I'm not looking to start a statistical debate here, just a general consensus, hence the poll.

We celebrate xmas eve with DH's family. It is the only holiday we celebrate with them. We were excited to go because there are a bunch of cousins and its fun for the kids. I'm boosted, DH is vaxxed, my kids are not vaxxed. A few of DH's family members are not vaxxed. I'm debating if we should still go.

DH got mad at me when I brought it up because we just went to 2 parties over the last few weekends for my family and friends with no problem but the numbers weren't crazy then either. I'm just concerned I may be being careless with my kids. But then again, if they get sick they are unlikely to get really sick and it will boost their immunity. I don't know. My other consideration is that I will be seeing my family for the 2 days afterwards but all are vaxxed other than the kids Do I go or no?