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LIF Toddler

Member since 3/11

482 total posts



My boobs have stopped hurting (they hurt all last week)'s making me nervous. It's so super early (AF is technically only really due tomorrow) but I desperately want this BFP to stick and now I'm starting to panic....I hate that having had a miscarriage before makes me not trust anything. I want to be overjoyed and instead I'm anxious. I know there is nothing I can do either way, but it is SOO hard not to feel this way. It's going to be a very long pregnancy if I cant get my concerns under control. Please reassure me that the presence of or lack or symptoms, or their strenghth does not determine viability.

Posted 6/16/15 9:43 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: overanalyzing

symptoms come and go. I dont think I had really sore boobs with DS. I had terribly sore boobs the past 2 months on HCG and nothing worked.

all PMS symptoms are pregnancy symptoms too.

Wishing you lots of luck!!

Posted 6/16/15 10:09 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/11

482 total posts



Thanks....I guess the biggest thing is the "disappearance" of symptoms that scares me-- one thing if I never had it to begin with, but when my bbs start to hurt less and less, that's what makes me nervous. They still hurt a little, but SO much less than last week...I'll have to just hope its hormone fluctuations or my body getting used to the hormones or something

Posted 6/16/15 10:18 AM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts



I had sore boobs during the tww with DD1 from O day until AF was due. When my boobs stopped hurting and AF still didn't show, I took the test and got my BFP. But let me tell you, in the 2.5 years it took to conceive her, I was convinced nearly every month that I was getting a BFP except for the month that I actually did.

The only reason I took the test for DD2 was because I knew we had had an "oops" about 13 days prior and my LP is typically 11 days. Also I was pumping for DD and noticed a decrease in supply. Otherwise, not a single symptom and didn't really feel anything until about 5-6 weeks.

Posted 6/16/15 11:45 AM

Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts



My boobs were sore on and off, my sense of smell was heightened on and off, my nausea came and went, all of my symptoms would come and go... you are still VERY VERY VERY early, most symptoms for me didn't even come in until I was more like 7ish weeks.

Posted 6/16/15 2:20 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/15

590 total posts


Re: overanalyzing

Yes, the disappearance of symptoms have always scared me too. Honestly though, they do come and go. I had slightly tender boobs some days and other days nothing. My REAL symptoms didn't even begin until 6wks (nonstop trips to the bathroom, exhaustion, morning sickness). I know it's IMPOSSIBLE not to read into things especially when you've been scarred by a loss, but what has helped me is just accepting that it's completely out of my control. There's nothing I can to help or hinder each pregnancy. All I can do is try to relax, sum up a little faith, and take each day as it comes. The first trimester is the worst. I was on pins & needles the entire time. But it does pass.

Posted 6/16/15 2:57 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/11

482 total posts



Thanks all....Graden-of-Eden -- I do keep trying to tell myself that I have no control over any of it, and that is helping a bit. I'm going to take each day and pray that it all works out ok this time....all I can do. I had had an HSG this month (I wonder if it helped me get pregnant!) so I am in contact with an RE, and I'm going to have my levels checked tomorrow morning and then again on Friday or Saturday. The should give me a bit of comfort for the moment. LOL....THANKS

Posted 6/16/15 3:08 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/15

590 total posts


Re: overanalyzing

I'm glad you will be doing that, Brooke. I had that done with this pregnancy as well and I cannot even express how much it helped!! I watched the numbers rise every 48 hours, and even with the nurse telling me to prepare for the worst because they were on the low side, it gave me so much reassurance to watch them get better and better every day. It made it MUCH less stressful than with my pregnancy with DD had been, where I had to wait blindly until 8wls. It's so scary to not know one way or another, but watching those numbers up until I finally got to my 6wk sono was the best thing in this world. I'm 14wks now and going strong. Chat Icon I hope it's the same for you.

Posted 6/16/15 10:11 PM

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