5th grade question -bibliographies
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07 566 total posts
5th grade question -bibliographies
Question. I am new to fifth grade and I am giving my kids a research assignment for Black History Month. At what grade do you start expecting a bibliography?
Also..do you think a 2-page criteria is too much?
Message edited 2/3/2008 9:10:53 AM.
Posted 2/3/08 9:10 AM |
So blessed!

Member since 11/06 10348 total posts
Name: Ivelysse
Re: 5th grade question -bibliographies
I think that a two page paper is fine. I would have them do a bibliography or works cited page. This way they begin to understand the concept of where they get information from and the importance of documenting it.
Posted 2/3/08 9:31 AM |
Easy Peasy!

Member since 11/07 1428 total posts
Name: Epeebes
Re: 5th grade question -bibliographies
i dont think its too much, its a good introduction to a bibliography...
last year when student teaching i told my students about plagerizing and they understood it
Posted 2/3/08 10:02 AM |
Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05 9252 total posts
Name: Deb
Re: 5th grade question -bibliographies
I absolutely think it's fine.
I would do very basic citing though. I wouldn't expect APA formatting
Posted 2/3/08 10:41 AM |
Easy Peasy!

Member since 11/07 1428 total posts
Name: Epeebes
Re: 5th grade question -bibliographies
Posted by VirginiaDeb
I absolutely think it's fine.
I would do very basic citing though. I wouldn't expect APA formatting
I was thinking the same thing
Posted 2/3/08 10:42 AM |
Be happy

Member since 5/06 1359 total posts
Name: Me
Re: 5th grade question -bibliographies
I think it is reasonable to expect a bibliography, as long as it is carefully modeled. We do these types of lessons in library and as writing minilessons, and then the kids have an idea of what to do. When I taught sixth, I also required three different TYPES of sources, so that the kids didnt just get all their info online. (This was for Black History Biographies as well. I have stuff saved on my computer if for any random reason you need anything!!)
Posted 2/3/08 2:17 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 11767 total posts
Re: 5th grade question -bibliographies
As a librarian and former HS teacher, I beg that you start as early as possible. I start in third grade and have students right down their sources.
Posted 2/5/08 10:20 AM |
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