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2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/09

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Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

I made my goal last year :) but this year I decided I'm just going to list what I read.

1. The Shining- Stephen King
2. Killing Lincoln- Bill O'Reilly
3. Alice I have been - Margaret Benjamin
4. I've got Your Number-Sophie Kinsella
5. A Rogue by any other name-Sara Maclean
6. Daughter of Time
7. To Hell on a Fast Horse-Mark Gardner
8. A Lady of High Regard-Tracie Peterson
9. Sex and the City- Candace Bushnell
10. Diary of Darcy J Rhone- Emily Giffin
11. Game of Thrones- George Martin
12. Where We Belong- Emily Giffin
13. The Land of Stories-Chris Colfer

Message edited 7/31/2012 7:10:08 PM.

Posted 1/7/12 11:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

My goal is to read more than I did in 2011.

1. Harlan Coben -- Long Lost
2. Anna Quindlen -- Every Last One
3. Lionel Shriver -- We Need to Talk About Kevin (currently reading)

Posted 1/8/12 10:12 PM

I am Batman!

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Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

I'm hoping to actually read less this year. I've been accused of having my face in a book too much....

1. 11/22/63 - Steven King. Very good. Recommended.
2. Dreams of a Dark Warrior (again) - Kresley Cole. Not my fave of the series, but enjoyed.
3. Lothaire - Kresley Cole. Enjoyed.
4. Dragonflight (again)- Anne McCaffrey. Enjoyed. Better the first time in HS. If you pick this up, the vernacular doesn't last through the rest of the books and speech becomes more modern, I suppose to represent changing times. I think starting this series with the prequels (Pern - First Fall) is actually better. I heard these are becomming movies.
5. Dragonquest (again) - Anne McCaffrey. Enjoyed. Better the first time in HS.
6. The White Dragon (again) - Anne McCaffrey. Enjoyed. Better the first time in HS.
7. The Host - Stephanie Meyer. Enjoyed.
8. Lover Unleashed (again in prep for Lover Reborn) - was disappointed compared to the others in the series, but still love the BDB.
9. A Discovery of Witches - Harkness. Extremely disappointing. Not recommended unless you have nothing else on your reading list--at all.
10. Dead After Dark anthologies. The Story of Son (sort of BDB short story) and the Sherilyn Kennyon story were good. The other two were meh.
11. The Hobbit (again)- Tokein. I thought I'd read again for the movie. Not the same as the first time in MS.
12. Lover Reborn - JR Ward. Enjoyed.
13. Divergent - Roth. Enjoyed! If you like Hunger Games, give this one a shot.
14. Insurgent - Roth. Enjoyed.
15. The Dresden Files Book 1: Storm Front - Jim Butcher. Meh.
16. The Book of Lost Things - John Connolly. Meh, though I did tear up at the end.
17. Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter - Seth ???? Enjoyed.
18. The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss. Enjoyed.
19. The Wise Man's Fear - Patrick Rothfuss. Enjoyed.
20. Shadow of Night - Deborah Harkness. Books 2 of Discovery of Witches. Horrible! How is this a bestselling author? More than half the book could be cut. Damn my book club for picking her again.
21. Rapture - JR Ward. Okay. Not as good as Envy.
22. Cloud Atlas -- David Mitchell. Very disappointing. The guy is an excellent writer with an outstanding command of voice, but this collection of short stories did not work for me as a book, and I was bored and I skimmed about 75% of it. However, the Orision of Sonmi by itself was excellent! Should have been its own book.
23. American Gods - Neil Gaiman. Way too slow. I put it down about 1/3 through.
24. Guilty Pleasures - Laurel Hamilton. Meh.
25. The Laughing Corpse - Laurel Hamilton. Meh.
26. Circus of the Damned - Laurel Hamilton. Meh.
27. The Lunatic Cafe - Laurel Hamilton. Meh.
28. Bloody Bones - Laurel Hamilton.
29. The Killing Dance - Laurel Hamilton
30. Burnt Offerings- Laurel Hamilton. Blah blah blah...
31. Blue Moon- Laurel Hamilton
32. Obsidian Butterfly- Laurel Hamilton
33. Narcissus in Chains- Laurel Hamilton. Not sure why I'm still reading these. There's no plot to most of these and its basically become how many people can she sleep with. And I honestly can't stand Anita Blake anymore. I guess it's some of the supporting characters that have me still reading.
34. Cerulean Sins- Laurel Hamilton
35. Incubus Dreams- Laurel Hamilton
36. Micah- Laurel Hamilton
37. Danse Macabre- Laurel Hamilton. I am now skimming most of these books. Three paragraphs on what someone's hair looks like? Really?
38. The Harlequin- Laurel Hamilton
39. Bllod Noir- Laurel Hamilton
40. Skin Trade- Laurel Hamilton
41. Flirt- Laurel Hamilton
42. Bullet- Laurel Hamilton
43. Hit List- Laurel Hamilton. What a friggin disappointment. The one tiny thread of plot going for this series and it was snuffed in like 3 page of nothing.
44. Kiss the Dead - Laurel Hamilton. More disappointment. It all seemed like setup for the next book.
45. Poison Princess - Kresley Cole. Enjoyed.

