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4 Year Old Dance Recommendation. What to do??

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

982 total posts


4 Year Old Dance Recommendation. What to do??


My daughter would like to do dance again this year. Last year she did what was called Creative Dance. It is a mixture of ballet, and stuff. Anyway. I was thinking of signing her up again this year and was wondering if I should do Tap or Ballet or both? I dont' know if she can handle two classes? At that age, do yuo think two classes are too much?? Can anyone please give me some advice, or let me know what their 4 year olds are doing? I have to go register her sometime today.. Still deciding.

Thank you so much,

Posted 8/12/09 7:17 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: 4 Year Old Dance Recommendation. What to do??

Sometimes studios have combination classes - you might want to look into that. But really it depends on your daughter. Is she really interested in dance, or do you think she'll get bored? I think two classes is a lot for a four year old (especially if she has other activities during the week) - and she might be better suited towards one rather than the other. Ballet will mean lots of classical music, it's a bit slower in terms of the pace at which she'll learn. Tap can be a good outlet, especially if she's a bit noisy (I mean that in the best sense possible! Chat Icon ) and energetic.

Good luck!

Posted 8/12/09 7:39 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

982 total posts


Re: 4 Year Old Dance Recommendation. What to do??

Thank you so much. Well, she will be going to school 3 days a week now (half days) and then dance on Tuesday. I think I just might do the tap and see if she expresses interest in more than that. She is not asking for anything. She atually forgot about dance and is trying to grasp the concept of summer, LOL. When she realized we hadn't been there, I tried to explain why. Now, she misses it, LOL. She also really misses school. The only thing I am worried about is her friend who also goes to this dance school will be in two classes, I am afraid of the dreaded why is she in two classes and I am not. Both classes are right after one another and tap is the last one, so she might not realize it. THank you so much for the advice.


Posted 8/12/09 7:58 AM

Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05

7919 total posts


Re: 4 Year Old Dance Recommendation. What to do??

G's dance studio only has one type of class for 4 year olds (I believe its a combo class just like last year, but they only do ballet for the recital).

I dont think it would be too much for a 4 year old to do 2 classes. Mine would love to do 2, so I'm researching something else to put her in (like maybe gymnastics or somethng)

Posted 8/12/09 8:19 AM

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