a strong vinyasa flow but other teachers might do gentle yoga or hatha yoga or kundalini inspired, etc. you kind of don't know what class you're going to so if you're craving a good workout or a more restorative class you might not know which one to go to. studios usually have a variety of yoga styles and list them as such on schedules so you can really fine tune your practice by going to the class you need. of course, i'm sure you could call the gym to ask, but they might not always know the type of class their instructors teach.

Posted 1/6/11 9:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/09

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Re: gym yoga vs yoga studio?

I go to a gym. As a result of doing kickboxing elsewhere, I tend to use the gym for my yoga. One yoga instructor does more of the flow yoga and by the end i feel I have exerted energy and almost break a sweat. Every challenging.

The other yoga teacher I LOVE, is spiritual. Chants, staying in poses for a while, etc. She is a doula and has a some wonderful way of adding a meditative tone to the entire hour.

I haven't done yoga at a studio. It is much cheaper for me to do it through the gym and I can go more often than if I had to pay for the studio sesions.

Posted 1/9/11 3:38 PM

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