Wow, looking back I feel like most of the year was spent reading disappointing books. There were a few bright spots in there.

Message edited 12/10/2012 9:11:22 AM.

Posted 1/8/12 10:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

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Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

I have never set a reading goal, but I am going to try it this year. My goal is 25.

1. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Jonathan Safran Foer
2. Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein (in progress)

Message edited 1/28/2012 4:34:47 PM.

Posted 1/14/12 11:04 PM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

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Gerty ®

Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

I loved this just for keeping track..will try again

So far for 2012 I have:

1: The Land of Painted Caves - Jane M Auel
2: Q is for Quarry - Sue Grafton
3: R is for Ricochet - Sue Grafton
4: S is for Silence - Sue Grafton
5: Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin
6: T is for Trespass - Sue Grafton
7: U is for Undertow - Sue Grafton
8: Clash of Kings - George R.R. Martin
9: V is for Vengeance - Sue Grafton
10: A Secret Kept - Tatiana de Rosnay
11: Minding Frankie - Maeve Binchy
12: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Jonathan Safran Foer
13: The Invisible Bridge - Julie Orringer - OMG!!!! I loved this book!!! Thank you to those who were recommending it!

Message edited 4/1/2012 12:17:32 AM.

Posted 1/19/12 8:44 AM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

I read 13 books in 2011--my goal for 2012 is 25, but it depends on what I read. Non-fiction can really slow me down.

January 2012:
The Help-Kathryn Stockett
Lamb-Bonnie Nadzam
The Book of Joe-Jonathan Tropper (currently reading)

Message edited 1/19/2012 1:03:01 PM.

Posted 1/19/12 1:01 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

718 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

Ok I didn't make my 111 last year - got to 70 so I am going to lower my standards and see if it helps :)
65 books!

1) The Sixth Man by David Balducci
2) Not My Daughter by Barbara Delinsky
3) Beautiful Lies - by Lisa Unger
4) Sliver of Truth - Lisa Unger
5) Duma Key - Stephen King
6) Black Out - Lisa Unger
7) Destined - PC Cast
8) Distant Shores - Kristin Hannah
9) Extremely Close and Incredibly Loud -Jonathan Foer
10) The 7th Month - Lisa Gardner
11) Pictures of You - Carolyn Leavitt
12) Never Knowing - Chevy Stevens - Excellent!
13) Fifty Shades of Grey -E.L.James
14) Fifty Shades Darker
15) Fifty Shades Freed
16) Don't Breathe a Word - Jennifer McMahon
17. Dead to You - Lisa Mcmann
18. A Grown Up Kind of Pretty - Joshilyn Jackson
19. Snowbound by Blake Crouch
20. I'll Walk Alone by Mary Higgins Clark
21. The Next Always (Boonsboro Trilogy) by Nora Roberts
22. Naked in Death - JD Robb
23. Glory in Death - JD Robb
24. Lone Wolf - Jodi Picoult
25. Immortal in Death - JD Robb
26. Rapture in Death - JD Robb
27. Come Home - Lisa Scottonline
28. Home Front - Kristin Hannah
29. Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson (hysterical!!)
30. Ceremony in Death - JD Robb
31. Defending Jacob - William Landay
32.Vengeance in Death - JD Robb
33. The Good Father - Diane Chamberlain
34. Deadlocked - Charlaine Harris
35. Holiday in Death
36. Skipping a Beat - Sarah Pekkson
37. Conspiracy in Death
38. Snatched - Karin Slaughter
39. Size 12 is Not Fat - Meg Cabot
40. Loyalty in Death - JD Robb
41. Size 14 is not Fat Either - Meg Cabot
42. Heartbroken - Lisa Unger
43. Witness in Death - JD Robb
44. Big Boned - Meg Cabot
45. These Girls - Sarah Pekkansen
46. Betrayal in Death - JD Robb
47. Judgement in Death - JD Robb
48. Fireproof - Alex Kava
49. Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
50. Where We Belong - Emily Giffin
51. I Couldn't Love you More - Jillian Medoff
52. Purity in Death - JD Robb
53. Portrait in Death - JD Robb
54. The Next Best Thing - Jennifer Weiner
55. Seduction in Death - JD Robb
56. Imitation in Death - JD Robb
57. Sharp Objects - Gillian Flynn
58. Size 12 and Ready to Rock - Meg Cabot
59. Divided in Death - JD Robb
60. Dark Places - Gillian Flynn
61. Memory in Death - JD Robb
62. Visions in Death - JD Robb
63. Survivor in Death - JD Robb
64. Origin in Death - JD Robb
65. Born in Death - JD Robb

