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Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
OK maybe I am being a brat, if so tell me.
I love to read - I love books and I want to instill that in my child. I told my sister about my friend's shower, where on the invites people were requested to bring a book for baby's library - new, used, old, whatever. Everyone wrote something in the book they brought -- there was no wishing well or clothes line. My friend says this was so great, she loves reading to her baby and reading the dedications in the front of the books.
So....I told my sister about this and we both thought it was a great idea. Well, apparently she decided against is as she didn't say anything in the invites.
I am disappointed...I thought it would be so I a brat??
Posted 3/15/07 10:07 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
no you are not a brat at all. Do you know why she didn't put it in the invites? Fireislandlove had that at her shower and I thought it was so cute. I mentioned to my mom that I wanted it - and she said that she already bought us a ton of books so that's why she wasn't going to do it.
Maybe your sister is planning on making you a book basket or something?
Posted 3/15/07 10:09 AM |
party of five

Member since 9/06 11343 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
First, of all-you are not a brat! I am so jealous that I didnt think of this idea--I am so into books and it would have been a great way to start the baby library
They should have listened to your wishes
Posted 3/15/07 10:10 AM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
I wouldn't say you are being a brat. You have a right to be a little disappointed since it's something you both agree would be nice. Maybe she wasn't sure how to word it or forgot. I doubt it was something intentional. Your shower will be great no matter what.
Posted 3/15/07 10:10 AM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
Nah I doubt it --she doesn't have much $$ and the shower alone is a lot for her to spend.
I really wanted the "personal"ness I guess, KWIM?
I know I can get a ton of books at Once Upon a Child, lol, for a great price!!
Message edited 3/15/2007 10:12:19 AM.
Posted 3/15/07 10:11 AM |
I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05 8356 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
My friend had the same thing with the books- and it was really nice. I totally understand- and no, you're not being a brat.
Posted 3/15/07 10:11 AM |
Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05 3932 total posts
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
I don't think you are a brat. You can feel disappointed (the same thing happened to me).
Posted 3/15/07 10:12 AM |
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
No - you arent a brat - I would be disappointed too...
I told my friend who was a bridesmaid for my bridal shower (I knew it was a surprise) - I wanted a lingerie party, and the rest of the bridal party wouldnt put that in the invites - I was disappointed too, so I totally understand!
Posted 3/15/07 10:14 AM |
Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
Posted by karacg
OK maybe I am being a brat, if so tell me.
I love to read - I love books and I want to instill that in my child. I told my sister about my friend's shower, where on the invites people were requested to bring a book for baby's library - new, used, old, whatever. Everyone wrote something in the book they brought -- there was no wishing well or clothes line. My friend says this was so great, she loves reading to her baby and reading the dedications in the front of the books.
So....I told my sister about this and we both thought it was a great idea. Well, apparently she decided against is as she didn't say anything in the invites.
I am disappointed...I thought it would be so I a brat??
Not a brat at all.
I am having the same issue. I really really wanted to do that too and made my wishes clear, but it seems that for my mom's shower my sister "forgot"
And my MIL...she hasn't sent out the invites yet, even though she's had the list since January 28th.
Posted 3/15/07 10:14 AM |

Member since 7/06 2168 total posts
Name: lisa
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
you are not a brat, kara! sorry you were let down. you'll still have a great shower, i'm sure of it!!
Posted 3/15/07 10:18 AM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
Thanks -- OK so it is ok if I am disappointed. I'll get over it...I appreciate the validation!!
Posted 3/15/07 10:52 AM |

Member since 5/05 28602 total posts
Name: Me
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
I don't think you are a brat at all. You wanted your shower guests to take part in a special tradition & your sister did not honor that. I'd be a little disappointed too
Posted 3/15/07 11:01 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
Not a brat at all.
I wanted to do the same at my shower, they forgot and the invites were already sealed.
My best friend who i work with knew i was disappointed and for my work shower, she included that in the invites.
I got tons of books!
Posted 3/15/07 11:57 AM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
I just spoke with my sister, asked her if I need to get a bookcase for the shower. She said "No, you told me you weren't getitng one." I said "I told you I wasn't getting the one from Fortunoff, but we are still getting a bookcase" "Well I didn't put anything on the invites, thought you decided not to do it."
So that's that...
Message edited 3/15/2007 12:05:42 PM.
Posted 3/15/07 12:05 PM |
My Love!

