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Did you rip out the old carpets when you moved into a new place?

Forum Opinion Poll
Yes 25 53.19%
No 22 46.81%

2nd Poll-New Carpets

Posted By Message

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

13060 total posts


2nd Poll-New Carpets

Here is another question about carpets.

Posted 5/14/07 8:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

4675 total posts


Re: 2nd Poll-New Carpets

We did but only b/c they had hardwood floors underneath.

Posted 5/14/07 8:38 PM


Member since 10/05

2236 total posts


Re: 2nd Poll-New Carpets

No, but the house was only lived in for 4 months before we moved in so it's basically brand new. We did have them steam cleaned and scotch guarded before we moved in.

Posted 5/14/07 8:39 PM


Member since 5/05

4663 total posts


Re: 2nd Poll-New Carpets

Yes we replaced all the carpets in all rooms that had carpet when we moved in.

Posted 5/14/07 8:41 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: 2nd Poll-New Carpets

Again, everything was just put in by the builder so we didn't change them until we needed to (baby's room etc) but if I were moving into a place that had carpets where someone lived - I think I would probably change them. OR - if you like the color of the carpets maybe have a professional to come in and clean them first. That may spruce them up a bit.

Posted 5/14/07 8:45 PM

Totally in love

Member since 8/06

12785 total posts


Re: 2nd Poll-New Carpets

I didn't answer the poll since I don't own. If I did, it would depend on the condition. You can tell if a carpet is new or not. I would have it cleaned professionally if I were going to keep it.

Posted 5/14/07 8:46 PM

You make me happy

Member since 5/05

2474 total posts

cause you are gray.

Re: 2nd Poll-New Carpets

Yes, we did in our apt. and in our house.

Posted 5/14/07 8:53 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

3966 total posts


Re: 2nd Poll-New Carpets

when we were in our condo we did- we did the entire condo over-rugs were the first thing to go! They were horrendous!

in our house-the downstairs is hardwood!Chat Icon
upstairs the carpets were like new and we didn't need to get new ones- although now I am thinking I would like to hardwood the hallways and get new carpet in the bedrooms...we'll see

Posted 5/14/07 9:07 PM


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: 2nd Poll-New Carpets

We just ripped it out of two rooms bc we are re-finishing the floors.

Posted 5/14/07 9:24 PM

Laugh-Live-Love LIFE!

Member since 10/06

14432 total posts


Re: 2nd Poll-New Carpets

I was lucky enough to have new carpets in every apartment I lived in.

But, if it was really bad, I probablly would not have taken the apartment.

If it was in my own home.....and they were like new I might just get them professionally cleaned, then consider changing them at a later point.

Posted 5/15/07 7:47 AM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: 2nd Poll-New Carpets

Yes. When I was a kid we moved into a house that was infested with fleas, so nobody in my family keeps other people's carpeting. God knows what's in there. Chat Icon

Posted 5/15/07 8:07 AM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05

21138 total posts


Re: 2nd Poll-New Carpets

we didnt change the carpets when we moved into our house. They were brand new...we just had it steamed

Posted 5/15/07 8:30 AM

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