Woohoo Chat Icon I hit my goal!

Message edited 12/12/2012 12:43:14 PM.

Posted 1/19/12 9:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/11

1169 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

my goal is 25 books.

1. The book Theif (liked but very sad)
2. Amish love (just ok)
3. heaven is for real (very insightful)
4. A storm of swords (loved)
5.fifty shades of Grey(loved)
6.Fifty shades darker(loved)
7. fifty shades freed(loved)
8. master of the mountain(soso)
9. the lucky one(loved)
10 A tree grows in Brooklyn ( good glade i read it as an adult)
11.The night circus ( Loved !)
12.Thoughtless( liked)
13. effortless ( liked a lot happy ending )
14.Abraham Lincoln Vampire hunter( really like nice mix of history and fiction almost made you believe it was true!)
15. Bared to you (excellent cant wait to the rest to come out. almost as good as 50shades)
16. The Historian ( dont reccoment )
17. Gabrielle's inferno (Loved)
18. Gabrielle's rapture (liked the first one better, but still good)
19. My name is Memory ( wonderful i cant wait for the sequel which may never come out :( )
20. Beautiful disaster( Liked)
21. Anna and the french kiss( was cute but very YA)
22. Slammed ( loved)
23. point of retreat( Loved!)
24. The Vincent Boys ( ok very short not well developed plot)
25.Crash by Nicole Williams ( Like a lot)
26.Delicate by steph Campble ( liked)
27.Where we Belong by Emily Griffen (loved , i'm a big fan of hers this didn't disappoint!)
28.Easy by Tammera Webber (Liked)
29.Gone girl.(annoyed me!)
30. before ever after. ( Didn't love)
31. the fault in our stars.(loved and cried)
32. reason to breath. (liked)
33. barely breathing. ( liked)
34. Dancing naked .( was just ok)
35. The time keeper.( not mich Alboms best)
36. Fall of Giants - (Loved)
37.Winter of the world (loved)
38.What dreams may come.
39. Wild (liked)

Message edited 1/17/2013 3:27:40 PM.

Posted 1/19/12 11:10 PM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

Posted by Mkr09

My goal is to read more than I did in 2011.

1. Harlan Coben -- Long Lost
2. Anna Quindlen -- Every Last One
3. Lionel Shriver -- We Need to Talk About Kevin (currently reading)

I couldn't get through We Need to Talk About Kevin
3. Lisa Unger -- Fragile
4. Little Princes

Posted 1/21/12 10:29 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/09

637 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

1. Jarhead - Anthony Swofford
2. Water For Elephants - Sara Gruen
3. Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis

4. The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
5. Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins
6. Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - C.S. Lewis

7. Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins
8. This Beautiful Life - Helen Schulman
9. Life of Pi - Yann Martel (currently reading)

Message edited 3/28/2012 8:44:44 PM.

Posted 1/28/12 11:16 PM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

My goal is to read more than I did in 2011.

1. Harlan Coben -- Long Lost
2. Anna Quindlen -- Every Last One
3. Lionel Shriver -- We Need to Talk About Kevin (currently reading)

I couldn't get through We Need to Talk About Kevin
3. Lisa Unger -- Fragile
4. Little Princes
5. Hunger Games
6. Cathing Fire
7. Mockingjay

Posted 1/29/12 11:55 PM

Baby's First Christmas

Member since 7/09

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Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

I didn't even come close to my goal last year, although I think tackling all the George RR Martin books, and having a kid kind of killed that. This year I'll aim for 30...we'll see how that goes...especially since I'm looking to go back to school later this year.

1. Awakening (Vampire Diaries Book 1)
2. A Dance With Dragons (A Song of Ice & Fire book 5) {Finally finished!!!}

Message edited 2/29/2012 10:39:03 PM.

Posted 1/31/12 7:40 PM

3 Girls for Me!

Member since 8/07

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Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

I didn't make last years goal.

