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Sisters :)

Member since 7/06 15112 total posts
Name: Jess
What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
DD will be 20 months and I want to fill an easter basket with some goodies. I was thinking...
an easter book chocolate bunny something toy story related
Any other cute ideas?
Also, where did you get an easter basket?
Posted 3/24/11 3:16 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
summer fun!

Member since 3/06 4962 total posts
Name: Jaime
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
crayons/coloring book bubbles stuffed animal sunglasses cars
Posted 3/24/11 3:21 PM |
HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06 14562 total posts
Name: Marisa
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
Crayone/Coloring Book Spiderman Book (he's obsessed) Sesame Street Books Bubbles
Posted 3/24/11 3:22 PM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
my boys will only be 1.
book small toy and puffs or something like that.
nothing else i can think of ..
Posted 3/24/11 3:22 PM |
I LOVE my sons! :)

Member since 5/09 5283 total posts
Name: Carissa
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
DS will be 15.5m
Yogurt Melts Bubbles (if anyone knows if the gymboree stores sell them please tell me!)
He has sooo many books, sooo many toys. So I'm not sure what else...
ETA: I got his easter basket from Christmas Tree Shop. A huge one for $6.99
Message edited 3/24/2011 3:27:31 PM.
Posted 3/24/11 3:26 PM |
Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06 13519 total posts
Name: Kerry
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
DS will be 27 months:
chocolate bunny a few cookie things Bambi DVD (depending on costs) and I want to find a small "Jesse" from Toy Story figure (since DS already has Woody, Buzz & a mini-potato head & dinosaur)
Message edited 3/24/2011 3:29:10 PM.
Posted 3/24/11 3:28 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
I would love to put a kitten in it, but we can't.
I am not sure yet. choco bunny from Jacques Torres for sure (this way I have an excuse to buy myself one )
I may bake some cookies too. maybe more crayons and coloring book. perhaps a new ball.
Posted 3/24/11 3:38 PM |
my loves...

Member since 5/05 9129 total posts
Name: guess
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
I just started gathering a few things. So far: - twistable crayons (will add a coloring book, not that she needs anymore! lol) - fun dough - stickers - purple nail polish
want to add: - Tangled DVD - bubbles - a chocolate pop from Bon Bons
Posted 3/24/11 3:41 PM |
big brother <3

Member since 5/05 14672 total posts
Name: Me
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
I bought DS's basket at Target--it's shaped like a baseball.
I so far bought a personalized Sesame Street pillowcase (we're giving him a pillow for the first time), a personalized Elmo tshirt, some Elmo books and an Elmo DVD, probably some goldfish crackers or something like that...I don't know how much actual chocolate I'll put in there for him.
Posted 3/24/11 3:42 PM |
Mommy of 2!!

Member since 11/08 1742 total posts
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
Posted by MarisaK
Crayone/Coloring Book Spiderman Book (he's obsessed) Sesame Street Books Bubbles
OHHH Bubbles, good idea. DD loves them!
Posted 3/24/11 3:44 PM |
Mommy of 2!!

Member since 11/08 1742 total posts
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
Posted by carissa1643
DS will be 15.5m
Yogurt Melts Bubbles (if anyone knows if the gymboree stores sell them please tell me!)
He has sooo many books, sooo many toys. So I'm not sure what else...
ETA: I got his easter basket from Christmas Tree Shop. A huge one for $6.99
Do you think the bubbles at gymboree are different from regular bubbles?
Oh clarissa, i'm going to gumboree this weekend, i will check for you.
Posted 3/24/11 3:45 PM |
Happy Family of 4

Member since 5/08 5654 total posts
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
peeps a easter book matchbox cars bubbles chalk small baseball glove and ball egg shaped magnadoodle raisins
Posted 3/24/11 3:57 PM |
Sisters :)

Member since 7/06 15112 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
Thanks for the ideas! I'm going to add a new box of crayons, sidewalk chalk and stickers.
Posted 3/24/11 4:01 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
both have winter bdays, so for easter it is pool/beach stuff
Posted 3/24/11 4:03 PM |

