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House with 1 bathroom

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

553 total posts


House with 1 bathroom

Hi all,

We're searching for our first home. We found a house that we love, everything is updated, nice street, right amount of bedrooms, nice property and its a great price for the area. The one negative is that is has 1 bathroom. It's a ranch.

Right now we can live with 1 bathroom but when we have more kids this could be a problem.

How big a project would it be to add a bathroom? in terms of cost, time, getting permits etc.

has anyone gone through this? I would appreciate any insight or opinions.

Posted 1/29/14 2:30 PM
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I think I got this

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House with 1 bathroom

I don't have any advice about adding a bath but wanted to say, we lived in a Levitt house for years, 4 adults, 1 child and had only 1 bath. It was absolutely manageable. Everyone knew their place in the line up and if they missed their chance, they had to wait till everyone else was done.

I just bought a house with my DH that has 3 Baths. I hate cleaning them.

Posted 1/29/14 2:40 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

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House with 1 bathroom

I HATED living with 1 bathroom growing up. We made it work, but it was so difficult, there were fights over who got to use it when, and God forbid you had to pee while someone else was in there.

Posted 1/29/14 2:42 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

553 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

Thank you for your responses. We only have a 9 month old dd now so I don't see it being an immediate problem, but I want to make sure we choose a home that we can grow with.

Posted 1/29/14 2:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

3363 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

I too have always lived in houses with only 1 bathroom. It is doable but if you can, I would build another one.

Posted 1/29/14 2:48 PM

Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07

4521 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

The 1st question is - is there a closet or a space that you could turn into a bathroom. If that is the case it would be easier but cost would be determined by how hard it would be to hook it up to the existing plumbing in the house as well.

Posted 1/29/14 2:49 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

553 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

there really isn't a closet or anything that could be turned into a bathroom. I think it would involve building out. My idea was to expand the master bedroom and add a master bath and walk in closets.

But I really don't have any idea what I'm talking about. haha

So we'll have to get someone to come look at it before we make any big decisions.

Message edited 1/29/2014 2:58:42 PM.

Posted 1/29/14 2:58 PM


Member since 10/09

6905 total posts


House with 1 bathroom

What is above the bathroom now? If you can build a bathroom above the existing one the plumbing shouldn't be too expensive to bring up.

Posted 1/29/14 3:08 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

553 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

Its a ranch so there is nothing above the bathroom now. But building up is something we talked about so it could work.

Posted 1/29/14 3:13 PM


Member since 10/09

6905 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

Posted by jmp1105

Its a ranch so there is nothing above the bathroom now. But building up is something we talked about so it could work.

Is the bathroom close to the MB that you are thinking about adding a bathroom to? The same concept for going up could probably be used for going next to, KWIM?

Posted 1/29/14 3:38 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

553 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

Unfortunately the existing bathroom is not near the current master. I suppose some of the bedrooms could be changed, move some walls, but that becomes a huge renovation.

If we decide to go through with this house I will definitely come on here to get reccomendations for a contractor.

Posted 1/29/14 3:46 PM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


House with 1 bathroom

We only have one bathroom now. I grew up in houses that always had 2.5 baths. We don't have an issue so far. Its DH myself and our 2yo. We do have my parents stay with us for weeks at a time so we do have 4 adults here at times and it still isn't an issue.

Posted 1/29/14 3:59 PM

Christine Braun - Signature Premier Properties
LIFamilies Business

Member since 2/11

3992 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

Does the ranch house have a basement?

It's common in ranches to put the second bath in the basement. Ranches with basements have huge full basements, that basically have the same square footage upstairs. It's usually easiest to add in the basement because there's usually already plumbing nearby (often the washing machine and the heating system is in the basement), and there's existing space to frame off and build the bathroom into, versus expanding by building out (through exterior walls) or up. It's usually cheaper to build out than up.

