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1st time c-section moms....

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It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

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Isn't it obvious?

1st time c-section moms....

If you "planned" to go natural or just have a vaginal birth the 1st time around and ended up with a c-section, will you try for your original "plan" the second time around? a VBAC?

Posted 7/31/07 8:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

Member since 6/06

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

I got pre-eclampsia and my baby was breech so I had a c-section. I have already been told VBAC would not really be possible for me - not sure why.

Posted 7/31/07 8:09 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

I plan to have a VBAC, if possible, the next time around.

Posted 7/31/07 8:10 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

I've been told that there will be to much risk for uterine rupture for a vbac. I'm not looking forward to a second c section

Posted 7/31/07 8:11 PM

Chase is one!

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

Well, I had "planned" to have a vaginal birth with my first, but she turned breech at like 38 weeks, and I ended up with a planned c-section. I will go with another c-section the next time around.

Posted 7/31/07 8:11 PM

It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06

15404 total posts

Isn't it obvious?

Re: 1st time c-section moms....

and are you nervous about the "risks"?

Posted 7/31/07 8:11 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

I had a c-section at 41 weeks because of DS's size and am having a scheduled c-section on 8/20 for this baby. I had no desire for a VBAC.

Posted 7/31/07 8:39 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

I might consider a VBAC when the time comes. I'll have to see what my doctor says about it. I also think sometimes the pain I know is better than the pain I don't know. Chat Icon

Posted 7/31/07 8:43 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

Posted by Kate

I might consider a VBAC when the time comes. I'll have to see what my doctor says about it. I also think sometimes the pain I know is better than the pain I don't know. Chat Icon

This is so true for me, too. I already lived through the experience of having anxiety over what a v birth would be like and at least I know what to expect with a c-section!

Posted 7/31/07 8:44 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

I planned on vaginal delivery, but had a next will be a c-section too. no complaints, easy recovery

Posted 7/31/07 8:49 PM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

Second??? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/31/07 8:50 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

Posted by FireIslandLove

I plan to have a VBAC, if possible, the next time around.

same here

Posted 7/31/07 8:52 PM

This is how I play basketball!

Member since 6/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

C-section all the way. I tried so hard to avoid it the first time- had a painful version done to try to turn the baby in week 37, but it was unsuccessful. I should've avoided the torture and just given in to the fact that I wasn't going to experience the whole labor & delivery like I had planned. In the end, I'm glad it was a c-section.

Plus, it's very likely that I'll have another breech pregnancy, so I wouldn't have a choice.

Posted 7/31/07 9:05 PM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

Well, I'm a 2nd time c-section mom, but I did desire a VBAC and was set to go for one, although I was incredibly conflicted. Originally I thought they would schedule the repeat for a week past my due date, but it was scheduled *on* my due date and I didn't change that (maybe it was "meant to be" or something)...I never went into labor and I had the repeat c/s. I guess I was a bit relieved, since as Kate said, the pain you know could be better than the pain you don't know.

The repeat was a MUCH better experience than the first, but I was still a bit sad that I didn't have the whole "Honey, I think it's time!" thing. VBAC is no longer an option for me--which in some ways is a relief since the decision will be out of my hands.

Posted 7/31/07 9:32 PM

My Loves!

Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

I planned on vaginal, had a c-section and will have a c-section with the next when it comes time.
30 hours of labor and only dialating to 2cms was way too much for me.

Posted 7/31/07 9:36 PM

I <3 my boys!

Member since 12/06

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

When the time comes I will do whatever the dr says. Would I like to experience water breaking and labor..sure but more I would like to be pregnant longer than 32 weeks. So if I can go even closer to full term then I would love either way!

Posted 7/31/07 9:36 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

My first child was a vbirth but my second was a breech baby who never turned so I had her via c-section. When I was pg with #3, I had great hopes for a VBAC and my doctor was really supportive but he ended up being another breech so I had another c/s.

Posted 7/31/07 9:37 PM

I <3 Gabriella

Member since 6/06

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

My doctor isn't really gung ho on a VBAC.....I asked about it in the hospital after delivering and they said we could talk about it in the office, but there are risks of tearing the uterus.....

Posted 7/31/07 10:28 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

Posted by prncss

Posted by Kate

I might consider a VBAC when the time comes. I'll have to see what my doctor says about it. I also think sometimes the pain I know is better than the pain I don't know. Chat Icon

This is so true for me, too. I already lived through the experience of having anxiety over what a v birth would be like and at least I know what to expect with a c-section!

I agree totally!

Posted 7/31/07 10:32 PM

The Prince & Princess

Member since 7/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

I go back and forth. But most of the time I want a c/s the 2nd time around. I am TERRIFIED of ripping!!!

Don't even know if I would be a candidate for VBAC, didnt discuss it w/ my Dr

Posted 7/31/07 10:35 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/06

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

the C section was so easy... I'd prefer to go that route again...

Posted 7/31/07 10:55 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

My first was a c/s because he was breech.

My 2nd was a very successful and wonderful VBAC Chat Icon

It was the absolute best decision I ever made and I love my doctor for supporting me in my wishes.

There are many factors that dictate whether you would be a good candidate for VBAC. I was a perfect candidate because my 1st c/s was not the result of a failed labor. It was soley because he was breech. I could not be induced, had to go into labor on my own by 41 weeks (doc would let me try VBAC up until I was a week late) and the baby's size was checked regularly - my doc said I was a go as long as he felt she was in the 6-8 lbs range. And she was - 7 lbs 11 oz.

Posted 7/31/07 11:03 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

I had an emergency c-section. My doc said they prefer not to do a vbac, but if I insist they will stand by me. I'm not sure what I want. I never really had true labor, and sometimes I feel like it is something I want to experience. I know plenty of ladies will say I'm crazy, but there are some things I'd like to experience before I die, and labor was one of them. I had a relatively easy recovery from my c/s, so we'll see when the time comes. If I had my way, I think I'd like to go into labor, and then have them take the baby via c/s.

Posted 7/31/07 11:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

I know I will need a c section and Im sad about not being able to try for a VBAC if we have another baby.

Posted 8/1/07 12:00 AM

Twins are here!

Member since 3/06

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Re: 1st time c-section moms....

I had a c-section because I wasnt progressing - turns out the cord was around her neck, preventing her from descending. My doctor said I'd be a great candidate for a VBAC.

I would really try for a VBAC. . .but I think I'd only want to do it with Dr. Kaplan - my ob/gyn who delivered Ainsley. He did the c-section, he knows my history - if he says a VBAC is ok or not ok - I trust him.

Posted 8/1/07 12:43 AM
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