Member since 5/05 6372 total posts
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
i got some stuff the other day at target.
-egg shaped magna doodle -spring little people set -bunny shaped chalk -goldfish
Posted 3/24/11 4:04 PM |
Sisters :)

Member since 7/06 15112 total posts
Name: Jess
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
Posted by kerrycec03
and I want to find a small "Jesse" from Toy Story figure (since DS already has Woody, Buzz & a mini-potato head & dinosaur)
They have a huge selection of toy story stuff on amazon, just type in "toy story jessie" and a lot comes up. They also have the toy story bath toys set back up there, my mom got this for DD and she's still obsessed with them. They are pretty big and really good quality too.
Posted 3/24/11 4:04 PM |
My two miracles!

Member since 5/06 17826 total posts
Name: Kristen
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
We are buying the boys a water table as their "gift" but will also give them Easter Baskets with the following
JJ will be 19.5 months M&M's Gerber fruit twists balls crayon & mickey mouse coloring book
Nicholas will be 9 months toy socks Puffs Yankee hat
Posted 3/24/11 4:08 PM |
There's no place like home

Member since 8/07 4110 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
Posted by piggy007
Posted by carissa1643
DS will be 15.5m
Yogurt Melts Bubbles (if anyone knows if the gymboree stores sell them please tell me!)
He has sooo many books, sooo many toys. So I'm not sure what else...
ETA: I got his easter basket from Christmas Tree Shop. A huge one for $6.99
Do you think the bubbles at gymboree are different from regular bubbles?
Oh clarissa, i'm going to gumboree this weekend, i will check for you.
Most gymboreee locations have the bubbles. A lot of the other stuff you have to go to the Gymboree play/music not the clothing store for. Their bubbles are way different. I love Gymboree bubbles but I know some do not because they leave a film after popping.
Posted 3/24/11 4:10 PM |
Never knew LOVE like it before

Member since 3/10 2640 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
Last year, I put in regular candy for DH to eat This year I'll put in books, crayons, and small toys to play with. I don't give DS candy, so if there is any, it's for DH and me!
Posted 3/24/11 4:29 PM |
My greatest joy is my baby boy

Member since 1/07 2772 total posts
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
I'm getting DS:
an easter book - he loves books cheerios in a new travel case puffs yogurt melts ball small puzzle
Posted 3/24/11 4:54 PM |
Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05 7395 total posts
Name: Catherine
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
Posted by carissa1643
DS will be 15.5m
Yogurt Melts Bubbles (if anyone knows if the gymboree stores sell them please tell me!)
He has sooo many books, sooo many toys. So I'm not sure what else...
ETA: I got his easter basket from Christmas Tree Shop. A huge one for $6.99
Yes, they sell their bubbles in the stores.
Posted 3/25/11 3:40 AM |
Loves being Joey & Vinny's mom

Member since 1/09 3771 total posts
Name: Athina
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
We are putting the following in DS's basket (he'll be turning 15 months):
Rock n Roll Elmo 2 t-shirts bananas (DS LOVES them) Veggie Dip crunchies Puffs
Message edited 3/25/2011 8:33:15 AM.
Posted 3/25/11 8:32 AM |
Member since 5/05 30390 total posts
Name: really
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
didn't get anything yet, but this is my plan: coloring books color wonder marker book a fun pillowcase (he has a pillow) a snack of some sort and maaaaaybe a talking/repeating parrot toy. 
Posted 3/25/11 8:36 AM |

Member since 5/05 13736 total posts
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
I got some coloring books, books, sticker books at the Target dollar spot. I also picked up a bubble "gun".
The Easter Bunny is also going to bring her a hula hoop if I can convince her she needs to trade in her binkies to get the hoop.
Posted 3/25/11 8:40 AM |

Member since 1/06 5193 total posts
Name: MaryBeth
Re: What are you putting in your toddler's easter basket?
2 DVD's (Care Bears & Yo Gabba Gabba - the Jack Black epipsode that she is obsessed with) sunglasses egg filled with candy Pez bubbles stickers minnie mouse sippy cup
Posted 3/25/11 8:42 AM |