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Am I overly sensative?

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LIF Infant

Member since 2/11

355 total posts


Am I overly sensative?

I am 38.5 weeks pregnant with my second and I am well aware that I am huge and put on a lot of weight.

My MIL made a comment- "You really got big this time. That is going to be a huge baby." I know she is not saying it from a mean place but it still hurt my feelings.

Then my brother in law said to me on a separate day "are you sure you are not carrying twins?" I have a good relationship with him and told him that the only thing acceptable to say to me is "you look nice"

There are others but these two stick out in my mind because they are in laws.

My husband and other brother in law are telling me to take these comments as complements because I am supposed to get big.

Am I too sensitive?

Posted 8/5/14 5:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: Am I overly sensative?

I don't think you're being overly sensitive. People should not be telling a pregnant woman that she is big. No matter what size you or anyone else might be, pregnancy is a beautiful thing and people need to remember this.

I know sometimes people aren't saying it from a malicious place, but it's still things none of us want to hear.

I had someone a week ago tell me "Omg, you are so Huge" - I just smiled and walked away. This was at 38 weeks also. Later on, they told me how they were double my size when they were pregnant. I think people just don't have a filter. It's super annoying.

Hang in there - you're almost done Chat Icon

Message edited 8/5/2014 5:16:54 PM.

Posted 8/5/14 5:15 PM

california dreamin'

Member since 2/13

1443 total posts

love my family!

Am I overly sensative?

today alone i had someone at work say, hey chubby! i said, i hope you aren't referring to me because i'm PREGNANT!!
then i had another person say- are you sure there aren't 2 in there?
and another say- oh you are only 30 weeks? wow.
i want to punch them all in the &*%($ face!!!!!!

Posted 8/5/14 7:19 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/10

751 total posts


Re: Am I overly sensative?

No, those comments were not called for. I cannot stand when people feel the need to comment on the weight gain or make a big deal about the way someone carries. This is my 3rd dc and I have carried differently with each one and gained just about the same amount of weight. People have told me how much better I looked with the last one and how awful I looked with my 1st. Just totally unnecessary.

Posted 8/5/14 9:42 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

Am I overly sensative?

You are not being overly sensitive. Your family members are being inconsiderate. I will never understand why people comment on a pregnant woman's appearance - especially if they have nothing nice to say.

Posted 8/6/14 1:24 AM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

18802 total posts


Re: Am I overly sensative?

I am 34w pregnant and pretty large myself Chat Icon I don't think people mean to be malicious but of course comments like that are totally unnecessary Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/14 7:08 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/10

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las1 from LIW

Am I overly sensative?

No there is no need for the comments. Some people are just rude or have no filter.

Posted 8/6/14 12:11 PM


Member since 11/13

2868 total posts


Am I overly sensative?

I don't think you're being overly sensitive. People need to learn that these comments are not funny, they are rude. You are right the only thing they should say is that you look great.

My mother in law said to me when my son was born (as I was in horrible pain from a surprise c-section) "I can't believe something so small came out of YOU". I wanted to punch her in the mouth and she's 77 years old!!

Posted 8/6/14 3:10 PM

Love being a Mom

Member since 6/08

4030 total posts


Re: Am I overly sensative?

I don't think you're being sensitive! I don't think anyone should comment on a pregnant persons weight. That's just rude and insensitive of THEM.

Posted 8/6/14 4:03 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

4571 total posts


Re: Am I overly sensative?

My coworker just offered to drop me off at starbucks bc my husband is late to pick me up. My assistant just chimed in..."yea, just pull up to the front and roll her out!"
Hardy har har and I don't even have a real bump yet. People just feel they can say anything to a prego :/

Message edited 8/6/2014 10:17:06 PM.

Posted 8/6/14 6:37 PM

california dreamin'

Member since 2/13

1443 total posts

love my family!

Am I overly sensative?

yet again today another coworker who has never said two words to me looked at my belly and said, twins? i gave her a dirty look and said no. i can't!!

Posted 8/6/14 8:02 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/11

355 total posts


Re: Am I overly sensative?

I am glad I am not being overly sensitive. I know its not coming from a mean place, but I still think people shouldn't comment on my weight gain.

Posted 8/6/14 10:14 PM

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