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HELP! Plumbing

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

6470 total posts


HELP! Plumbing

So back in may I had a leak in my bathtub and called maintenance (I live in a co op) of course they came in to inspect and said its my responsibility since the previous owners redid the bathroom. While in my bathroom, they noticed my toilet running so they went in the crawls pace (basement) and said I have a leak in the lead bend. Maintenance guy said its prob not my fault because the woman who moved next door did a ton of work and probably caused my pipe to crack. He told me not to say anything and he will speak to his boss.

2 MONTHS later I received a violation notice stating that the leak in lead Bend was completely my responsibility and I could either pay the co op $600 to repair or I can hire a licensed plumber on my own and have him do it.

I sent them a certified letter stating that I refuse to accept it as my responsibility/fault and would like to bring in a plumber to evaluate exactly what's wrong,etc.

2 months and I get a response stating that I can arrange to have a plumber come in with maintenance or I can now pay $500 to have the co op ppl repair it.

Ever since my neighbor moved in I have had plumbing issues. My bathtub got clogged due to debris that was left in the Pipes ,drains from her construction! They had to call her from work to come home to snake everything! Then the leaks! Now every time she uses the water in her bathroom, does laundry or flushes the toilet, there's an obnoxious 2-knock banging sound that I hear. This is driving me nuts!

I really don't know what to do! Part of me just wants to pay the $500 and get it over with but that doesn't sit we'll with me. I haven't had a single problem until she moved in. I truly believe its her fault and she should be held responsible.

Should I find a plumber on my own? Do plumbers even do free estimates? I also don't want to rat out the maintence guy who told me its her fault because I live alone and if he gets it trouble or fired I don't want any problems.

What do I do?

Message edited 10/24/2013 8:32:58 AM.

Posted 10/24/13 8:30 AM
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LIF Adult

Member since 6/11

3170 total posts


HELP! Plumbing

I would absolutely get another opinion. Do you know a plumber to call to come and loom at the job? The plumber will probably do the same job for much less.
Re: your new neighbor, ugh that's a toughie. Do you have a relationship with her ? Can you speak to her about the situation? If it were me, I would probably just pay whatever the plumber charges bc I wouldn't want to start a fight with me neighbor, especially if I lived alone. GL!!!

Posted 10/24/13 9:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

6470 total posts


Re: HELP! Plumbing

Don't even know her name. We just say hi if we see each other but That's maybe 3x in 8 months? The problem is finding a licensed plumber This truly sucks

Posted 10/24/13 9:40 AM

. . . . .

Member since 3/09

8268 total posts


Re: HELP! Plumbing

As for the banging sound, complain to management what you hear.
Sounds like a pipe in her wall was not secured properly.
What you hear is the pipe moving.

A pipe that runs UNDER your unit in the crawl space is most certainly not your responsibility. It is certainly not something that would be changed during a bathroom renovation.

If the management company still insists that you pay to repair it, counter with you pay half of the $250, they pay the other half. If the cost is more than $500 total, management eats the difference.

Posted 10/24/13 1:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

6470 total posts


Re: HELP! Plumbing

Posted by SusiBee

As for the banging sound, complain to management what you hear.
Sounds like a pipe in her wall was not secured properly.
What you hear is the pipe moving.

A pipe that runs UNDER your unit in the crawl space is most certainly not your responsibility. It is certainly not something that would be changed during a bathroom renovation.

If the management company still insists that you pay to repair it, counter with you pay half of the $250, they pay the other half. If the cost is more than $500 total, management eats the difference.

brilliant!!!! i am afraid if i bring the banging sound to their attention, they will say its also my fault and have me pay for that repair. if thats the case I will pay them in pennies... 5cents a day

i seriously had ZERO problems until a new person moved next door. I am also wondering if they even contacted her. imagine they are charging her also?

Posted 10/24/13 2:18 PM

. . . . .

Member since 3/09

8268 total posts


Re: HELP! Plumbing

I am also a co-op owner, and a board member Chat Icon

In my co-op, anything that is in the walls is the co-op's responsibility, unless the damage is directly caused by something the shareholder did, or if they moved something without prior consent. For example, moving electrical or moving a pipe from its original location.
That's why I am saying a pipe in the crawl space is not your responsibility.
Check your occupancy lease for specifics - there should be a section on repairs and what is shareholder responsibility.

The counter is probably cheaper for you than getting your own plumber and doing the fix.
Also, if maintenance fixes the leak, then THEY are responsible for further repairs if it leaks again.
If you do the fix, then you are responsible.

Posted 10/24/13 4:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

6470 total posts


Re: HELP! Plumbing

you are truly AWESOME! how exactly do i counter without sounding like a jerk?

Posted 10/24/13 4:22 PM

. . . . .

Member since 3/09

8268 total posts


Re: HELP! Plumbing

I've been thinking about the leak and how to fix it properly.
Rather than getting some random plumber that I have no experience with, I think it would be better to have the maintenance guys fix the leak since they are trustworthy and know what they are doing.
What if we split the cost difference, I'll pay $250, which is half of what you quoted me.

When they say yes, ok, then hit them with

By the way, ever since my new neighbor renovated her bathroom, her pipes make a very loud banging noise every time she uses water.
I'm afraid that the pipes will break and cause a huge water leak. Can maintenance look into it ?
Chat Icon

Posted 10/24/13 4:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

6470 total posts


Re: HELP! Plumbing

thank you soo much!!!

Posted 10/25/13 10:37 AM

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