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Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Is it mandatory to give gifts to teachers ?
I always contribute to the class gifts- Christmas, Teacher Appreciation, End of Year. If the teacher really goes above and beyond then I will get her a little something at the end of the year on my own. Last year, DD's teacher was a doll. She was truly the sweetest woman, so nurturing, and just a love. My daughter LOVED her. She didn't want to leave her class. I contributed to the end of year gift and got her a Target GC on my own and wrote a heartfelt note about what she meant to us. This year, eh. My daughter isn't thrilled with the teacher and neither am I to be honest. She's nice enough, but I don't see anything special or above and beyond. I contributed to the class gift and that will be it.
Message edited 6/20/2019 9:23:42 AM.
Posted 6/20/19 9:23 AM |
L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05 9320 total posts
Name: Mrs. B
Is it mandatory to give gifts to teachers ?
I give gifts to my children's teachers to say thank you for their hard work and putting up with my child and all the other children. I also give to the class collections at Christmas and end of the year as well.
To me they go above and beyond by having to deal with the kids all day long for the school year. Don't you like being thanked when you do well at your job?
Message edited 6/28/2019 10:07:42 AM.
Posted 6/28/19 10:06 AM |
Re: Is it mandatory to give gifts to teachers ?
Posted by alli3131
Clearly you don’t want to give a gift so don’t. Not sure why what someone makes factors into the decision. My sons teacher is retiring this year and yes makes between 100-150 but have an w tire career that requires a master degree she deserves that salary. And yup I gave her a gift cause she was a great teacher.
100% agree with all of this
Posted 6/28/19 3:17 PM |
drama. daily.

Member since 3/11 7287 total posts
Name: Michelle
Is it mandatory to give gifts to teachers ?
I'm not really sure what the salary has anything to do with, but clearly it burns the OP for some reasons. Teachers aren't getting a cash bonus, just a nice gift card to say, "hey thank you for being so caring and for working so hard with my child" Think about this: 20-30 students all with different abilities and needs have to learn the same thing and you're 1 person You're responsible for getting to know them and their needs, monitor their progress and remember each student's needs and progress off the top of your head. At any given time. In any lesson. Your job doesn't end when the bell rings. You take home loads of work to do after work. Your job requires you to pay $ for courses and workshops to keep you fresh, and they're mandatory You're not just teaching academics; you're responsible for life lessons, social appropriateness, playing therapist, mom, caregiver etc You don't get paid over the summer.
Message edited 7/2/2019 7:39:33 AM.
Posted 7/2/19 7:39 AM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/14 454 total posts
Re: Is it mandatory to give gifts to teachers ?
Posted by Loveme
What they make has nothing to do with a tip. If you are appreciative and think they did a great job educating your child, a thank you note and small token gift is something nice to do. Do they expect it?no.
I contribute to the class gift of $5-10 that the class moms collect.
That is what I do, contribute to a class gift , usually $5, YUP, even teachers in my district with like 14 years of experience are making a$120k a year. I did not want to but my 6 year old daughter wanted to give her teacher flowers. She is 6 and liked her teacher. Other than that I would not have.
Posted 7/3/19 9:41 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 2/14 454 total posts
Re: Is it mandatory to give gifts to teachers ?
Posted by feffmom
First of all, teachers do not make 100 - 150K a year, not even close in most districts. Like another person posted, this is the person that is teaching, caring for, protecting, tending to, putting up with your child for 10 months.
That being said 100 dollars is a little steep. Use your own discretion.
Many teachers are caring and patient. Gift should not be based on their salary but In the first 3- 4 years they don't make that much, of course not. As for Master's many colleges offer where you can get a combined BS/Ms in five years, right? After like 5 years I think they do.
Message edited 7/3/2019 9:50:11 PM.
Posted 7/3/19 9:48 PM |

Member since 1/14 7997 total posts
Re: Is it mandatory to give gifts to teachers ?
Posted by QueenElizabeth
I am a long-time teacher. I make a decent living. Gifts are not necessary. I think they go overboard at the elementary level. Secondary teachers do not receive the same types of gifting. If you are so opposed to a gift but love your child's teacher write a thank you letter. It will mean more than whatever you were going to give. Period.
P.S. I have a book of letters from both parents and students that I cherish. It means the world to me!
I love this!! and agree 100%
Posted 7/16/19 10:30 PM |
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