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60 year old woman....

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Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: 60 year old woman....

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Posted 5/23/07 9:48 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Message edited 6/26/2009 11:09:20 AM.

Posted 5/23/07 9:50 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: 60 year old woman....

Posted by curliegirl

That should be a big WARNING sign!!!

I think it's very selfish of her not to think about those poor kids.

While I don't agree with her choice....It's not more selfish than a drug addict/substance abuser getting pregnant, someone who has no financial means, lives on food stamps and already has 10 kids and gets PG again.

Posted 5/23/07 9:52 AM

My Loves!

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Re: 60 year old woman....

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Posted 5/23/07 10:04 AM

Mommy of 2

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Re: 60 year old woman....

As much as my mom tries to claim my DD as her own, I can't imagine her having another child, let along twins at her age. I don't get it! I'm half her age and am exhausted with just one kid!

Posted 5/23/07 10:06 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: 60 year old woman....

Posted by SweetTooth

I think it was a selfish decision on her part...

Totally selfish! Chat Icon
I don't believe her decision was based on wanting to raise and love another child/children. Chat Icon

She abused medicine and modern science. And the OB who delivered the babies stressed that they were fortunate that the outcome was good.

Posted 5/23/07 10:20 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: 60 year old woman....

Posted by angelbear217

As much as my mom tries to claim my DD as her own, I can't imagine her having another child, let along twins at her age. I don't get it! I'm half her age and am exhausted with just one kid!

I asked my mom when we saw this story on the news if she wanted twins now, and she said, "no, I don't even want one."

Posted 5/23/07 10:32 AM

Two in Blue

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Re: 60 year old woman....

Posted by racheeeee

While this choice wouldn't be for me, I think if it makes them happy and if the children are brought up in a loving family situation where the parents love each other and they are looked after well...hey, more power to them! These days 70 is the new 50 (I heard that on the news) and people are living longer and staying "younger" longer, so perhaps in their minds, they are only youngsters!

Again, not for me, but live and let live I say!!!

I 100% agree.

Posted 5/23/07 10:34 AM


Member since 6/06

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Re: 60 year old woman....

Posted by SweetTooth

I think it was a selfish decision on her part. I also heard this morning that she has two other children who are 29 and 33 and they are very unhappy about it because they feel they will have to raise the babies.

and they have a 6 yr old. I heard that her and her husband wanted to have more children that were closer in age to their 6- year old.

Posted 5/23/07 10:36 AM

My little lamb

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aka momma2b

Re: 60 year old woman....

i just heard on the radio!

Posted 5/23/07 11:10 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

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Re: 60 year old woman....

Posted by shell

Posted by SweetTooth

I think it was a selfish decision on her part. I also heard this morning that she has two other children who are 29 and 33 and they are very unhappy about it because they feel they will have to raise the babies.

and they have a 6 yr old. I heard that her and her husband wanted to have more children that were closer in age to their 6- year old.

really? I didn't hear that!! Was the 6-yr old concieved the same way?

Posted 5/23/07 11:11 AM

He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06

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Re: 60 year old woman....

Posted by smdl

Posted by curliegirl

That should be a big WARNING sign!!!

I think it's very selfish of her not to think about those poor kids.

While I don't agree with her choice....It's not more selfish than a drug addict/substance abuser getting pregnant, someone who has no financial means, lives on food stamps and already has 10 kids and gets PG again.

But the difference is that she did it on PURPOSE! I am in no way defending drug addicts and it's totally different .....this woman intentionally brought 2 children into this world knowing full well that she probably won't be able to care for them later in life.

My grandmother had my mom when she was in her mid-40s, and she died when my mom was 23, leaving my mom with an elderly father to care for, who died 5 years later.

I never really knew my grandparents and my mom never had her parents to share adulthood with....THAT isn't fair, but my grandmother didn't do it on purpose, she wanted kids so badly and was lucky to even have my mom.....

Posted 5/23/07 11:12 AM

Baby Delicious!

Member since 8/06

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Re: 60 year old woman....

Posted by curliegirl

Posted by smdl

Posted by curliegirl

That should be a big WARNING sign!!!

I think it's very selfish of her not to think about those poor kids.

While I don't agree with her choice....It's not more selfish than a drug addict/substance abuser getting pregnant, someone who has no financial means, lives on food stamps and already has 10 kids and gets PG again.

But the difference is that she did it on PURPOSE! I am in no way defending drug addicts and it's totally different .....this woman intentionally brought 2 children into this world knowing full well that she probably won't be able to care for them later in life.

My grandmother had my mom when she was in her mid-40s, and she died when my mom was 23, leaving my mom with an elderly father to care for, who died 5 years later.

