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LIF Zygote
Member since 5/09 3 total posts
Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
Hello! My baby Seth is 9 1/2 weeks old and has had problems since he was about 2 weeks old. it started with least that is what we thought. He cried and cried all night from about 11pm to 6am. His PD said that he would out grow th colic and that we should switch formulas since he was constantly spiiting up. So 6 formulas later...Similac advance, Gentleease, infamil Lipil, Infamil AR, Prosobee, and finally Nutramigen!!! Nothing seemed to help. He began having progectile vomiting and he was fussy all day!!! Finally the PD checked his stool and it tested with microscopic blood. I freaked out! She told me this just meant he has an allergy to milk and soy. Now he is on Neocate for about 3weeks. I have noticed a bit of difference but he still gets very irratable. Does not sleep more than 2hr at a time. I am starting Axid today because Prevacid was horrible for him. Any advice?????? Please help. sorry for the long story!! LOL
Posted 5/13/09 9:23 AM |
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I <3 my boys!
Member since 12/06 1389 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
The axid took a few days to kick in for us. We were on prevacid before. I have a wedge in the crib to keep his head elevated. I hold him up a bit after each feeding. And if he seems content after 4 ounces then I dont push the other ounce. usually he looks for it an hour later and then i give it to him. good luck
Posted 5/13/09 9:38 AM |
Love my boys soooo much!!!

Member since 8/06 10164 total posts
Name: True love doesn't end with happily ever after...
Re: Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
We are going through the same son has a milk allergy as well, and is on Elecare...his AR is terrible....he's on prevacid, and I give mylanta 2x a day....but nothing helps....he only sleeps for maybe 5 hours at a time (very rare, usually less).
I don't know what else to do actually seems to be getting worse instead of better...
Posted 5/13/09 9:41 AM |
Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08 4985 total posts
Name: Maria
Re: Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
sounds like my DD. Make sure you burp him every ounce and don't let him "guzzle" bottles.
ALWAYS keep him propped at a 45 degree angle. We propped everything; the bassinet, crib, even the changing pad
Posted 5/13/09 9:41 AM |
best buds!

Member since 5/09 11524 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
Can you ask if you can add like a tsp or so of rice cereal to his bottle? DS had reflux and thats what the pedi told us to do and it helped immensely. Also, keep him upright for like 1/2 hour after he eats, that could also help a little.
Posted 5/13/09 9:48 AM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 5/09 3 total posts
Re: Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
We started adding rice to his bottle when he was about 1 mth old. It has not seemed to make a difference until now with the axid. Did it get better? When??????
Posted 5/14/09 8:08 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 5/09 3 total posts
Re: Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
Seth is currently taking 3-3 1/2 oz. Did the axid help his irritablity? My baby is usually cranking through out the day. it seems to be getting better. How long before you saw a major improvement?
Posted 5/14/09 8:10 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 4580 total posts
Name: L
Re: Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
We found the Axid to be very helpful, though we have to stay on top of her dosage carefully in order to keep it effective as she gains weight...when she starts the fussy/spit up issues, I know that I need to call the GI and discuss the dosage...good luck, it gets better!
Posted 5/14/09 8:36 PM |

Member since 7/07 2089 total posts
Re: Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
Yup. I remember that like it was yesterday. Probably because it practically was. What helped us: Cereal. Axid. Mostly time. The biggest help, advice given from pedi...put baby to sleep in carseat for all naps and bedtime. It was our saving grace. It sucked trying to break the habit, but it was only one night of crying compared to hours and hours EVERY night. The best of luck to you...and many
Posted 5/14/09 8:39 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/08 349 total posts
Name: Kat
Re: Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
Ava is on Axid, it really helps, took about 3-4 days to kick in. We thicken her bottles with oatmeal (cereal made her constipated). We give her 5 oz of water/Prune juice over the course of the day to keep her "flowing".
I would try letting him sleep in his car seat. It really helped her from spitting up at bed time. We could dream feed her without worrying she's choke. We just put the car seat in the crib and strap her arms in. It sounds really funny - but I swear she sleeps the best that way!
We also wedge EVERYTHING!
Posted 5/15/09 8:48 AM |
Happy Winter!

Member since 1/09 5351 total posts
Name: Renee
Re: Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
my son had the same thing. at 3 months old we had to rush him to the hospital. we tried all the formulas. then about the 7th or 8th one we got it. he was put on alimentum and the doctor prescribed him zantac. he was fine after that!! ask your doctor about the zantac. it worked for my son!
Posted 5/15/09 8:54 AM |

Member since 9/06 5307 total posts
Re: Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
i would ask your ped for a referral to a pediatric GI specialist. my dc did not have a milk allergy but had terrible reflux the only thing that eventually helped was adding rice to bottles & prevacid. it did take a week + for the prevacid to kick in. as everyone said, keep him elevated at all times and upright for 1/2 hour after each feeding. my DC was off med completely at 9 months - hang in there!
Posted 5/15/09 11:02 AM |

Member since 5/06 3808 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Please Help!!! Acid Reflux!!
Your DC sounds just like my DS. We found out that he had blood in his poop last week and he was already on Nutramigen. So they switched him to Elecare. He seemed like he was doing better and now he seems so fussy during and after a feeding. It seems more like gas. He does spit up but he doesnt seem that bothered by the spit up. He is gaining weight so they arent too worried.
I take my DS back to the GI in 2 weeks to get checked again.
Are you taking DC to the GI or just to the ped. I would take him to the GI and discuss it with him. Sometimes I just think its a waiting game. Oh, my DS is on Axid also and I thicken his formula because Elecare is so thin that it pours out a Level 1 nipple.
Posted 5/15/09 11:51 AM |