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age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

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Member since 6/05

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Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

Posted by hmm

Posted by Salason

Posted by hmm

never, imo, my parents never pulled us from school and I wouldn't either. Even my family or friends who are teachers dont like it when students of any age are pulled from school, schools offer a lot of time, I am always confused by these posts.

Going to school is a responsibility and pulling out for vacation teaches that its not a priority. This goes for good students too.

Not being snarky but what is confusing? I just booked a vacation yesterday for a few weeks before winter break and saved $6000. It is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper to go off school breaks so that is why people do it.

I have no problem pulling them out in elementary but my kids are very good students. The memories and time with my family away from all of the stress of our daily lives are invaluable.

because to me its crazy, schools dont like when parents pull kids and neither do most teachers. I understand you save money. School is a responsibility, to me parents teach that responsibility, and they teach kids commitment. Its doesn't matter if a child is a good, great or so so student. Schools offer plenty of time off, weekends, every holiday, summers etc for family vacations there is no need to take more time off. This is MO

No, I totally respect that that is your opinion. Many share your view. Maybe it's just semantics but I think it was your use of the word "confused" that threw me. I don't think it's confusing at all that people do it to save money. If I had unlimited funds, I would choose to take the vacation on school breaks every single time. In my case, I saved the cost of a whole other vacation in which I can make memories with my kids and show them a new part of the world. To me, that is worth it but I understand and respect that you have different priorities for your family.

Posted 7/25/17 2:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

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Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

Posted by LiveForMoments

Are my kids going to get more out of that week of whatever grade, or out of the memories they will make with their family?

In our house, Family is our number one priority. Not school, not work, not things - people & relationships come first.

Life is too damn short, and maybe I've had circumstances in my life that make me see things differently, but we make the most of everyday we have with each other.

We all call in sick and take personal days at work, right?

Maybe at high school age I'd be a bit more hesitant.

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Posted 7/25/17 4:05 PM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

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Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

For me, taking a kid out of school for a few days at any age is not a problem as long as they are not already falling behind and as long as they are not the type of child that would themselves freak out about it. If you get the flu, boom, you are out a week anyway. You make up the work. Family time is very important, especially in this day and age when in many cases both parents work and kids are loaded up on activities most of the time.

If my kid were failing every class and I knew that they could never make up the work, or if my kid himself/herself was adamantly opposed to missing school (as I was when I was in school), then I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do it during finals. I mean really just use common sense.

However, I don't care at all whether the teacher or administrator "likes" it. I don't like a lot of things they do either. Life goes on. My sister is a teacher and refuses to give the work in advance for kids that go away. In my opinion that is spiteful and only makes more work for her after the fact but to each his own.

Posted 7/25/17 6:00 PM

L'amore vince sempre

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Mrs. B

age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

Life is too short and no one is ever guaranteed tomorrow. I would take them out whenever. Everyone needs breaks here and there and spending family time together is just as important as school IMO.

They will be in school for so many years of their lives, you will NEVER be able to press the rewind button once they get older.

Posted 7/28/17 9:35 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

My parents pulled me out in high school so...........................

Look, if a student isn't struggling I feel that any age is fine for missing a little school. A few days here and there, regardless of grade level, won't make or break any kid's education. Family time matters too AND the reality is, many families simply can't pay 3X more to take a vacation on school breaks.

Case in point, my cousin wanted to fly to FL during one of the school breaks. For a family of 4 it would've been over $3K. I pulled my DD and took my family of 4 to FL and it cost only $1K. That's a HUGE difference. Money matters and pulling kids from school allows a family to take a vacation they might otherwise not be able to.

Message edited 8/23/2017 1:27:55 PM.

Posted 8/23/17 1:24 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

Posted by hmm

Posted by Salason

Posted by hmm

never, imo, my parents never pulled us from school and I wouldn't either. Even my family or friends who are teachers dont like it when students of any age are pulled from school, schools offer a lot of time, I am always confused by these posts.

Going to school is a responsibility and pulling out for vacation teaches that its not a priority. This goes for good students too.

Not being snarky but what is confusing? I just booked a vacation yesterday for a few weeks before winter break and saved $6000. It is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper to go off school breaks so that is why people do it.

I have no problem pulling them out in elementary but my kids are very good students. The memories and time with my family away from all of the stress of our daily lives are invaluable.

because to me its crazy, schools dont like when parents pull kids and neither do most teachers. I understand you save money. School is a responsibility, to me parents teach that responsibility, and they teach kids commitment. Its doesn't matter if a child is a good, great or so so student. Schools offer plenty of time off, weekends, every holiday, summers etc for family vacations there is no need to take more time off. This is MO

Price out the same EXACT vacation during a school break and during a non school break and then get back to me. A few days of missed school is worth saving literally THOUSANDS of dollars.

