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Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

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Feeling Blessed

Member since 6/07

2963 total posts


Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

I had been contracting regularly since week 38, and even went to L&D for two false alarms during that time - I was so disappointed in my self-awareness and couldn't figure out how I could be so wrong! Seriously, at one point the contrxns were 2-3 minutes apart for more than an hour!

So Fri afternoon (3 days past due date) I called DH and told him I wanted to have steak for dinner -- specifically from Outback - which I NEVER eat. Apparently my body knew something was coming! =)

We order take out, I had a glass of wine and went to bed around 12. I woke up at 4am with pains but I didn't think they were contractions -- I incorporated them into a dream I was having about Kate Gosselin! Chat Icon

I get out of bed and went to the bathroom but didn't feel that differently (ie no water leaking at all) so I just warmed up my 'bed buddy/hot pack' thing. I woke up DH and asked if he could start counting the contractions for me.

At 4:30 I told him we needed to call the midwife and tell her I was coming to the hospital -- I immediately knew that it had to be labor. I made DH call his parents to come be with DS, took a shower, and got ready to head to the hospital.

We got to the hospital a little after 6, I was triaged and told that I was already 7cm.

By 7am I was in already in the L&D room, but I don't remember much about the room. I had plans of listening to my IPod and relaxing with pillows and massage -- there was no time! The contrxns were less than 2 min apart and seemed very quickly approaching.

As with my first pregnancy, I still feel the worst pain was when the baby comes down into the pelvis/transition and I felt like my hips were breaking apart. The midwife showed DH how to hold and apply pressure to my hips while I leaned against the bed/tray/windowsill during a contraction and OMG what a difference that made! I rocked my hips left/right with a hot water bottle on my lower back and DH applied the pressure --- made them so much more bearable.

The midwife allowed me to be in control of the birth. I asked her if she wanted to check my progress internally but she just asked me how I was feeling and when I felt nauseous she said that meant that the last bit of cervix was opening and that I should tell her when I was ready to push. Chat Icon

My water hadn't yet broken at this point (maybe 8:30am) and the midwife said it was OK to push even before it had broken (and that babies born with the sac intact are deemed 'special').

She told me to push if I wanted to (I was on all fours on the bed at this point)... I felt an overwhelming urge to push at 8:45, and the first push made my water break! Four pushes and 10 minutes later, Gabriel was born.

This was a drastically different birth from my othe rpregnancy -- 29 hours including 3.5 hours of just pushing! I felt like a million bucks after he was born and he began nursing by 9:15.

Here he is:
External Image

Message edited 6/23/2011 6:46:54 AM.

Posted 11/18/09 4:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/09

994 total posts


Re: Gabriel, 11/14, Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

Wow!!! Congratulations to you and Happy Birthday to your L.O. What a story. You are an amazing woman.

Posted 11/18/09 5:17 PM

Here's to new beginnings

Member since 10/07

7260 total posts


Re: Gabriel, 11/14, Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

Congratulations! It sounds like you had a wonderful birthing experience. Your little guy is adorable! Chat Icon

Posted 11/18/09 6:43 PM

She is love!

Member since 11/08

1863 total posts


Re: Gabriel, 11/14, Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

That's an amazing birth story! And Gabriel is a beautiful little angel!


Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/18/09 7:20 PM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

9289 total posts


Re: Gabriel, 11/14, Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

He is beautiful! Sounds like you had a great experience.

Posted 11/18/09 7:22 PM

Jack's gonna be a big brother!

Member since 11/08

7769 total posts


Re: Gabriel, 11/14, Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

great story!!! congrats to you and DH..he is adorable!!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/20/09 11:19 AM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

8126 total posts


Re: Gabriel, 11/14, Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

What a great birth story, I hope to have a similar experience!

Posted 11/23/09 11:17 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/09

71 total posts


Re: Gabriel, 11/14, Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

I think i wn tot have a midwife too. That is when we decide to start a family

Posted 11/24/09 1:03 PM

2 Girls and 1 Boy!

Member since 7/07

3504 total posts


Re: Gabriel, 11/14, Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

Awww Congratulations! Gabriel is gorgeous! Great birth story!

Posted 11/29/09 9:42 AM

Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07

10116 total posts


Re: Gabriel, 11/14, Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

Gabriel is gorgeous!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Congratulations to you Mommy!! You are amazing!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/29/09 11:39 PM

Sister love

Member since 2/06

5971 total posts


Re: Gabriel, 11/14, Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

What a great birth story, way to go! Congrats on your little boy Chat Icon

Posted 12/2/09 12:00 AM

2 girls <3

Member since 6/08

3037 total posts


Re: Gabriel, 11/14, Stony Brook, Midwives, Bradley, Natural Birth Story!

congrats & what a cutie gabriel is

Posted 12/3/09 9:57 PM

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