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9 week spotting (TMI) PLEASE YOUR THOUGHTS....

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LIF Zygote

Member since 2/06

20 total posts


9 week spotting (TMI) PLEASE YOUR THOUGHTS....

1st Trimester and Nervous Chat Icon

Hi (PLEAE READ & give me your thoughts) THANK YOU

I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow. I noticed a streak of blood on my underwear it was about a 1/2 inch long. It looks as if you took a tissue and wiped a bleeding pimple or something. I saw this only one time around 4pm yesterday. I didn't have any spotting afterwards that night.

This morning I got up went to the bathroom and saw a brownish jelly looking spot on my underwear the size of a dime. I havent seen anything so far after that. I got nervous and took some tissue and pushed it up a little to see if I would see anymore brown discharge and I didn't all was clear.

Now here is what I did this past week to question what I've seen. On Monday I had my first prenatal visit. My dr. performed a pap smear test. Could this be discharge from that?

On Wed (yesterday the day I saw my first spot) morning my husband and I had sex but not vaginal we had anal.

That's pretty much it. I don't really excercise or have been going crazy house cleaning and all. Can you guys kind of give some kind of explanation. Is all this normal no need for alarm??? Has anyone spotted? BTW no cramps at all, just a feeling a fullness.

Message edited 3/29/2007 9:10:31 AM.

Posted 3/29/07 9:09 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my Babes

Member since 8/05

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Re: 9 week spotting (TMI) PLEASE YOUR THOUGHTS....

Brown usually means old. I would just take it easy and no sex for a few days. If it happens again i would call the Dr to see what they say.

Posted 3/29/07 9:41 AM

My life:)

Member since 6/06

9589 total posts


Re: 9 week spotting (TMI) PLEASE YOUR THOUGHTS....

You should definitely take it easy on being intimate with your husband for a few days...maybe it'll stop. But if not, you should call your doctor.

Posted 3/29/07 9:58 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

2592 total posts


Re: 9 week spotting (TMI) PLEASE YOUR THOUGHTS....

my dr said that the pap might cause some bleeding when I had it done

Posted 3/29/07 10:28 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

2223 total posts


Re: 9 week spotting (TMI) PLEASE YOUR THOUGHTS....

my pap caused brown blood as well - and I freaked out a bit about it.

I wouldn't worry - but tell your dr (just to be on the safe side) and rest a bit more.

Posted 3/29/07 12:44 PM

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