I never really knew my grandparents and my mom never had her parents to share adulthood with....THAT isn't fair, but my grandmother didn't do it on purpose, she wanted kids so badly and was lucky to even have my mom.....

I have to agree. I don't want to get into an arguement about when women decide to have kids i.e. 25 vs 35, but my parents had us in their late20s/early 30s and I cherish the relationship we have now.

We go for drinks together, share vacations and make wonderful dinners with each other. My adult relationship with them means the world to me and for a child to intentionally miss out on that is hard IMO.

Posted 5/23/07 11:16 AM

So very blessed!! Thank u !!

Member since 8/06

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Re: 60 year old woman....

Very sad!..I was just wondering did her money get her those children!

Posted 5/23/07 11:18 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: 60 year old woman....

My comment was merely a generalization. Some people who are totally unfit to be parents CHOSE to have children and they should not.

Whether they are 60 or 25.

Posted 5/23/07 11:20 AM

My Little Yankee Fans

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Re: 60 year old woman....

My mom is not even 60 and I could not imagine her having my kids full time. She is dieing watching them 4 days a week for 4 hours each day, and she is retired.

I really feel for those kids.

Posted 5/23/07 12:12 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: 60 year old woman....

Posted by Wendy1220

Oh good, there's hope for me yet! Chat Icon

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Posted 5/23/07 3:33 PM

Happy Days!

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Re: 60 year old woman....

Posted by Liz

Posted by Wendy1220

Oh good, there's hope for me yet! Chat Icon

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Posted 5/23/07 3:35 PM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: 60 year old woman....

I am kind of on the fence with this one. I agree that it is never a choice I would make and I wonder what else was involved in this decision, I am not ready to condemn this woman for having children.

I had a friend in college who was 21 when her 82 year old father died. He was a very active part of her life and she was grateful for the wonderful relationship she had with him, rather than being resentful for him dying when she was young.

Tomorrow is promised to no one. My mom was 25 when she had me and she died before I turned 29. She missed out on a lot in my life, even though she had me when she was young. If she is capable of raising them and loves them, then I wish her luck.

Posted 5/23/07 4:24 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

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Re: 60 year old woman....

I just have to respond to this because I've been pondering it. I have a problem with recurrent miscarriage. I have been trying to stay pregnant for 2 years. I am turining 33 in 2 weeks-Now I hope this doesn't happen-but what if it takes me years to get and stay pregnant. Already I am having to see some specialists that do not take insurance but my husband and i would like to have our own biological child and I will NEVER give up that dream. We are willing to spend thousands of dollars and invest emotionally in this process.

We will probably adopt or dso surrogacy if this ends up being a problem we can't fix but if that was the case and down the road I was told-hey we can get you pregnant and you can have a healthy pregnancy with your own child would I do it? You bet your azz I would.

Posted 5/24/07 11:04 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07

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Re: 60 year old woman....

Posted by SweetTooth

I think it was a selfish decision on her part. I also heard this morning that she has two other children who are 29 and 33 and they are very unhappy about it because they feel they will have to raise the babies.

That was the first thing I thought about. That her older children will be the one raising these babies for the majority of the time.
You need more than love to raise a baby. I bet those kids, although will be loved, will be embarrassed to bring anyone around their parents. I mean everyone goes through that, but for them it's a totally different ball game.

Posted 5/24/07 11:26 AM

Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06

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Re: 60 year old woman....

As someone who is close in age to this woman, I think she is a nut!! Not to mention incredibly selfish and self-centered. I don't care how young she thinks she is, at this stage of the game it is extremely hard to care for little ones. You may mentally think you are younger than you are, but, physically you are your age. You may be fit and take good care of yourself, but, running around after toddlers takes its toll. I take of my grandson who is 16 months old on a daily basis. While he is a pleasure to have, a very good boy and I look forward to seeing him each day, I can tell you from first-hand experience that, at the end of the day, I am pooped. No matter what you may think, nature never intended for women to have babies at this age.

My father was 50 when I was born. He died when I was 20. To this day, I feel cheated that I didn't get more time with him. He never walked me down the aisle and he never saw his grandchildren. He never saw me grown into the woman I became. Chances are that this woman may not live long enough to see these children grow up and become adults. Even if she does, she will be at an advanced age and may not be capable of interacting with their lives. Can you imagine being a teenager or young adult and having to be a caretaker for your mother? I am not saying this will, definitely, happen, but, the possibility certainly exists. She, obviously, never thought this through. She just wanted what she wanted. Shame on her.

Posted 5/24/07 11:58 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

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Re: 60 year old woman....

My parents get tired babysitting my brother's dogs for a week let alone having twin babies!

Posted 5/24/07 12:24 PM
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