But the bottom line is, a bathroom can always be added - somewhere -- down the road, if needed. If you can afford to get a 2 bathroom house, that's of course preferable, but for some people, in their desired area, a 1 bath is what they can afford. When buying, it's important to focus on things that can't be changed, like property size and location, or can't be easily changed (overall layout). But adding a bathroom could be done in the future, and if it's not an immediate need, I wouldn't automatically rule out a 1 bathroom house (especially if you love it in every other way and there aren't many 2 bathroom houses in your price range).

Posted 1/29/14 4:10 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

553 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

There is a very large unfinished basement, but its very clean and has high ceilings so I think it could be ideal for finishing and we could add a bathroom. Good idea.

Thank you for all of your responses. This was my first post, but I'm sure I will have a lot more questions throughout this home buying process.

Posted 1/29/14 4:20 PM

Christine Braun - Signature Premier Properties
LIFamilies Business

Member since 2/11

3992 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

Posted by jmp1105

There is a very large unfinished basement, but its very clean and has high ceilings so I think it could be ideal for finishing and we could add a bathroom. Good idea.

Thank you for all of your responses. This was my first post, but I'm sure I will have a lot more questions throughout this home buying process.

Absolutely would be the easiest solution! And finishing the basement in a ranch adds a lot of additional living space... I've seen GREAT finished basements in ranch houses. They can really be wonderful family rooms with tvs, games, pool tables, extra bath, office, etc. Lots of potential! (I have a split, so I only have a partial basement, so I marvel at how huge ranch basements are.)

Posted 1/29/14 4:24 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/12

663 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

We have a cape with 1 bathroom. Its two adults and 2 children (one 4.5 years old and the other 1 year old). We are in the process of adding another bath on the 2nd floor. The first thing you would need to do is get an architect to visit your house and draw up preliminary plans. He can also file the permits for you. I am in the Town of Hempstead. Its costing us about $2,000 for the architects services and permit fees. Once you have preliminary plans, start getting quotes from different contractors. We are now waiting for our final plans and permit and will decide on a contractor soon. We have gotten estimates from $18,000 all the way to $30,000 depending how fancy you want to go.

Posted 1/29/14 4:51 PM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

Posted by alli3131

We only have one bathroom now. I grew up in houses that always had 2.5 baths. We don't have an issue so far. Its DH myself and our 2yo. We do have my parents stay with us for weeks at a time so we do have 4 adults here at times and it still isn't an issue.


I often have my parents and sister stay with us too and it's never a problem.

When we bought the previous owners had the garage converted into an illegal apartment. They had a bathroom with a shower out there. We made them rip it out. The bank then never inspected the garage. Chat Icon

DH put in a sink and toilet out there though since it's his office/bonus room.

I am sure we could add something but that's more of a want right now, not a need.

And after being hit by Sandy, there's no way I want to put money into the basement of our home.

Posted 1/30/14 5:59 AM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

18802 total posts


House with 1 bathroom

I agree with adding a bath when you finish the basement!

Posted 1/30/14 6:30 AM

And then there were 4

Member since 1/10

5224 total posts


House with 1 bathroom

I grew up with four people using one bathroom-the only time it was a problem was when we had five extra people staying with us, so with 9 people and one bathroom it was a bit much lol.

We also have one bathroom in our house now, but it's currently only me and DH. We do have plans to eventually add another 1.5 baths

Posted 1/30/14 7:56 AM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


House with 1 bathroom

Add the bath to the basement when you finish it. I grew up with one bathroom and I vowed never ever live anywhere that has one bathroom again. When we got older all of us had to be out of the house at the same time and it was a fight every single morning. Not to mention if someone was sick with a stomach virus.

Posted 1/30/14 8:32 AM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

13160 total posts


Re: House with 1 bathroom

BIL lives in a ranch and they have a bathroom in the basement. The old owners of the house kind of just put it in without a CO, but they had to deal with it when BIL purchased the house.

DH grew up with 1 bathroom and hated it so when we looked for houses, our requirements were at least 1.5 baths

Posted 1/30/14 8:56 AM

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