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Forum Opinion Poll
Have one, love it! 18 16.36%
Have one.... DETEST IT! 1 0.91%
Will be getting one soon... 10 9.09%
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Love it 3 2.73%

a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

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Life is good...

Member since 9/05

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Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Posted by KristinasMama

Posted by KateDevine

Hasn't this been a huge drama post in the past?Chat Icon Chat Icon

Yeah it has been.... I'm just trying to get the consensus, so I'm hoping it doesn't take that route again.

So basically, you've seen this posted before. You saw the drama, but you figured you would post it again.

I don't get it.Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/08 10:04 AM

My Girl

Member since 7/06

3395 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Love it, No... BUT....... It was an absolute neccessity when Ava was about 2. She was a wild woman who could not be contained.

She could get out of any stroller and was very fast. I got a ton of dirty looks from people, but I did what I needed to do for the safety of my child.

If needed, I will use it again in a heartbeat with #2... But I'm hoping that God Feels some sympathy for me this time around, and blesses me with an easier toddler!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/08 10:04 AM

06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07

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The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)

Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

My mother used one 40+ years ago. In today's society I think they are almost a necessity given child abductions etc. I don't think of it as keeping my child on a lease like "some kind of animal" I think of it as a useful device to keep my child safe. So, when DD is walking and refusing to stay in her stroller, we will use one.

Posted 9/6/08 10:24 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Posted by smdl

I think they can be great in the right setting (mall, Disney, etc...)


Posted 9/6/08 10:27 AM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

9289 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

DD can't walk yet but if it will keep her safe then I will use one. I'd rather get dirty looks then run around a mall in a panic because I can't find my child.

Posted 9/6/08 10:35 AM

family is all that matters

Member since 6/06

6513 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

i think if you're the mommy of a child that you think needs it, then you should get it.

not all children need it, but other children will run away within a split second.

i would never judge someone if i saw them with it. i would assume their child is a "darter" and they are scared for his safety

Posted 9/6/08 10:38 AM

C & J are 10!

Member since 6/05

5914 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

We are going to get them for the twins because it will make my life easier. I have a feeling they are going to be darters and are already giving me a hard time about going back into the stroller....I live in NYC and would prefer my child not be hit by a car or snatched from the street....

Posted 9/6/08 11:16 AM

Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06

3164 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

I have always hated these things and used to be so adamantly against them. But after taking my DD who is 20 months old to Sesame Place a couple weeks ago, I now can totally see a reason for them and will probably get it for next time we go to DIsney.

Posted 9/6/08 11:21 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Jordana is a total runner! I have definitely thought about it. BUt haven't done it yet. I woudl consider getting the backpack with the monkey and you hold onto its tail.

When the issue is my child's safety or how strangers will judge me, my child's safety comes first.

Posted 9/6/08 11:25 AM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

I don't understand the whole concept that using one is equivalent to treating my child like a dog? Last time I checked, my child doesn't wear a collar nor eat out of a bowl.

I feel it's a way to keep a child safe yet allowing them to *think* they have the freedom to walk wherever they want. At 15 months, she doesn't quite get the concept that she must hold mommy's hand and walk close. But- she loves walking and wants to do it as often as possible- so many times the stroller is out.

I am thinking of getting one of the ones with the backpack.

Posted 9/6/08 11:28 AM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Posted by Porrruss

I don't understand the whole concept that using one is equivalent to treating my child like a dog? Last time I checked, my child doesn't wear a collar nor eat out of a bowl.

I feel it's a way to keep a child safe yet allowing them to *think* they have the freedom to walk wherever they want. At 15 months, she doesn't quite get the concept that she must hold mommy's hand and walk close. But- she loves walking and wants to do it as often as possible- so many times the stroller is out.

I am thinking of getting one of the ones with the backpack.

I agree with you on this one.

I never thought of it as a leash?

I think its promoting freedom.

Im sorry but I cannot keep up with my 15 month old when hes off and runnign and without something like that at a busy place he would be stuck strapped to his stroller( isint THAT more confining, like having him caged into something? ) ...

Posted 9/6/08 12:25 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

8257 total posts

Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Posted by pmpkn087

Posted by KristinasMama

Posted by KateDevine

Hasn't this been a huge drama post in the past?Chat Icon Chat Icon

Yeah it has been.... I'm just trying to get the consensus, so I'm hoping it doesn't take that route again.

So basically, you've seen this posted before. You saw the drama, but you figured you would post it again.

I don't get it.Chat Icon

The other was a thread with responses.... I did a poll. Looking for easier to view answers on the general feeling of them that's all.

I'm so not trying to start any new drama.

Posted 9/6/08 12:52 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Posted by pmpkn087

Posted by KristinasMama

Posted by KateDevine

Hasn't this been a huge drama post in the past?Chat Icon Chat Icon

Yeah it has been.... I'm just trying to get the consensus, so I'm hoping it doesn't take that route again.

So basically, you've seen this posted before. You saw the drama, but you figured you would post it again.

