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LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/09 745 total posts
Name: A
age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
at what age would you still be comfortable taking your child out of school for a week to go on a family vacation?
we are in the beginning stages of planning a trip to disney. We dont want to go during one of the school breaks, but concerned about taking DD out of school, so DH and I are in a debate....
ETA: DD is a good solid student; she'll be going into 3rd grade next year....
Message edited 7/17/2017 8:20:46 AM.
Posted 7/17/17 8:19 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 2/17 572 total posts
Name: Stacey
age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
All the way through elementary school for a good solid student. We let the teacher know a few weeks beforehand and request all work the week before so DD doesn't have to do the work during the vacation. By Junior High, it's a no go...too much to miss, even for a great student.
Message edited 7/17/2017 2:33:03 PM.
Posted 7/17/17 10:13 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09 740 total posts
Name: Lisa
age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
I wouldn't worry until middle school as long as my child was doing well in school. My son is going into sixth grade next year and we have vacation plans where he will miss school for a week.
Posted 7/17/17 1:46 PM |
10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06 26792 total posts
Name: Shawn
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Elementary school, I wouldn't hesitate.
Middle School/Jr. High (depending on your district), it really depends on the student, and when during the school year.
In High School, I wouldn't plan on taking them out for a week without a really good reason, and a family fun vacation wouldn't count as a really good reason for me.
Posted 7/17/17 4:20 PM |
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
If they are a good student, I would go whenever. Sorry... work-life balance includes kids in school IMO. If they are a good student and you can get the assignments at home then they are capable of homeschooling themselves for a week of work to enjoy the finer things in life.
Posted 7/17/17 5:23 PM |

Member since 1/14 7997 total posts
age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
never, imo, my parents never pulled us from school and I wouldn't either. Even my family or friends who are teachers dont like it when students of any age are pulled from school, schools offer a lot of time, I am always confused by these posts.
Going to school is a responsibility and pulling out for vacation teaches that its not a priority. This goes for good students too.
Message edited 7/18/2017 11:47:48 AM.
Posted 7/18/17 11:46 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 4580 total posts
Name: L
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
In my opinion, as a teacher, it is totally a parent's decision to pull out of school, but we typically do not give work ahead of time, and very often, not much afterwards either...much of our curriculum is taught through a workshop model with mini-lessons and hands on instruction that you can't do at home...I will send home math, but often, I don't have time in my schedule to reteach multiple lessons that students missed due to absences, so if the parents aren't "teaching" the skills at home, it is usually a gap in their knowledge.
Posted 7/18/17 12:25 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Posted by Lauren82
In my opinion, as a teacher, it is totally a parent's decision to pull out of school, but we typically do not give work ahead of time, and very often, not much afterwards either...much of our curriculum is taught through a workshop model with mini-lessons and hands on instruction that you can't do at home...I will send home math, but often, I don't have time in my schedule to reteach multiple lessons that students missed due to absences, so if the parents aren't "teaching" the skills at home, it is usually a gap in their knowledge.
Yes, our school won't give the work for you to take home for an unexcused absence. It's a personal decision- but personally I am not comfortable with more than a day or 2 even at a young age. Last year i pulled her for a day (they were off Monday for Columbus day and Wed for Yom Kippur) so I only pulled her for that one day in between and I still felt guilty about it. But that's because I am a goody 2 shoes.  And also probably because my parents never pulled me for trips either.
But if I was going to do it at all, it would only be in elementary.
Posted 7/18/17 12:33 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 6/16 989 total posts
age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
For my DS and my family never. DS is on the spectrum and currently attending extended school year. That means that we have about 3 weeks for summer vacation and what is given through the year. Our jobs only allow time off in the summer and the end of Dec. We make all of our travel plans around those schedules. The break in routine would be way too much for our family.
Posted 7/18/17 1:11 PM |

Member since 6/06 5911 total posts
Name: Jannette
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
We take our kids out of school. My husbands schedule doesn't allow him to take off on school breaks and very rarely for a week in the summer.
My kids are elementary age now. Will see as they get older Middle School/High School how they feel about it.
Posted 7/18/17 2:07 PM |

