Re: Another Firestorm watch!It's black out!I'm trying to remain calm!
OMG, Phyl I'm so sorry you have to go through this again, I thought the fires weren't close to you, I was just saying to my mom that i have a friend in cali and the fires weren't near you, I guess i was wrong, PLEASE stay safe and i wish i lived closer to you so i can tell you come over here by dh and I so YOU can be safe. I know you would need a plane to come here but hey that is why i said i wish I lived closer
Re: Another Firestorm watch!It's black out!I'm trying to remain calm!
Thanks everyone
I only slept a couple hours so I'm going back to sleep. The winds had died down overnight but have picked back up again.
The fire has traveled to the NW of me and 2 fires have merged into one.
My mom's bf lives in the area the fire is headed.
I am just praying for those that have already lost their homes and those still in the fire's path.
Our Governator took a public spanking from us OC people yesterday. He had most of our resources fighting the Monticeto ,Sylmar fires and we were left with only 200 firefighters the whole time !!!! I guess he valued his rich celebrities more than us. He did finally declare a state of emergency last night for OC.
Also we had crappy news coverage and alot of people relied on the citizens of the area for their info.via a fire watch website. It was hard to really be sure when to evacuate or if we were still in danger.
I found out the fire around midnight was becomming a real threat to my area by friends that were getting reports from others. It was 3am before we knew we were going to be ok.
Re: Another Firestorm watch!It's black out!I'm trying to remain calm!
Hope you are doing ok Phyl- I thought about you all last night and hoped you knew to call me if you needed a place to stay
I hope today is better for your area. We had a few fires a mile away last night so its pretty gruesome here today too. We are stuck inside on this beautiful day since there are still ashes falling and its too smoky to breathe.
Re: Another Firestorm watch!It's black out!I'm trying to remain calm!
Posted by CkGm
Hope you are doing ok Phyl- I thought about you all last night and hoped you knew to call me if you needed a place to stay
I hope today is better for your area. We had a few fires a mile away last night so its pretty gruesome here today too. We are stuck inside on this beautiful day since there are still ashes falling and its too smoky to breathe.
Hang in there my fellow Cali!
I know you are only a call away
You guys hang in there too. My eyes are still burning and I'm having some asthma related issues due to all the smoke etc from yesterday and last night. It's pretty clear here right now.