I don't get it.Chat Icon

Maybe she was hoping people would have grew up a bit since then and reply without the drama?

I know my own opinion has changed since that last post as well b/c I had a NB then and a toddler now.

Message edited 9/6/2008 12:56:46 PM.

Posted 9/6/08 12:56 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

8257 total posts

Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Posted by dm24angel

Posted by pmpkn087

Posted by KristinasMama

Posted by KateDevine

Hasn't this been a huge drama post in the past?Chat Icon Chat Icon

Yeah it has been.... I'm just trying to get the consensus, so I'm hoping it doesn't take that route again.

So basically, you've seen this posted before. You saw the drama, but you figured you would post it again.

I don't get it.Chat Icon

Maybe she was hoping people would have grew up a bit since then and reply without the drama?

I know my own opinion has changed since that last post as well b/c I had a NB then and a toddler now.

Thank you Donna! Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/08 12:58 PM

Best friends!

Member since 12/06

23090 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Posted by Porrruss

I don't understand the whole concept that using one is equivalent to treating my child like a dog? Last time I checked, my child doesn't wear a collar nor eat out of a bowl.

I feel it's a way to keep a child safe yet allowing them to *think* they have the freedom to walk wherever they want. At 15 months, she doesn't quite get the concept that she must hold mommy's hand and walk close. But- she loves walking and wants to do it as often as possible- so many times the stroller is out.

I am thinking of getting one of the ones with the backpack.

All very good points!

Posted 9/6/08 1:02 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

5909 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Posted by KristinasMama

I was at the Greek festival with my Bff and her family last night....

The greek fest in Staten Island?

Posted 9/6/08 1:02 PM

How did she turn 2 so quickly?

Member since 10/07

8257 total posts

Blessed Mama of Kristina Elena

Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Posted by stayandjohn

Posted by KristinasMama

I was at the Greek festival with my Bff and her family last night....

The greek fest in Staten Island?

Nope.... Hicksville!!!!

Posted 9/6/08 1:03 PM


Member since 10/06

5304 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

This is a sore subject for meChat Icon

I have one and LOVE it. It is a necessity for me. I have my DD who is 3 and my DS who is 1. DS rides in the front part of the shopping carts when we go grocery shopping or places like Target. I can't leave my DD in the bottom cart-she stands and jumps around. SO I got a leash, and it is a lifesaver! But I feel like punching people in the face for all of the comments and dirty looks I get. But you can never win I guess- I would be getting the same looks if I let her stand in the cart too.Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/08 1:54 PM

Party of 5

Member since 4/08

6489 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Posted by Selden78

I dont like them, its a child ( person ) on the end of the leash.... A leash is for a dog not a child

I totally agree! I have hated them since the first time I saw them.

ETA: I should add, my child is very cautious and if he is out of the stroller in a strange place he usually wants to be carried. I have no need for it and, although I still hate them I do see why someparents would use one. I definately wouldn't consider it a necessity (for me)

Message edited 9/6/2008 2:11:27 PM.

Posted 9/6/08 2:03 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

I don't have one. I am lucky I guess in that when I need to go somewhere, my kids are strapped in a stroller and if they don't want to be, they don't go with us. End of story. Basically they have no choice! Chat Icon

So its really hard for me to say what other people should do since I don't walk in their shoes.

Posted 9/6/08 2:08 PM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Posted by Porrruss

I don't understand the whole concept that using one is equivalent to treating my child like a dog? Last time I checked, my child doesn't wear a collar nor eat out of a bowl.

I feel it's a way to keep a child safe yet allowing them to *think* they have the freedom to walk wherever they want. At 15 months, she doesn't quite get the concept that she must hold mommy's hand and walk close. But- she loves walking and wants to do it as often as possible- so many times the stroller is out.

I am thinking of getting one of the ones with the backpack.

This is the one we got for disney - it has a pocket in the back to put stuff in -

I haven't used it yet - but it is small enough we can put it in the stroller just in case:

External Image

Posted 9/6/08 4:45 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Thanks for posting this! It just reminded me that I should get one for Disney in case we need it!

I think "harness" is a better word than "leash" Especially since my toddler doesn't lift her leg and pee on trees Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/08 4:55 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

Posted by Summerrluvv

I think "harness" is a better word than "leash" Especially since my toddler doesn't lift her leg and pee on trees Chat Icon Chat Icon

That's cuz she's a girlChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/08 4:57 PM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

16106 total posts


Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

I know alot of people feel they arent nice.. but Im considering using.. Im expecting baby #2.. and now that dd has learned to walk .. who knows how hyper she will be and could possible run away as a joke.. hard to catch a toddler with a newborn.

Posted 9/6/08 4:58 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/07

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Re: a poll... do you like those backpack/leashy things?

I think it's a great idea, and at least they make it cute w/ an animal on it so it doesn't look like a leash Chat Icon some kids are runners, so you would need it more than another

Posted 9/6/08 5:50 PM
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