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So in love with this kid!

Member since 5/06 11197 total posts
Name: Michele
Im home sick AGAIN and i was out 5 days in Dec. I keep getting these ear and throat pains and sinus pressure. Dr said in dec that i didnt have sinus infection and today i went to ENT and he didnt see anything either, yet, my ears are feeling cloggy and my head is too. He thinks it might be allergies.
DOes anyone else have allergies and suffer this way? If so, what do you d about it? WOuld you rec your allergy dr?
Posted 1/21/08 5:16 PM |
Life is Good :)
Member since 11/07 6605 total posts
Re: Allergies
i had a lot of the same issues, and some days i could swear i had a sinus infection but it was just allergies. I take allergra D and singular, and for me that works. It took a lot of trial and error and waiting ned meds out to see results, but finally this worked. my allergery dr. retiered, so my reg. dr. just writes me the perscriptions and untill my allergies change I'm not really looking for a new dr.
I had considered getting shots, but its time consuming. Its weekly at first then every other week, then monthly, and don't forget you have to pay a co-pay everytime, so its expensive too.
I'm so scared to see whats going to hapend when we start TTC, cause I'll have to stop taking everything.
I have a friend who has worse allergies then me, and she did accpuntcture, and it worked, she goes back every once in awhile, but she saw results right away, and its something i will consider when TTC
Posted 1/21/08 5:51 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 7/06 638 total posts
Name: christi
Re: Allergies
i have chronic sinusitis and some allergies... i used to have lots of "flare ups" when we rented our old apt. (due to the mold drama in the bathroom )... my ENT would give me meds when it got really bad just in case (but not too often b/c then you'll build up a tolerance).. and put me on a nose spray.. that nose spray (flomax, nasonex etc) saved my allergy/sinus life... didnt make totally disappear but my flare ups were 10 times less ask for those nose spray things (and i got allergy tested so both doctors kept in touch to figure out a good plan) i had a great ent and allergy doc but they are in north jersey
Posted 1/21/08 6:03 PM |
Happy Mommy
Member since 9/06 4074 total posts
Re: Allergies
I too suffer w/ this. Although, my doctors at the time kept putting me on Zithromax just based on sinus pain and congestion. They actually had me on that 6 times in one year alone! Finally I actually found a doctor while I was in NC that actually looked at me and told me it was just bad allergies.
I take a perscription decongestant when it gets really bad. Otherwise Flonase helps. I also use a humidifer and that helps a lot too.
I am also looking for a good allergist in NY, so I, unfortunately, have no recommendations.
Feel better
Posted 1/21/08 6:29 PM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Allergies
I have a WONDERFUL allergist in Wantagh if anyone is interested. I have suffered from allergies literally since birth and ahve been to many docs. My doc is by far the best.
Posted 1/21/08 11:17 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Allergies
Have you tried acupuncture?
Posted 1/21/08 11:32 PM |
Wishing & Hoping

Member since 1/08 1227 total posts
Name: Here's Hoping
Re: Allergies
I feel like that too, but add is wheezing and asthma attacks. It took a long time, but so far Singulair and Zyrtec are working for me. I also discovered that even though my two cats are the same breed, I'm allergic to one and not the other. Banning them from the bedroom (my attacks always were worse overnight) and keeping the house super clean helped a bit, but ultimately it was the medication that made me feel 98%. I still have some issues.
I used Dr. Rachel Bautista in Smithtown, she's so sweet and calm. And will listen to what you have to say.
Posted 1/22/08 12:52 PM |