Re: Another Firestorm watch!It's black out!I'm trying to remain calm!
Posted by lastchance1222
I am sooooooooooo sorry! praying you remain safe and prayers for all around you!
I'm really ticked right now. I just heard that my mom's gentleman friend was evacuated again at midnight last night!
He lives in a nice senior community and had evacuated earlier in the day as a precaution. They were ok'ed to come back and due to the lack and screwed up OC fire authority and city government they really didn't have a secure containment of his area.
These poor people are elderly and my mom's friend and his neighbors aren't mobile to get out on their own. His daughter should have let her dad stay the night instead of making him return home She's a whole other issue
Re: Another Firestorm watch!It's black out!I'm trying to remain calm!
Posted by MrsERod
Corruption and greed isn't just reaserved for the well publisized institutions.
The infrastructure that was suppose to be in place for these communities were short changed. They lacked working water pumps. water pressure etc. It makes me so angry.
There was a town hall meeting tonight and I hope those that this happened to and lost everything due to greed opened a can of whoop azz on those officials. I would have gone but technically that wasn't my city.
My mom told me tonight there needs to be more people like me to get the communities riled up and fighting back. I'm totally wiped out
One last thought. It really does make a difference for citizens to VOTE in your local elections! People need to educate themselves about who the local politicians are and what they are about! Oh and don't forget about your elected officials like Sherrif etc. ha ha Ours is on trial for all kinds of crap and was part of the problem with where our $$$ to hire public protection DIDN'T go. He was too busy spreading the $$ amongst his cronies. OK I'm done and feel better(sort of)