Hi all. I just recently found this website, and figured it would be a good place to ask.
I need to buy shades for my living room window, which is 8'10" wide and 3' high. Most of the websites I've visited only have the option to go up to 72" wide. I definitely prefer the look of cellular shades over blinds. Since this is also our TV room, I was hoping to get shades that have the day/night option (able to transition between light filtering and room darkening), but now I'm worried that might not be possible. Any recommendations for where to go? If I can't find the day/night type, I may just to get light filtering shades with blackout curtains, but then I'd need them to be custom because of the odd height (my a/c unit is below the window). So I'll also take recommendations on where to go for custom curtains. Any advice would be appreciated!