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My princess!
Member since 5/05 6548 total posts
8 month old mommies..I know there are a lot of us..
Do you find your babies to be affectionate? Megan doesnt seem to be affectionate at all..she wont reach her arms up to me..she doesnt love cuddling with Mommy. And its beginning to bother me a little bit. Not in the sense that something is wrong, just that I dont have an affectionate baby..but maybe that comes later on?
She is VERY independant..i.e. When she is watching Einstein, which she absolutely loves, if I go to kiss her during it, she will literally push me away to look around me at the tv. If she is crying, she can pretty much go to anyone to be soothed. Which is great but sometimes I must admit, I would love for her to WANT Mommy ya know?
I dont know if affection starts this early..but my mom told me that by this age all three of us were at least grabbing mommys face, pulling in for a kiss or something..Megan doesnt. I just wanted to see where you guys are at with this? TIA!
Posted 4/26/07 1:36 PM |
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Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: 8 month old mommies..I know there are a lot of us..
It sounds like she is enjoying her independence! Ryan will actually crane his neck around my head to see the TV or the dogs if they are around. He constantly pulls on my hair and mashes his face into mine, wiping drool and snot on my face but I'm not sure if this is affection because he just likes to mash his face into things (blankets etc.) I've noticed he doens't like to be held too long anymore, he wants to be down on the floor practicing his moves. He's only just starting to put out his arms on purpose to be picked up because I'm trying to teach him "up" w/the arms out. There are definitely times when I"m the only one who can soothe him but most times he's OK with anyone. I think they're just learning they can do so much on their own that that's all they want to do!
Posted 4/26/07 1:43 PM |
My princess!
Member since 5/05 6548 total posts
Re: 8 month old mommies..I know there are a lot of us..
Thank you for responding.
Megan just seems like the child who is going to give me a run for my money. Not in a bad way at all..she is a wonderful baby, always has been but I think once she starts moving on her own, WATCH OUT WORLD! I dont think she will ever want to be held down.
I am teaching her up as well but she still hasnt reached for me just yet. I cant wait until she does that.
Posted 4/26/07 2:04 PM |
Disney cruise bound!
Member since 5/05 8126 total posts
Name: D
Re: 8 month old mommies..I know there are a lot of us..
Maddie is all about being in mommy's arm nowadays. If I put her down she starts to cry and reaches for me but as soon as I pick her up she's all about exploring her surroundings instead of cuddlng. She'll let me kiss her as long as I don't get in her way. I think she likes the security of me being very close by but she is now into a "discovery" phase so I just let her explore.
Posted 4/26/07 2:41 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: 8 month old mommies..I know there are a lot of us..
Katherine is nearly 20 months old now, but she was just like that. She was never attatched to "mama," never enjoyed cuddling in my arms and *never* fell asleep on me!
Let me tell you, she does give me a run for my money! She is really a character! She hates being held down, doesn't sit still for a minute, hates strollers, carts, shopping and anything that doesn't let her go free--but she's one of the funniest kids I've met...well, of course I'm biased
Anyway, I enjoy it and know that she's an individual!!
Posted 4/26/07 2:46 PM |
Treasure what you have
Member since 5/05 1839 total posts
Name: Marie
Re: 8 month old mommies..I know there are a lot of us..
Sydney wants me when she is cranky (teething) or when I first walk in the door (I try to run by her to get changed etc. before I start playing with her and she starts to cry)
She is definitely a lover... she nuzzles her face into us and "hugs" us. She has been putting her arms up for months now, though its not just with me... its with anyone who feels like picking her up lol.
She is much like Maddie in that she wants to be near me but when she is its all about climbing on me, pulling herself up, watching the dog, etc. (basically ignoring me)
It sounds to me like you just have an independant little woman on your hands.... which is a great thing! Even though you want her to be a little more dependant on you... just think how hard it would be if she would ONLY go to you.
Posted 4/26/07 2:56 PM |