Also, as others have mentioned, many teachers and districts actually don't mind. My school is one of them, we've pulled my DD twice for Disney vacations and her teachers didn't bat an eye. Despite missing school, my DD actually does understand the value of school and education.............spending time with her family didn't negate that. Just sayin.

Message edited 8/23/2017 1:32:07 PM.

Posted 8/23/17 1:31 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

Posted by hmm

Posted by Salason

Posted by hmm

never, imo, my parents never pulled us from school and I wouldn't either. Even my family or friends who are teachers dont like it when students of any age are pulled from school, schools offer a lot of time, I am always confused by these posts.

Going to school is a responsibility and pulling out for vacation teaches that its not a priority. This goes for good students too.

Not being snarky but what is confusing? I just booked a vacation yesterday for a few weeks before winter break and saved $6000. It is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper to go off school breaks so that is why people do it.

I have no problem pulling them out in elementary but my kids are very good students. The memories and time with my family away from all of the stress of our daily lives are invaluable.

because to me its crazy, schools dont like when parents pull kids and neither do most teachers. I understand you save money. School is a responsibility, to me parents teach that responsibility, and they teach kids commitment. Its doesn't matter if a child is a good, great or so so student. Schools offer plenty of time off, weekends, every holiday, summers etc for family vacations there is no need to take more time off. This is MO

Lots of professions don't offer the luxury of taking vacation that aligns with school breaks...nurses, EMTs, PO, FF, USPS, UPS, any union, LIRR get to pick vacation bases on seniority. There are many professions where employees can't take vacation during the school breaks because they are already taken.

Posted 8/23/17 1:54 PM

Miracles Do Come True

Member since 8/10

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age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

Im thinking of taking my son out of school the first week in May for a Disney vacation. He will be starting Kindergarten and I also have two other kids in preschool. I feel bad but honestly that is when we can go and it is much cheaper and less crowded then. I do feel guilty however when Im on the plane and in Disney and watching his face light up as he sees the toy story characters the guilt will be forgotten.

Posted 8/23/17 2:45 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/15

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Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

I am a teacher. I am also a mom of 3. I would not take my children out of school for a vacation. I have seen "good students" fall VERY behind. One week of elementary S chool equals an entire chapter of math, an entire unit for reading/ELA... and each chapter/unit builds on the last.

There's plenty of time during the summer and on weekends and breaks. I understand the money aspect of it, but it's not worth it in my opinion to have a child struggle for WEEKS afterwards to catch up. I am not permitted to send work home with a student who is going away, and it's then up to the parents to teach the work that was missed as the rest of the class has moved on. There are 25 other students and I can't go backwards in curriculum to accommodate a family vacation... we are (unfortunately) bound by time frames, schedules, administration, and NYS.

Don't shoot the messenger... but school is SO different now than it was when we were kids Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/17 4:56 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

Posted by itsagoodlife

I am a teacher. I am also a mom of 3. I would not take my children out of school for a vacation. I have seen "good students" fall VERY behind. One week of elementary S chool equals an entire chapter of math, an entire unit for reading/ELA... and each chapter/unit builds on the last.

There's plenty of time during the summer and on weekends and breaks. I understand the money aspect of it, but it's not worth it in my opinion to have a child struggle for WEEKS afterwards to catch up. I am not permitted to send work home with a student who is going away, and it's then up to the parents to teach the work that was missed as the rest of the class has moved on. There are 25 other students and I can't go backwards in curriculum to accommodate a family vacation... we are (unfortunately) bound by time frames, schedules, administration, and NYS.

Don't shoot the messenger... but school is SO different now than it was when we were kids Chat Icon

The first time my DD teacher gave her the work after our trip, she's a good student and was caught up within the first 2-3 days. The second time, her teacher actually caught her up.

I'm going to be honest, you couldn't pay me to take an actual vacation on a school break. The crowds, the money. Just no way. Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/17 7:31 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/12

742 total posts


Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by itsagoodlife

I am a teacher. I am also a mom of 3. I would not take my children out of school for a vacation. I have seen "good students" fall VERY behind. One week of elementary S chool equals an entire chapter of math, an entire unit for reading/ELA... and each chapter/unit builds on the last.

