loving life

Member since 1/07 5413 total posts
Name: D
5th grade NYS SS test
question to anyone that knows about this test, i am a reading teacher and i want to present the next months lessons with topics they would find on this test, i know about DBQ, but what is the content, someone told me it is the history of NY but is that it anyone have details please TIA
Message edited 10/6/2008 9:14:12 PM.
St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07 7650 total posts
Name: K
Re: 5th grade NYS SS test
Essentially, it is a cumulative test of K-4 social studies. it's a whopper!
mainly, they will see questions on New York State, geography (longitude and latitude, continents, map skills, etc.), branches of government and the Revolutionary War. There are also some general questions on Native Americans, culture, and basic social s studies terms.
As the reading teacher, i would help them with the DBQ...that is the killer for the kids. they have to analyze 5 documents (can be a photo, political cartoon, map, written text) on one topic. they pull info. from each doument to write a multi-paragraph essay.
Also, for the multiple choice questions or fill-in questions, help them find and highlight the key words, etc.
try googling the test. Coach test books usually have samples on line. you can also get free PDF files of past tests on the state ed. website.
Message edited 10/6/2008 9:27:35 PM.