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30 weeks and at the hospital

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The twins are almost 2!

Member since 11/08

2249 total posts


30 weeks and at the hospital

My ffn test came back positive and I was having some contractions, so I was at the hospital yesterday, and they had me come back today for steroid injections: I ended up throwing up at 3am and again at 7am so when I got to the hospital I was severely dehydrated and could barely stand. I've been here for about 4+ hours getting bags of iv and being monitored. The babies are doing great and ivs are working.

Did anyone have the ffn come back positive and still didn't deliver for over 2 weeks. My cervix is closed

Posted 3/23/11 3:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

No,sorry but I just wanted to send Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

and hang in there! Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/11 4:23 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/10

151 total posts


Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

I am 29 1/2 weeks now with twins and just asked my OB if they do the ffn testing and they stopped doing it routinely because as they explained to me that there are too many false positives. I wish I had more info but I also wanted to wish you luck and send my best Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/11 4:35 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/11

171 total posts


Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

I'm sorry you're at the hospital, I hope you feel better!

Posted 3/23/11 5:19 PM

Mommy to 3!

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Jesss, duh.

Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

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Sorry you are going through all of this!!! Chat Icon those babies stay in a little longer to cook!

They did the FFN on me on Monday when I was having a different discharge and it came back negative. I didn't even know what it was until after the fact.

Posted 3/23/11 6:28 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/10

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Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

I haven't had that test, but I just want to wish you luck Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/11 7:00 PM

My crazy Trio

Member since 3/09

2246 total posts


Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

Chat Icon Chat Icon I am sorry to hear you are in the hosital...I had the FFN test done a few time but they were always Neg...I made it to my 36 weeks Csection date and had the steroid shot at 28 weeks and the kid had no issues.Good Luck.Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/11 8:02 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 7/10

406 total posts


Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

I'm sorry you are going through this. I just wanted to tell you that they did the FFN on me in the hospital last Monday and before they even did it they explained that it is very tricky test and if it comes back negative it is 98% correct but if it comes back positive it only has a 30% incidence of accuracy. AND that if you are having contractions that could definitely give you a false positive. SO they told me if it comes back negative its a good test but if it comes back positive its not a good indicator either way at all. Hope that helps you!! Oh and I had the steroids at like 26-27wks and another booster last Monday.
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Posted 3/23/11 8:43 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

I was in the hospital with premature contractions at 30 weeks. My FFN was negative, but I was told that a positive result doesn't really mean anything. I got the steroid shots while I was in the hospital. I was put on procardia for the contractions and made it to my section date at 37w5d.

Posted 3/23/11 9:00 PM

<3 <3 <3

Member since 10/07

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Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

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I hope that all is ok with u and the babies.
All of my FFN tests have been negative but I have the cervix risk.
I have heard that the FFN test doesnt mean u are going to automatically deliver early but there is just a higher risk and therefor they take the proper precautions.

Ill be praying for u and the babies!!!

I hope you are taking it easy. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/23/11 9:34 PM

"My 3 Sons!"

Member since 3/06

3515 total posts


Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

Mine came back positive at 32 weeks when I was pregnant with my Chat Icon Chat Icon
I didnt deliver until 35.5 weeks!

Good Luck Chat Icon

Posted 3/24/11 8:38 AM

Happy Winter!

Member since 1/09

5351 total posts


Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

i had the same thing hon!!! mine started at 32 weeks and they did the steroids to build up the lungs and then they started procardia. i didn't go until 36 weeks!! good luck and keep us posted!!!
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Posted 3/24/11 9:20 AM

my little loves

Member since 8/08

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Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

thinking of you Leslie!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA - my neighbor started showing signs of early labor (with twins) at 24 weeks. She was in and out of the hospital from 24-28 weeks and has been home on bedrest since 28 weeks.

She will be 34 weeks tomorrow Chat Icon Chat Icon You are in the best place!

Message edited 3/24/2011 10:49:09 AM.

Posted 3/24/11 10:48 AM

The twins are almost 2!

Member since 11/08

2249 total posts


Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

Thank you!!! That is great news! I'm doing much better today. Holding down food and got my second steroid shot. I'm hoping to hold out till min. 34 weeks! Both babies are doing great!

Posted 3/24/11 4:42 PM

Happy Winter!

Member since 1/09

5351 total posts


Re: 30 weeks and at the hospital

glad to hear the good news!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/24/11 7:04 PM

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