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For those who have had a vaginal birth AND a c-section

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So in love with my little girl

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For those who have had a vaginal birth AND a c-section

Was the c-section truly much more awful to recover from?

I am 37 weeks 1 day pregnant with twins. Up until last week Baby B had never been head down so I was scheduled for a c-section at 38 weeks. Last time they checked me I was only a fingertip dilated. I have another internal on Thursday, so who knows, perhaps there will be some progress. They won't induce me unless my cervix is favorable (dr mentioned 4cm). With my DD I was induced at 41 weeks 1 day and I was in labor for almost 24 hours Chat Icon

Dr says I could keep the Csection date or wait it out to see if I go into labor naturally before 39 weeks. Obviously I feel like I'm DONE at this point. Babies are great weights (6lbs + each) and I feel like I'm 12 months pregnant.

Any thoughts, especially for those of you who have had a vaginal and c so you can truly compare the misery of each Chat Icon


Posted 10/14/14 6:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Love multiplies, not divides

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For those who have had a vaginal birth AND a c-section

My sister had a vaginal delivery first and then a last minute emergency csection. She said the csection recovery was so much worse on her. She was in a lot of pain.

I say do whatever it is that keeps you and the babies safe.

Posted 10/14/14 7:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/10

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Re: For those who have had a vaginal birth AND a c-section

I have never had a vaginal birth but I have had two c sections and they weren't as bad as I expected. If it does come to a c section take the pain meds don't try to be a hero, and get up to walk as soon as they ok it. My first c section I looked at the nurse like she was on crack when she said now get up and sit in the chair. The second c section I got up as soon as possible and it really did help with recovering quicker.

Message edited 10/14/2014 7:36:48 PM.

Posted 10/14/14 7:35 PM

My loves

Member since 2/11

2131 total posts


For those who have had a vaginal birth AND a c-section

You will recover fine if you move without overdoing it. I had a vaginal birth the first time, but a HORRIBLE recovery because I tore so much after pushing out a 9lb baby!!! Dr said it was just as bad as recovering from c-section. This baby is already on par to weigh 9+ and I'm just gonna force myself to get up and be active to recover quickly! Good luck with whatever you choose!

Posted 10/14/14 7:41 PM

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