This year I'll set it at 50 and hope to exceed that #.

1- Explosive Eighteen- Janet Evanovich
2- 50 Shades of Gray (EL James)
3- 50 Shades Darker
4- 50 Shades Freed
5- Let's Pretend this Never Happened (Jennifer Lawson)
6- Sold (Patricia McCormick)
7-Why Me? (Sarah Burleton
8- Fly Away Home (Jennifer Weiner)

Message edited 6/13/2012 1:11:02 PM.

Posted 2/1/12 2:17 PM

Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05

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Jesss, duh.

Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

1. Safe Haven - Nicholas Sparks
2. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close - Jonathan Safran Foer
3.The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

now reading The Girl Who Played With Fire

Posted 2/3/12 9:10 PM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

My goal is to read more than I did in 2011.

1. Harlan Coben -- Long Lost
2. Anna Quindlen -- Every Last One
3. Lionel Shriver -- We Need to Talk About Kevin (currently reading)

I couldn't get through We Need to Talk About Kevin
3. Lisa Unger -- Fragile
4. Little Princes
5. Hunger Games
6. Cathing Fire
7. Mockingjay
8. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
9. The Girl Who Played with Fire (currently reading)

Posted 2/5/12 11:31 PM

Life is Good!!

Member since 8/06

3867 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

I loved having a goal last year so Im in - I hope to get through 25 books this year.

1- The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein (great book)
2- Snow Flower and the Secret Fan - Lisa See (amazing story)
3- True Colors - Kristin Hannah (could not put the book down!)

Message edited 2/11/2012 11:06:06 PM.

Posted 2/6/12 8:21 PM

I am Batman!

Member since 5/05

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I'm Batman, I tell you!

Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

I'm thinking maybe we could post a review after the name of the book? Nothing long, just one word? Not Recommended all the way to Very Recommended? Poor to Spectacular? Meh to Yes!? Something to help others along, cause I'm looking at some of the books people have read and wondering what they thought and if I should pick it up.

Posted 2/8/12 9:37 AM


Member since 1/10

21015 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

Posted by krashnburn

I'm thinking maybe we could post a review after the name of the book? Nothing long, just one word? Not Recommended all the way to Very Recommended? Poor to Spectacular? Meh to Yes!? Something to help others along, cause I'm looking at some of the books people have read and wondering what they thought and if I should pick it up.

i like this idea!!

Posted 2/8/12 9:44 AM

Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06

3627 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

Posted by AngnShaun

Posted by krashnburn

I'm thinking maybe we could post a review after the name of the book? Nothing long, just one word? Not Recommended all the way to Very Recommended? Poor to Spectacular? Meh to Yes!? Something to help others along, cause I'm looking at some of the books people have read and wondering what they thought and if I should pick it up.

i like this idea!!

Sounds good! Editing now....

Posted 2/8/12 11:58 AM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

20046 total posts

Gerty ®

Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

Posted by OffWithHerHead23

Posted by AngnShaun

Posted by krashnburn

I'm thinking maybe we could post a review after the name of the book? Nothing long, just one word? Not Recommended all the way to Very Recommended? Poor to Spectacular? Meh to Yes!? Something to help others along, cause I'm looking at some of the books people have read and wondering what they thought and if I should pick it up.

i like this idea!!

Sounds good! Editing now....

Last year I made a note of which books I really loved/hated...I think it's interesting to go back and see how I felt about certain books.

Posted 2/8/12 5:24 PM

Mr. Handsome

Member since 5/06

13481 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

Finished so far:

1 -50 Shades of Grey - E.L. James

2 - Still Missing - Chevy Stevens

3 - Third Degree - Greg Iles

4 - Damned - Chuck Palahnuik

5 - 50 Shades Darker - E.L. James

6 - 50 Shades Freed - E.L. James

7 - The Good Daughter - Jasmine Darznik

8 - Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins

9 - Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins

10 - Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins

11 - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Jonathan Safran Foer (in progress)

Message edited 4/18/2012 8:41:58 PM.

Posted 2/8/12 8:59 PM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read


Beautiful Days - Anna Godbersen

Soldiers Wife - can't remember the Author

4th of July - James Patterson

Cradle and All - James Patterson

Posted 2/13/12 12:13 PM


Member since 5/05

7550 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

My goal is to read more than I did in 2011.