Member since 5/05 2375 total posts
Name: Shandra
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
Not a brat at all, that is a GREAT idea, I too am upset I didn't think to tell my mom that and I don't know if my invites are out yet
Posted 3/15/07 12:18 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
OH course your not a brat.
I wanted this too, and I had to remind them honestly like 25 times to do it. Along with other things....
YOu want what you would have been nice.
BUT , you cant change it this just means you get to go crazy buying books.
ORRR...Do like I did for my SIL..get your SIL to hint to familt.friends you want a book basket. I made her a basket of books. If I hadn;t purchased your gift yet I would have done this for you
Posted 3/15/07 12:21 PM |
Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06 8069 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
You're not a brat at all. I wanted the book thing too (I'm a librarian so it would have been perfect) but we were flying to NY for my shower and didn't want to have to ship all of the books home so we didn't do it. It sounds like you sister just doesn't pay attention. I like the idea of the book basket (I think Donna mentioned it.) Start dropping hints (or tell some of your friends/relatives directly that you want one.) Did you put books on your registry? I did and got a few, so that was nice. I hope you get some books you like!
Posted 3/15/07 12:38 PM |
Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05 13341 total posts
Name: J
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
Maybe it's not too late. If your sister got the impression you're disappointed that she left it off the invite, maybe it'll click and she'll call around, or let people know as they respond.
Posted 3/15/07 12:41 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 1/07 197 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
No-- I would be disappointed as well....
Posted 3/15/07 1:04 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
Posted by SweetCaroline
Maybe it's not too late. If your sister got the impression you're disappointed that she left it off the invite, maybe it'll click and she'll call around, or let people know as they respond.
I was just going to say the same. Let her know you really want to do it. Maybe she can do as the ap stated or send out something else.
Posted 3/15/07 1:14 PM |
LIF Toddler
Member since 12/06 411 total posts
Name: In due time. No pun intended.
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
If you wanted it, it would have been easy to accommodate you, so they should have done it.
However, I have been showers where this was done. I thought it was rude to be told what to bring for the wishing well. I also think that because I do like to read, I will be more interested in picking my own books for baby. I'd rather be left to my own devices to get books.
For one of the showers, the girl didn't know and she registered for a bunch of traditional wishing well type stuff and didn't get any of that.
Sorry if my opinion offends. Like I said, would have been easy for them to add this info to your invite and it would have pleased you, and that is the bottom line.
Posted 3/15/07 1:16 PM |
Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
Hmmm I would have liked if she just informed that we would have a bookcase, not that people were OBLIGATED to bring books, KWIM?
I might have DH pick up some books at the store around the corner and put them on the tables at the shower for people to dedicate IF they want to....Maybe have a book as the centerpiece at each table and ask the guests to sign? I don't know...
Posted 3/15/07 4:48 PM |
spring is in the air

Member since 11/05 2688 total posts
Name: helen
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
IMO - its your shower - you get to have whats important to you
Posted 3/15/07 4:50 PM |
Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05 8135 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed... are not being a brat.
My sister did this for my shower...people were supposed to sign a book to the baby instead of a card. Some people brought a book and a card...some did not.
Grandma loves to buy new books, so I'm sure after baby is born, you'll have fun at the bookstore!
Posted 3/15/07 4:55 PM |
"My 3 Sons!"

Member since 3/06 3515 total posts
Name: KT
Re: Am I a brat? Shower related, disappointed...
i would definitely be upset as well. I already told my sister I wanted her to write that on my invitations and she said she will definitely do it. If she doesnt put it on the invites, i will be just as disappointed!!! Without being too confrontational...Did you ask her why she didnt do it?
Posted 3/18/07 10:45 PM |
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