There's plenty of time during the summer and on weekends and breaks. I understand the money aspect of it, but it's not worth it in my opinion to have a child struggle for WEEKS afterwards to catch up. I am not permitted to send work home with a student who is going away, and it's then up to the parents to teach the work that was missed as the rest of the class has moved on. There are 25 other students and I can't go backwards in curriculum to accommodate a family vacation... we are (unfortunately) bound by time frames, schedules, administration, and NYS.

Don't shoot the messenger... but school is SO different now than it was when we were kids Chat Icon

The first time my DD teacher gave her the work after our trip, she's a good student and was caught up within the first 2-3 days. The second time, her teacher actually caught her up.

I'm going to be honest, you couldn't pay me to take an actual vacation on a school break. The crowds, the money. Just no way. Chat Icon

Same, the teachers gave the kids journals to write about their trip. Many students are taken out of school for vacation, the school is lenient in that sense. I was looking up trips for feb break. The same vacation in January or March is half the price! Price gouging, not to mention the crowds. I feel bad for the teachers who have to pay these overly inflated prices for s family vacay.

Posted 8/25/17 8:30 PM


Member since 3/09

7721 total posts


Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

We do it once a year (for a week we know that will be "short"). Interesting that this costs much, much more... but we feel more justified.

Have always been upfront with the teacher (we don't get just any vacation day we want)... we fight over these half weeks. They have always encouraged us (but our kids are above grade level).

Yes, the pricing difference is insane...

And as a teacher's daughter, we had more weeks off (all the summer). There is no comparison. We could go on a 3 week driving vacation.

Posted 8/28/17 8:37 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by itsagoodlife

I am a teacher. I am also a mom of 3. I would not take my children out of school for a vacation. I have seen "good students" fall VERY behind. One week of elementary S chool equals an entire chapter of math, an entire unit for reading/ELA... and each chapter/unit builds on the last.

There's plenty of time during the summer and on weekends and breaks. I understand the money aspect of it, but it's not worth it in my opinion to have a child struggle for WEEKS afterwards to catch up. I am not permitted to send work home with a student who is going away, and it's then up to the parents to teach the work that was missed as the rest of the class has moved on. There are 25 other students and I can't go backwards in curriculum to accommodate a family vacation... we are (unfortunately) bound by time frames, schedules, administration, and NYS.

Don't shoot the messenger... but school is SO different now than it was when we were kids Chat Icon

The first time my DD teacher gave her the work after our trip, she's a good student and was caught up within the first 2-3 days. The second time, her teacher actually caught her up.

I'm going to be honest, you couldn't pay me to take an actual vacation on a school break. The crowds, the money. Just no way. Chat Icon

One of my children is starting 6th grade and has missed the week right before Memorial Day every year for a family commitment. She has never had a problem catching up...her 5th grade teacher even complimented her on how quickly she fell back in to the swing of the classroom.

Posted 8/30/17 9:40 AM

Mommy of two!

Member since 5/10

2202 total posts


Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

Posted by hmm

never, imo, my parents never pulled us from school and I wouldn't either. Even my family or friends who are teachers dont like it when students of any age are pulled from school, schools offer a lot of time, I am always confused by these posts.

Going to school is a responsibility and pulling out for vacation teaches that its not a priority. This goes for good students too.

not sure why it confuses you, pretty simple concept, some people can't afford to go away at the most expensive times, but kids should get breaks too, family vacations build family connection and are important for all kids. Something to work hard for, if the only option is to go at non peak time and your kids can handle it do it. I do and will continue to as long as my kids can handle the work when they get back. I work hard and want to give to my kids the opportunity to travel ,but can more easily afford comfortably a week during the school year so that is what we do. my teacher friends and family are fine with it.

Posted 8/30/17 4:59 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

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Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

Why this is always is a debate is beyond me. Do what works for your family, and others will do what works for them. Easy peasy!

Posted 8/30/17 5:27 PM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

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..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

Posted by BargainMama

Why this is always is a debate is beyond me. Do what works for your family, and others will do what works for them. Easy peasy!

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No need to defend your choices.
If it works for you- go for it.
If you are not comfortable with it- don't.
Much like any parenting decision from breastfeeding on down....
Just do what works for you and own it.

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Posted 8/30/17 5:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

918 total posts


Re: age for pulling kids out of school for vacation

on back to school night, my son's teacher said she knows people pull their kids out to go on vacation and she would do the same if she could. Last year my kids were absent 5 days the entire year and 2 were vacation, I don't regret my decision at all.

Posted 9/3/17 3:56 PM
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