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LIF Zygote
Member since 2/14 24 total posts
40th birthday question
Hi! We have a friends 40th birthday this weekend and Im not quite sure what to buy.
Its a dinner where everyone pays for what they eat or drink. Its just a dinner where the birthday girl thinks its a small family dinner and her hubby is surprising her with 19 friends and family.
Is a bottle of wine and a card good enough? Help!
Posted 4/24/15 9:55 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |

Member since 3/06 5355 total posts
Name: His Baby
Re: 40th birthday question
So 19 people are getting their own bill?
For big Birthdays; in our group; we have done jewelry; gift cards, watch; etc.
A nice bottle of wine and a card seems acceptable. Maybe a GC as well? I don't know how much you plan or how close you both are?
If it's someone I am close with I will spend a little more than a bottle of wine; but everyone is different.
I like gifts to be meaningful so I will look for something; ex. bracelet, or a piece of jewelry that I know they would love.
Do you know her taste pretty well?
Posted 4/24/15 10:03 AM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 2/14 24 total posts
Re: 40th birthday question
Posted by tray831
So 19 people are getting their own bill?
For big Birthdays; in our group; we have done jewelry; gift cards, watch; etc.
A nice bottle of wine and a card seems acceptable. Maybe a GC as well? I don't know how much you plan or how close you both are?
If it's someone I am close with I will spend a little more than a bottle of wine; but everyone is different.
I like gifts to be meaningful so I will look for something; ex. bracelet, or a piece of jewelry that I know they would love.
Do you know her taste pretty well?
Yeah her DH said we pay for what we get. He is "keeping it simple". My BF is his friend, this is his wife that we are friendly with. Would maybe a $25GC to macys and a card be better than wine? If it was more of a formal party I would have a better clue of what to buy. But a sit down dinner where Im paying for myself, Im a lil thrown off on what to get.
Posted 4/24/15 10:52 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/10 6470 total posts
Re: 40th birthday question
id just bring flowers and wine. a card is probably half the price of a bouquet of flowers these days anyway lol
Posted 4/24/15 10:54 AM |
You're My Home <3
Member since 11/06 14815 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: 40th birthday question
I think a $25 GC to Ulta and a nice card is good.
Posted 4/24/15 10:55 AM |
My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10 7790 total posts
Re: 40th birthday question
We were recently in this situation. DH's BFF's wife "threw" him a party at a pricey steakhouse but everyone had to pay for themselves because she's a SAHM and felt weird using her DH's income to pay for his own party. It was annoying because it was $300 for dinner and then we had to get a gift. We got him a $50 gc but I noticed most people just got him a bottle of booze, if that.
Posted 4/24/15 12:55 PM |
Let It Be

Member since 2/11 5021 total posts
Name: Ashley
40th birthday question
DH's friend's wife threw him a 30th at a bar where we all had to pay - I think it was $30 a person for open bar and food in a private room. It was DH's best friend so we got him a bottle of tequila and a card with some scratch-offs but most people didn't give a gift. I think you're fine with a nice bottle of wine..maybe throw a GC or some scratch-offs in the card, depending on how much you want to spend.
Posted 4/24/15 1:02 PM |
life is good

Member since 5/05 2013 total posts
Name: L
Re: 40th birthday question
I just turned 40 and DH threw me a surprise party. Granted, he didn't ask the guests to pay their own way (which is fine) - but I was grateful for whatever my friends bought, since it was a surprise I wasn't expecting. Most bought something. For those who asked DH what they should bring, he told them gift cards to local restaurants. It's been fun to go out and not pay!
Bottom line, I think anything is fine (particularly since you're paying for your meals). Wine, GC....just something so you're not empty-handed.
Posted 4/24/15 6:32 PM |