1. Harlan Coben -- Long Lost
2. Anna Quindlen -- Every Last One
3. Lionel Shriver -- We Need to Talk About Kevin (currently reading)

I couldn't get through We Need to Talk About Kevin
3. Lisa Unger -- Fragile
4. Little Princes
5. Hunger Games
6. Cathing Fire
7. Mockingjay
8. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
9. The Girl Who Played with Fire
10. Girl Who Kicked a Hornet's Nest (I found it hard with all the Swedish names/places, but I couldn't put it down at the end)

Posted 2/14/12 10:21 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/06

572 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

I don't have a goal, just want to keep reading. I'm trying to read at a more reasonable pace and less marathon reading.


1. Discovery of Witches (by Deborah Harkness) - really enjoyed, looking forward to sequel
2. The Help (by Kathryn Stockett) - good book. I thought it was much more light hearted
3. I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell (by Tucker Max) - funny, have to have certain sense of humor
4. Tuesdays with Morrie (by Mitch Albom) - a feel good book, bored me
5. Twilight - Book 1 of The Twilight Saga (by Stephanie Meyer)- the least favorite of the 4 books, but couldnt put it down
6. New Moon - Book 2 of The Twilight Saga (by Stephanie Meyer) - great book
7. This Is Where I Leave You (by Jonathan Tropper) - a good read, not what i was expecting


8. Eclipse - Book 3 of The Twilight Saga (by Stephanie Meyer) - my fav of the 4 books
9. Breaking Dawn Book 4 of The Twilight Saga (by Stephanie Meyer) - really enjoyed
10. Girls in White Dresses (by Jennifer Close)- scattered storyline but ok read
11. Into the Free (by Julie Cantrell) - took a chapter to get into it. Really enjoyed it. There will be sequels and i look forward to seeing where character goes
12. Daughter of Joy - Brides of Culdee Creek Series, Book 1 (by Kathleen Morgan) - a good easy read. Predictable, but had some twists and turns I didn't expect to get there.
13. The Hunger Games - The Hunger Games Trilogy, Book 1 (by Suzanne Collins) - couldn't put it down
14. Catching Fire - The Hunger Games Trilogy, Book 2 (by Suzanne Collins)- another page turner
15. Mockingjay - The Hunger Games Trilogy, Book 3 (by Suzanne Collins) - last of the series, much sadder and wished the ending had more
16. The Art of Racing in the Rain (by Garth Stein) - Good book. Thought it was going to be a feel good book like Tuesdays with Morrie, but had some serious drama. The last 5 pages of the book are what made me love it!


17. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (by Steig Larsson) - Awesome book. Looking forward to the next one.
18. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (by Lisa See) - Another good read. Really lets you into Chinese culture.
19. A World I Never Made (by James LePore) - One of my slower reads. An interesting book about jihad terrorists and an american.
20. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (by Jonathan Safran Foer) - It was ok. Found it to be fragmented and hard to follow.
21. Safe Haven (by Nicholas Sparks) - Good book. Felt like I was reading the book that inspired Sleeping with the Enemy, but with a twist at the end.


22. The Girl Who Played with Fire (by Steig Larsson) - Another great book in the series.
23. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest (by Steig Larsson) - Enjoyed the whole series. Was sad to see it come to an end!
24. The Giver (by Lois Lowry) - I remember liking it a lot more when I was younger
25. Gathering Blue (by Lois Lowry)
26. 50 Shades of Grey - I acutally liked the story line.

27. Messenger (by Lois Lowry)
28. The Maze Runner
29. The Scorch Trial
30. The Death Cure
31. 50 Shades Darker
32. 50 Shades Freed - I want my own Chrsitian.
33. 11/22/63 (by Stephen King) - Puts a very interesting spin on time travel and JFK.
34. Home Front (by Kristin Hannah) - Such a tear jerker, but a great read!!!

Message edited 6/4/2012 9:37:08 PM.

Posted 2/16/12 9:19 PM

My love muffin!

Member since 1/07

5819 total posts


Re: 2012 Yearly Goal! Post What You Have Read

My goal is to read more than I did last year.
So far I have read
1. Lucky by Alice Sebold (I was originally helping one of my students with her senior term paper but really got into this book)
2. Best Friends Forever - Jennifer Weiner - not my fav!
3. Mini - shopaholic Sophie Kinsella. Took me a while to get into it
4. 50 Shades of grey - I liked it...didn't love it! Chat Icon
5. 50 shades darkery - same as above! Chat Icon
6. 50 shades freed - I just wanted this trilogy to end already!!!
7. Monster. I read this to help another one of my seniors and it was pretty good.

Message edited 3/18/2012 2:55:57 PM.

Posted 2/17/12 8:28 PM
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