Member since 3/09 1952 total posts
Name: Kristy
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
I am surely in the minority but if my kids were SOLID students, I would have no problem with pulling them out of school throughout high school. My reason being that my husband's business works against a school schedule (he's very busy on the weekends and summer) and that leaves us very little time as a family. Of course, to each their own.
Posted 7/18/17 5:23 PM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
I have no problem taking out of school in elementary school. They will not miss much and most of the learning is circular so it will probably be covered again. I will be taking DD our for 3 weeks this fall to travel to China and that will give her more education that what she would learn at school during that time. They will though give us some math sheets, and such to take with us.
Posted 7/18/17 6:48 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
I have no problem pulling my kids out from school for a few days for trips.
I plan on doing so through elementary school (4th grade) and will re-evaluate afterwards.
We like to travel when school is still in session because it's cheaper and many places are less crowded (especially Disney).
My parents barely pulled me out of school when I was young but, we didn't travel much either.
Posted 7/19/17 8:18 AM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 11/16 496 total posts
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Posted by JandJ1224
We take our kids out of school. My husbands schedule doesn't allow him to take off on school breaks and very rarely for a week in the summer.
My kids are elementary age now. Will see as they get older Middle School/High School how they feel about it.
Same. Our next trip is planned for when my oldest will be in 6th. Probably won't do it after that. Only if rna day or 2. Not a week.
Posted 7/19/17 9:30 PM |
Member since 6/05 9878 total posts
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Posted by hmm
never, imo, my parents never pulled us from school and I wouldn't either. Even my family or friends who are teachers dont like it when students of any age are pulled from school, schools offer a lot of time, I am always confused by these posts.
Going to school is a responsibility and pulling out for vacation teaches that its not a priority. This goes for good students too.
Not being snarky but what is confusing? I just booked a vacation yesterday for a few weeks before winter break and saved $6000. It is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper to go off school breaks so that is why people do it.
I have no problem pulling them out in elementary but my kids are very good students. The memories and time with my family away from all of the stress of our daily lives are invaluable.
Posted 7/20/17 9:37 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/12 742 total posts
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Posted by BaysideForever
If they are a good student, I would go whenever. Sorry... work-life balance includes kids in school IMO. If they are a good student and you can get the assignments at home then they are capable of homeschooling themselves for a week of work to enjoy the finer things in life.
Agree because my work schedule and my husbands work schedule has nothing to do with the school schedule. Gotta love the corporate world. We took the kids out for an overseas trip for 7 school days in the fall, totally fine.
Message edited 7/22/2017 11:19:02 AM.
Posted 7/22/17 11:16 AM |
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Posted by Bebelove
Agree because my work schedule and my husbands work schedule has nothing to do with the school schedule. Gotta love the corporate world. We took the kids out for an overseas trip for 7 school days in the fall, totally fine.
yes and they learn more from overseas trips than staying in class. I'm a teacher and I know firsthand there is a lot of wasted times in schools and I'd rather my daughter be traveling to a new city or country and exploring and learning about new cultures and new things, rather than sitting in school stuffing her face with junk food for every holiday and birthday party. My DD never ate junk like that until school and it was often. What is that teaching them?? everything in moderation so vacation included. So what if you miss a week of school to spend seeing family or doing something else? Spending time with grandparents too is precious important and a learning experience. Its all in the eye of the beholder I guess.
Posted 7/22/17 2:55 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 6/17 450 total posts
Name: Lara&aidansmommy
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Life is short. Enjoy family time. Thats what I say
Posted 7/22/17 3:57 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Posted by Laraaidan
Life is short. Enjoy family time. Thats what I say
Yup, this exactly!
They go to school for a LONG time in their lives. Pulling them out for vacation isn't going to break them. I don't pull for more than a couple of days usually, but that's because my son was in high school, has special needs, and missing days was just confusion for him at that point. He graduated this year and missed like 7 days of school total in 4 years of high school. I'm so happy he's done so we can travel during "off peak" times now!
Posted 7/22/17 4:30 PM |

Member since 1/14 7997 total posts
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Posted by Salason
Posted by hmm
never, imo, my parents never pulled us from school and I wouldn't either. Even my family or friends who are teachers dont like it when students of any age are pulled from school, schools offer a lot of time, I am always confused by these posts.
Going to school is a responsibility and pulling out for vacation teaches that its not a priority. This goes for good students too.
Not being snarky but what is confusing? I just booked a vacation yesterday for a few weeks before winter break and saved $6000. It is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper to go off school breaks so that is why people do it.
I have no problem pulling them out in elementary but my kids are very good students. The memories and time with my family away from all of the stress of our daily lives are invaluable.
because to me its crazy, schools dont like when parents pull kids and neither do most teachers. I understand you save money. School is a responsibility, to me parents teach that responsibility, and they teach kids commitment. Its doesn't matter if a child is a good, great or so so student. Schools offer plenty of time off, weekends, every holiday, summers etc for family vacations there is no need to take more time off. This is MO
Posted 7/23/17 4:27 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15660 total posts
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Posted by hmm
Posted by Salason
Posted by hmm
never, imo, my parents never pulled us from school and I wouldn't either. Even my family or friends who are teachers dont like it when students of any age are pulled from school, schools offer a lot of time, I am always confused by these posts.
Going to school is a responsibility and pulling out for vacation teaches that its not a priority. This goes for good students too.
Not being snarky but what is confusing? I just booked a vacation yesterday for a few weeks before winter break and saved $6000. It is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper to go off school breaks so that is why people do it.
I have no problem pulling them out in elementary but my kids are very good students. The memories and time with my family away from all of the stress of our daily lives are invaluable.
because to me its crazy, schools dont like when parents pull kids and neither do most teachers. I understand you save money. School is a responsibility, to me parents teach that responsibility, and they teach kids commitment. Its doesn't matter if a child is a good, great or so so student. Schools offer plenty of time off, weekends, every holiday, summers etc for family vacations there is no need to take more time off. This is MO
With all due respect, you don't have kids do you? Your tune might change when you have them
Our district actually encourages family time, and they have zero issue with taking vacations. Our superintendent is SUPER family friendly though. We are fortunate
Posted 7/23/17 5:11 PM |
Love my babies!

