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Mean kids, wwyd?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

820 total posts


Mean kids, wwyd?

When someone is mean to your kid in school what do you do about it?
My son was hit hard in the head with a football at his after school program. The kid claimed it was an accident, but the ball wasn’t in play and the other kids told my son it was done on purpose. It was hard enough to make him cry. When talking to my son about it, he said this boy is mean to him in general, they are in class this year and last year were in after school together. I want to write the director and tell her about it, also his teacher to make her aware of how this kid is treating my son just so she can keep an eye on it. But, I don’t know if I am being over reactive. My feeling is since he physically hurt him it is different and I should say something.

I’d love to hear a teachers viewpoint, would you want to be made aware of this or would you just think the parent is being overbearing?

Posted 11/5/19 4:38 AM


Member since 8/10

6011 total posts


Mean kids, wwyd?

I would totally discuss it with the teacher. Provide her specifics on how he has been mean to your son.

Posted 11/5/19 4:42 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

4474 total posts


Mean kids, wwyd?

What grade is the child in

Posted 11/5/19 4:55 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

820 total posts


Re: Mean kids, wwyd?

4th grade

Posted 11/5/19 5:03 AM


Member since 3/09

7721 total posts


Re: Mean kids, wwyd?

Discuss with teacher. Better verbally.

There are mean kids. Ones that the schools are well aware of. They are often watched closely... but no matter what, they still have their shenanigans.

Tell your son NOT to cry in front of kid no matter what. NOT to show anger or annoyance. This is so hard but so important. To steer clear of kid is the best (though not always possible) strategy.

Can you tell we dealt with something like this? My kid actually befriended such kid (very similar story) and his life improved significantly. They are not best buddies... but he does do random acts of kindness now. I’m sure even rough kids have back stories...

Posted 11/5/19 5:13 AM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21539 total posts


Re: Mean kids, wwyd?

You're not being over reactive at all. I would do like you said - write the director and his teacher.

Posted 11/5/19 5:18 AM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Mean kids, wwyd?

Bring it up to your child's teacher, however, she may need to refer to someone else for aftercare. I would write a letter that they not be in class together next year and request someone keep an eye out for your child. Unfortunately, you cannot ask for or demand something for another child be done unless there is already a written trial of paperwork. I was successful in having a bully removed from school after he systematically attacked 17 of 19 kids in my daughter's class and he threatened to kill her in 2nd grade. There were adult witnesses who stepped in on behalf of my dd. Sadly it took him going through bullying 16 kids before my kid for the school to do something.

Posted 11/5/19 11:01 AM


Member since 5/05

3116 total posts


Re: Mean kids, wwyd?

I'd talk to the teacher first, before talking to the principal.

Posted 11/5/19 2:18 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Mean kids, wwyd?

I would speak to the teacher

Posted 11/5/19 3:38 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

820 total posts


Re: Mean kids, wwyd?

There is hope for the futureChat Icon My son received an apology yesterday from the boy who hit him. I hadn't contacted the after school director or the teacher since school was closed Tuesday. I feel like him showing remorse is a good sign, since he didn't apologize after it happened. I will keep tabs on things but won't call anyone now. Thanks for all of your feedback.Chat Icon

Posted 11/7/19 9:23 AM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

7790 total posts


Re: Mean kids, wwyd?

I would definitely say something to the teacher.

Posted 11/7/19 10:22 PM

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