Member since 8/11 4096 total posts
age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
I would definitely do it while they're in elementary. And plan to. But in middle school and high school I feel its very easy to fall behind if days are missed. I used to teach and the district I worked for frowned on kids missing school for vacations. So there was a policy that teachers weren't allowed to send missed work home for those students. Only for students who were legally absent for things like illnesses, death in the family, Dr. Appts, etc. If the teacher knew it was due to a vacation the student was supposed to be responsible for getting missed work from a friend.
Posted 7/23/17 6:29 PM |
2 Boys

Member since 7/06 17795 total posts
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Posted by BargainMama
Posted by hmm
Posted by Salason
Posted by hmm
never, imo, my parents never pulled us from school and I wouldn't either. Even my family or friends who are teachers dont like it when students of any age are pulled from school, schools offer a lot of time, I am always confused by these posts.
Going to school is a responsibility and pulling out for vacation teaches that its not a priority. This goes for good students too.
Not being snarky but what is confusing? I just booked a vacation yesterday for a few weeks before winter break and saved $6000. It is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper to go off school breaks so that is why people do it.
I have no problem pulling them out in elementary but my kids are very good students. The memories and time with my family away from all of the stress of our daily lives are invaluable.
because to me its crazy, schools dont like when parents pull kids and neither do most teachers. I understand you save money. School is a responsibility, to me parents teach that responsibility, and they teach kids commitment. Its doesn't matter if a child is a good, great or so so student. Schools offer plenty of time off, weekends, every holiday, summers etc for family vacations there is no need to take more time off. This is MO
With all due respect, you don't have kids do you? Your tune might change when you have them
Our district actually encourages family time, and they have zero issue with taking vacations. Our superintendent is SUPER family friendly though. We are fortunate
Our district doesn't have an issue with it too. Our son's kindergarten teacher actually pulled her kids out of school to go on vacation during her spring break. His first grade teacher told me go for it - there would be no problem catching him up.
Posted 7/24/17 9:07 AM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 2/17 572 total posts
Name: Stacey
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Posted by hmm
Posted by Salason
Posted by hmm
never, imo, my parents never pulled us from school and I wouldn't either. Even my family or friends who are teachers dont like it when students of any age are pulled from school, schools offer a lot of time, I am always confused by these posts.
Going to school is a responsibility and pulling out for vacation teaches that its not a priority. This goes for good students too.
Not being snarky but what is confusing? I just booked a vacation yesterday for a few weeks before winter break and saved $6000. It is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper to go off school breaks so that is why people do it.
I have no problem pulling them out in elementary but my kids are very good students. The memories and time with my family away from all of the stress of our daily lives are invaluable.
because to me its crazy, schools dont like when parents pull kids and neither do most teachers. I understand you save money. School is a responsibility, to me parents teach that responsibility, and they teach kids commitment. Its doesn't matter if a child is a good, great or so so student. Schools offer plenty of time off, weekends, every holiday, summers etc for family vacations there is no need to take more time off. This is MO
You only live once. If that's what you can afford or your work schedule allows and no harm done to anyone involved, do it. You don't get a second chance to make family memories before your kids grow up.
Posted 7/24/17 10:21 AM |
Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation
Are my kids going to get more out of that week of whatever grade, or out of the memories they will make with their family?
In our house, Family is our number one priority. Not school, not work, not things - people & relationships come first.
Life is too damn short, and maybe I've had circumstances in my life that make me see things differently, but we make the most of everyday we have with each other.
We all call in sick and take personal days at work, right?
Maybe at high school age I'd be a bit more hesitant.
Posted 7/24/17 11:38 AM |
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